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Veterans Summit

Since 2019 Chief Justice Sharon Kennedy has led the Lean Forward initiative with the goal of advancing treatment for justice-involved veterans in Ohio. Each fall, the Lean Forward initiative hosts a Veterans Summit bringing together stakeholders such as courts, treatment providers, and other community partners from around the state with the mission to serve those who served. This year, the 10th Annual Veterans Summit will take place on Thursday, November 21, 2024. Registration for the 2024 Veterans Summit on Special Populations will open in September 2024.

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IN PERSON ATTENDEES: Register for the "Lean Forward Veterans Summit 2024 IN PERSON"

VIRTUAL ATTENDEES: Register for the "Lean Forward Veterans Summit 2024 VIRTUAL"

NOTE: You may attend this conference in person or virtually.

Image of two hands clasped next to a red heart and the words 'Veterans Summit 2024'. There is an American flag in the background.

WHEN: Nov. 21, 2024
WHERE: Villa Milano Banquet & Conference Center
1630 Schrock Road, Columbus, Ohio 43229
  • County Veterans Service Officers
  • County Commissioners
  • Judicial Officers, Court Staff, and Probation Officers
  • Law Enforcement Officers
  • Local Mental Health Boards
  • Behavioral Health Treatment Providers
  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Non-Profit Organizations
  • Area Agencies on Aging
  • Local Veterans Associations
  • Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists

This training is free.


5.50 hours of continuing legal education for social workers, counselors, and marriage and family therapists has  been requested.


The Supreme Court of Ohio, Court Services Division | 614.387.9400

8 - 8:30 a.m. Registration
8:30 - 9 a.m. Welcome & Introductory Remarks
9 - 10:15 a.m.

State of the Science: Current Trends in Research & Treatments for PTSD
Craig Bryan, PsyD, ABPP, Ohio State College of Medicine

The number of treatment options for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is ever expanding. Newer treatment options often generate considerable excitement and enthusiasm but may be less effective than older, more established treatment options. This presentation will provide an update of recent PTSD treatment research findings relevant to the military and veteran community. An examination of the benefits and weaknesses of treatments with a limited evidence base will be presented, and a framework for weighing the pros and cons of various treatments will be discussed.

10:15 - 10:30 a.m. Break
10:30 - 11:45 a.m.

Neurologic Informed Care
John D. Corrigan, PhD, Ohio Valley Center/OSU College of Medicine

It is estimated that one in four non-institutionalized adults in the United States have had at least one traumatic brain injury in their lifetime. When other acquired brain injuries (e.g., stroke, anoxia/hypoxia, encephalopathies) are added in, there is a much higher rate. The prevalence of a history of brain injury is even higher among Veterans. While some of these disorders result in profound cognitive impairment, many do not; however, the individual may still have specific neurobehavioral weaknesses (e.g., limited attention, poor memory, poor planning, unawareness of social cues, disinhibition, impulsivity).

Neurologic Informed Care occurs when the treatment provider is aware of the potential impact of cognitive and behavioral impairments on treatment participation and success, knows how to identify impairments in a person they are caring for, and employs simple accommodations in how they deliver care to assure that the patient or client gets the chance for success that other clients and patients experience. This training provides the knowledge base for healthcare and social service professionals to engage in neurologic informed care and introduces strategies for accommodating cognitive and behavioral impairments.

11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m. Lunch & Networking
12:45 - 1:45 p.m.

Veterans First: Pioneering Efforts to Support Aging & Disabled Homeless Heroes
Melissa Flowers, VA Healthcare System

The Aging and Disabled Veterans Initiative and HUD-VASH (Housing and Urban Development-VA Supported Housing) Initiative was developed to increase access to essential services for veterans in our homeless programs with special emphasis on our aging cohort. The session will involve a detailed review of how representatives develop community partnerships to reduce homelessness. Information will be presented on best practices, challenges some of the programs face, and how they are working within the VA system and with community partners.

1:45 - 3 p.m.

Accessibility Issues
Kristen Ballinger, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Greg Dormer, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Julie Wood, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Kevin L. Miller, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities
Kimberlyn Price, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) is the state agency that empowers Ohioans with disabilities through employment, disability determination, and independence. This session will examine the services available for veterans with disabilities to assist them with obtaining and maintaining secure employment, such as vocational rehabilitation and career counseling.

3 - 3:15 p.m. Break
3:15 - 4 p.m.

Purple Star Schools
Pete LuPiba, Ohio MIC3 Commissioner
Ashley Pederson, Olentangy Local Schools
Amanda Sears, Amherst Exempted Village Schools

During 2015-2017, the State of Ohio’s Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission developed the framework of Purple Star Schools – this Military family connected and friendly initiative was created for Ohio public, private, charter schools and their students and communities. Since inception, Purple Star has become the country’s “purple standard” for PreK12-military efforts and supports – with the original Ohio program now in 45 States. The Buckeye State just doesn’t lead in this sacred, shared work of directly assisting 35,000 Ohio Military Kids from Lake Erie to the Ohio River…it has pioneered the mission, on behalf of a grateful nation.

Kristen Ballinger
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

Kristen Ballinger serves as Deputy Director for the Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) Division of Employer and Innovation Services. She joined OOD as an Assistant Deputy Director for the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation in 2015.

Before OOD, Ballinger worked for the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) in the Division of Policy and Strategic Direction, where she led the implementation of Ohio’s Employment First initiative. In this capacity, she was named a 2015 Employment First State Leadership Mentoring Program (EFSLMP) ambassador for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP).

Earlier in her career, Ballinger worked in a statewide leadership role with the Ohio Association of County Boards of Developmental Disabilities and for the Knox County Board of Developmental Disabilities. She graduated from Ohio University in Athens, Ohio.

Craig Bryan, PsyD, ABPP
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
Ohio State College of Medicine

Dr. Craig Bryan is a board-certified clinical psychologist with expertise in cognitive-behavioral treatments for individuals experiencing suicidal thoughts and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). As a military veteran (he deployed to Iraq in 2009), he has expertise working with military personnel, veterans and first responders. His military service has had a significant impact on his clinical work and research focus, shaping the questions he asks as a scientist and his understanding of the stresses and problems that his patients experience. Working in mental health has allowed him to help people find and create meaning and purpose in their lives.

Dr. Bryan conducts research to help military veterans, first responders and other adults who are dealing with mental health issues. In collaboration with his colleagues, he has developed and demonstrated the effectiveness of brief cognitive behavioral therapy (BCBT) for suicidal military personnel. Results of their randomized clinical trial indicated the treatment reduced suicide attempts by 60% as compared to traditional treatment. More recently, they completed a second randomized clinical trial showing that crisis response planning, a key component of BCBT, significantly reduced suicide attempts by 76% among military personnel as a stand-alone emergency intervention.

Dr. Bryan earned both a Master of Science degree in clinical psychology and a Doctor of Psychology in clinical psychology from Baylor University, and completed a clinical psychology residency at the Wilford Hall Medical Center, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. He received a Graduate Certificate in Applied Statistics from Penn State.

John D. Corrigan, PhD
The Ohio State University

John D. Corrigan, PhD, is a Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Ohio State University and Director of the Ohio Brain Injury Program, which is the designated lead agency in the state of Ohio for policy and planning related to living with brain injury. For the past 40 years he has treated and studied long-term outcomes of persons with brain injury.

Dr. Corrigan is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation. He is the National Research Director for the Brain Injury Association of America and has previously served other national organizations, including the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities, the Injury Control Center at CDC, the Veterans Administration, and the U.S. Department of Defense, Defense Health Board.

Greg Dormer
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

Greg Dormer has been with OOD for more than 20 years, starting as a Disability Claims Adjudicator for the Division of Disability Determination (DDD) in 1998. He rose to Supervisor, Professional Relations Officer, and Area Manager with DDD before moving to the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation BVR in 2012.

Dormer served as Assistant Deputy Director of BVR, where he was responsible for provider management activities and Vocational Rehabilitation policy and procedure. He also led field operations for the western side of Ohio and was instrumental in the development of the Vocational Rehabilitation Fee Schedule. His leadership experience positioned him well for his next role as Deputy Director of the Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired.

Most recently, Dormer returned to the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation as its Deputy Director, where he provides leadership to the five BVR areas, including guidance for the BVR Area Managers and the Vocational Rehabilitation Data & Reporting Unit. He graduated from Bowling Green State University.

Melissa Flowers, MS, OTR/L, CLT
Veterans Administration VA Healthcare System

Melissa Flowers holds a Master’s in Occupational Therapy from Western Michigan University and has been practicing in the field of geriatrics for 20+ years; working in both the private and government sectors. During her years with the VA, Flowers has provided leadership in outpatient/inpatient therapy clinics, home health, telehealth, inpatient mental health, and long-term care. Currently, she serves as the VISN 10 HUD-VASH Geriatric Specialist supporting the homeless programs in Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan.?

Commissioner Pete LuPiba
Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission

Commissioner Pete LuPiba is Ohio’s (MIC3) Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission representative. Initially appointed in 2012 and duly reappointed by the Honorable Mike DeWine, Governor of Ohio in 2019. He serves as Deputy Director for the Office of Budget and Management in the State of Ohio. He formerly served as Public Affairs Officer at the Department of Education, 2007-2019.

Commissioner LuPiba founded the Purple Star School Award for Military family-friendly schools in 2015-2017. Purple Star is in 40+ States (with 4,100+ schools), including Virginia, Alaska, South Carolina, Florida, California, Texas, Idaho, Washington, and New Hampshire – with 600 Purple Star Schools across Ohio. He was honored to serve as a key advisor and the Master of Ceremonies as Ohio formally launched the Collegiate Purple Star initiative as led by Governor Mike DeWine, and Chancellor Randy Gardner, and the Department of Higher Education.

In November of 2022, fellow Ohioans, state MIC3 leaders around the country, and Governor Mike DeWine nominated LuPiba to be honored in the 30th Anniversary Class of the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame. This Hall of Fame includes Ulysses S. Grant, Neil A. Armstrong, and John H. Glenn. In February of 2023, Adjutant General of the Ohio Army and Air National Guard; Major General John C. Harris, Jr. commissioned LuPiba as an Honorary Buckeye Colonel.

Commissioner LuPiba coordinated the effort to eliminate the professional educator licensure fee for teachers and coaches and administrators who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces’ Uniform – including the spouses of active-duty personnel.  As of 2023, Military families in Ohio have saved more than $365,000.

In 2017-2018, he developed a state-wide Military Signing Day ceremony for those young men and women choosing to join the Armed Forces to begin their career, including through the Branch Service Academies and ROTC Scholarships at Universities and Colleges.  At the 2023 Ceremony, Ohio hosted more than 300 attendees in the state’s capital of Columbus at the National Veterans Memorial and Museum. This Museum was steered forward by John H. Glenn, and the October 2018 dedication ceremony was keynoted by Colin L. Powell.

Director Kevin L. Miller
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

Kevin L. Miller is the Director of Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD). The state agency empowers Ohioans with disabilities through employment, disability determinations, and independence.

In the last year, with the support from Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted’s budget for OOD, the agency launched Accessible Ohio, a brand-new initiative that supports Ohio’s businesses, venues, attractions, and communities in becoming accessible and inclusive for individuals with disabilities. For the first time in nearly 20 years, the budget supported OOD in maximizing federal grant dollars for the Vocational Rehabilitation Program to help even more Ohioans with disabilities get jobs.

Miller was first appointed OOD Director in January 2011, and he has 30 years of state service, most of them in senior-level leadership (COO & CEO) at various state agencies. Miller created an OOD division to build business partnerships to promote the hiring of people with disabilities, eliminated a waiting list for Vocational Rehabilitation, helped draft legislation that led to the passage of H.B. 115 - the Communications Disability Law, and developed new initiatives, including Ohio College2Careers, OOD Jobs for Recovery, the Ohio Vocational Apprentice Program, the Ohio Transition Support Partnership, and the Employment First Partnership.

As a father of a son diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, Miller believes strongly in being active in organizations and advocacy groups. He is a member of the National Autism Society, Autism Speaks, and the Association of Ohio Commodores. Miller has a bachelor’s degree from Ohio Dominican University and a master’s degree from The Ohio State University.

Ashley Pederson
Olentangy Local School District

Ashely Pederson serves as the Military Family Liaison for Shale Meadows Elementary School a designed Purple Star School within the Olentangy Local School District. In this role, Pederson serves as the primary point of contact for children and families of active military and veterans. She provides resources and support for students facing hardships brought on by frequent moves, a service member’s absence, and difficulties from post-deployment reintegration.

Kimberlyn Price
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities

Kimberlyn Price is the Deputy Director leading the Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) Division of Disability Determination (DDD).

She has been with OOD since 1996, when she began her career as a Disability Claims Adjudicator for DDD, processing Social Security Disability claims for Ohio applicants. Price has served in various leadership roles with increasing responsibility throughout her career at OOD, including Disability Claims Supervisor, Training Supervisor, Disability Claims Manager, and Assistant Deputy Director. She was appointed Deputy Director in August 2020.

Price graduated from Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio.

Amanda Sears
Amherst Exempted Village School District

With 20 years of dedicated service in Ohio public schools, Amanda Sears has had the privilege of wearing many hats, including art teacher, graphic design instructor, teacher mentor, and adjunct professor. Currently, she serves as an instructional coach for the Amherst School District supporting all staff and students, where she also proudly holds the role of Purple Star Liaison, supporting the military-connected students.

As the daughter of a Vietnam Veteran, giving back to the military community is a deeply personal mission for Sears. She is committed to ensuring that these students receive the honor and care they deserve. As a mother of five, she is driven by the same passion for nurturing the students of Amherst as she does for her own children, fostering an environment of care, respect, and growth.

Contact Information

Veterans Summit
Supreme Court of Ohio
65 South Front Street
Columbus, OH 43215-3431

Stephanie Graubner Nelson, Esq.

Policy Counsel:
Kyana Pierson, Esq.

Program Assistant:
Sheila Lovell

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