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Daily Case Announcements Archive

Daily Case Announcements
& Opinions GovDelivery

July 26, 2024

The Court held State ex rel. Young v. Blendon Twp. Police Dept. until it decides State ex rel. Gatehouse Media Ohio Holdings II, Inc. v. Columbus Police Dept., and stayed the case’s briefing schedule.

In State ex rel. Tjaden v. Geauga Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court dismissed respondents Attorney General Dave Yost and Secretary of State Frank LaRose. This case remains pending as to respondents Geauga County and Ashtabula County Boards of Elections.

July 25, 2024

State ex rel. Ctr. for Media & Democracy v. Yost

Berkheimer v. REKM, L.L.C.

State v. Jones

Disciplinary Counsel v. Kaiser

Cleveland Metro. Bar Assn. v. Brown

In Berkheimer v. REKM, L.L.C., the Court ruled that a restaurant patron who ordered boneless chicken wings could have reasonably expected to find a piece of bone in his meal and guarded against swallowing it.

July 24, 2024

McCullough v. Bennett

State ex rel. Boyle v. Chambers-Smith

State ex rel. Cotten v. Frericks

State ex rel. Smith v. Hamilton Cty. Court of Common Pleas

In McCullough v. Bennett, the Court ruled that a state statute permits the refiling of a dismissed lawsuit as long as it is refiled within the designated time limit.

The Court declined to reconsider Snyder v. Capizzi.

In Claugus Family Farm, L.P. v. Harris, the Court returned the case from mediation to the regular docket and directed appellant Claugus Family Farm to file a brief within 40 days.

July 23, 2024

In re R.G.M.

State ex rel. Mack v. Richland Cty. Sheriff's Office

State ex rel. McCarley v. Dept. of Rehab. & Corr.

State ex rel. Ware v. Stone

The Court accepted Columbus City School Dist. v. State for review.

In In re R.G.M., the Court ruled that a parent in a legal custody proceeding in juvenile court does not have the same legal safeguards as a parent facing the loss of parental rights in a permanent custody proceeding.

July 22, 2024

In Dottore v. Boros, the Court ordered appellee Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Judge Debra L. Boros to file a response, if any, by 4 p.m., Wednesday, July 24, to appellant Mark Dottore’s motion for an emergency stay.

The Court published official versions of 13 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

July 19, 2024

In State ex rel. Brown v. Yost, the Court ordered the respondent Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost to file a response, if any, by Wednesday, July 24, to relators’ motion to expedite the case.

In State v. Jones, the Court denied the request of appellee Elwood Jones to set a date for oral argument.

July 18, 2024

Look Ahead Am. v. Stark Cty. Bd. of Elections

State ex rel. Mobley v. Tyack

State ex rel. Peterson v. Miday

State ex rel. Scott v. Toledo Corr. Inst.

In Look Ahead Am. v. Stark Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court ordered a new trial to determine whether the Stark County Board of Elections violated state open meetings laws when purchasing new voting machine equipment.

July 17, 2024

State ex rel. Black v. E. Cleveland

State v. Macklin

State ex rel. Ames v. Three Rivers Local School Dist. Records Comm.

State ex rel. Curtis v. Turner

In State ex rel. Black v. E. Cleveland, the Court ruled the city of East Cleveland must pay more than $30 million for unlawfully arresting a man, beating him, and confining him in a storage closet for four days.

July 16, 2024

Ohio Patrolman's Benevolent Assn. v. Cleveland

State ex rel. Ware v. Pierce

State v. Maldonado

In Ohio Patrolman’s Benevolent Assn. v. Cleveland, the Court reversed in part and affirmed in part the decision of the Eighth District Court of Appeals.

July 15, 2024

At the request of the parties, the Court dismissed State ex rel. Teagarden v. Pickaway Corr. Inst..

In In re Resignation of O’Brien, the Court accepted the resignation of Kevin J. O’Brien of Columbus from the practice of law with disciplinary action pending.

July 12, 2024

At the request of the relator Clark County prosecuting attorney, the Court dismissed State ex rel. Clark Cty. Pros. Atty. v. Lancaster.

The Court dismissed State ex rel. Chappel v. Spencer.

July 11, 2024

In Aramark Corp. v. Harris, the Court granted appellant Aramark Corp.’s request to hear oral arguments in the case.

July 10, 2024

In State v. Brown, the Court appointed the Office of the Ohio Public Defender to represent appellant Kenneth Brown.

July 9, 2024

The Court accepted State v. Kennedy for review.

July 8, 2024

The Court published official versions of 17 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

July 3, 2024

In State v. Riley, the Court granted the Ohio Attorney General’s Office request to participate in oral arguments and share the time allotted to the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office.

July 2, 2024

The Court referred State ex rel. Mohican Young Star Academy v. Cornyn to mediation.

July 1, 2024

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Staggs, the Court indefinitely suspended Xavier W. Staggs of Proctorville, Ohio, based on an order of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia. Staggs will not be reinstated to the practice of law in Ohio until he is reinstated to the practice of law in West Virginia.

June 28, 2024

In State ex rel. Shubert v. Breaux, the Court granted a writ of prohibition barring a judge from enforcing sealing orders, and a writ of mandamus ordering a judge to vacate sealing orders and to conduct a proper review of the documents sought to be restricted.

State ex rel. Shubert v. Breaux

June 27, 2024

The Court dismissed State ex rel. Tjaden v. Geauga Cty. Bd. of Elections.

In State v. Cockroft, the Court found the appellant’s memorandum in support of jurisdiction did not comply with the Court’s page limit and struck pages 16 through 22 of the memorandum.

June 26, 2024

At the request of relator Nathanial Blacker, the Court dismissed State ex rel. Blacker v. Brown.

June 25, 2024

The Court accepted State v. Crawl for review.

In State v. Fitzpatrick, the Court vacated Stanley Fitzpatrick’s April 16, 2026, execution date.

June 24, 2024

The Court published official versions of multiple opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

June 21, 2024

In State ex rel. Tjaden v. Geauga Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court ordered relator Justin Tjaden to file a response, if any, by 4 p.m., Friday, June 28, to the respondents’ motions to dismiss the case.

June 20, 2024

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Fannin and Disciplinary Counsel v. Daniell, the Court found Steven S. Fannin of Fairlawn and Ric Daniell of Columbus in contempt for failure to file an affidavit of compliance.

June 18, 2024

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Blakeslee, the Court reinstated Jack A. Blakeslee of Caldwell to the practice of law.

June 17, 2024

The Court referred Eddy v. Farmers Property Cas. Ins. Co. to mediation.

June 14, 2024

In State ex rel. Tjaden v. Geauga Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court ordered the respondents to file by 4 p.m., Friday, June 21, a response to relator Justin Tjaden’s complaint and a response, if any, to Tjaden’s request for an expedited hearing.

June 12, 2024

In State v. Dunn, the Court granted appellee Niquan Dunn’s request to set a briefing schedule, and denied his request to continue oral arguments.

In re Application of Daubenmire

In In re Application of Daubenmire, the Court approved Zachary C. Daubenmire’s application to take the July 2024 bar exam.

June 11, 2024

The Court accepted Lewis v. MedCentral Health Sys. for review.

The parties in U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, Inc. v. Yost reached a settlement. The Court ordered the relator, U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, to either file an application for dismissal or a notice of failure of settlement within 60 days.

June 10, 2024

The Court published official versions of 13 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

June 7, 2024

In State ex rel. Gideon v. Page, the Court denied the request of appellant Mark Gideon for an emergency stay and an expedited alternative writ.

June 5, 2024

In In re Application of Daubenmire, the Court ordered the parties to file a response, if any, to the motion of the Board of Commissioners on Character and Fitness to supplement the board record no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, June 7, 2024.

After receiving notice of the death of appellant Austin Loveless, the Court dismissed State v. Loveless.

June 4, 2024

State ex rel. Ware v. Booth

At the request of relator East Cleveland Law Director Willa Hemmons, the Court dismissed State ex rel. Hemmons v. Brewer.

In State ex rel. Howard v. Sackett, the Court denied the request of the Lake Erie Correctional Institution to dismiss the case and the Court set a schedule for the presentation of evidence and filing of briefs.

June 3, 2024

In NewRez, L.L.C. v. Chapman, the Court denied a request for an emergency stay.

May 31, 2024

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Scribner and Disciplinary Counsel v. Coomes, the Court reinstated to the practice of law Theodore F. Scribner of Akron and John J. Coomes of Miami, Florida.

May 30, 2024

In State ex rel. Shubert v. Breaux, the Court denied relator Craig A. Shubert’s requests for writs of mandamus and prohibition. The Court deemed Shubert’s proposed verified supplemental and amended complaint as filed, and ordered respondent Summit County Common Pleas Court Judge Alison M. Breaux to file an answer to the complaint within three days from the Court’s entry. The Court also set a schedule for the presentation of evidence and filing of briefs.

In NewRez, L.L.C. v. Chapman, the Court ordered appellee NewRez LLC to file a response, if any, by 5 p.m., Friday, May 31, to the request by appellant Kimberly A. Chapman for an emergency stay.

In State ex rel. Gideon v. Page, the Court ordered the appellees to file a response, if any, by 4 p.m., June 3, to the request of appellant Mark R. Gideon for an emergency stay and expedited alternative writ.

In State v. Knuff, the Court appointed attorneys Noelle Powell, Erika Cunliffe, and Jeffrey M. Gamso to represent appellant Thomas E. Knuff for the purpose of filing an application to reopen Knuff’s direct appeal of his convictions and death sentence.

May 28, 2024

In Ebner v. Ebner, the Court ordered appellee Mark Ebner to file a response, if any, no later than 5 p.m., May 30, 2024, to the request from appellant Sylvia Ebner for an immediate stay.

The Court accepted Ashmus v. Coughlin for review.

The Court published official versions of five opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

May 24, 2024

State ex rel. E. Ohio Gas Co. v. Corrigan

In State ex rel. E. Ohio Gas Co. v. Corrigan, the Court ruled that a wrongful death lawsuit against a gas company for shutting off a paying customer’s service must start with the state utility regulator before moving to common pleas court.

May 23, 2024

In State ex rel. Hemmons v. Brewer, the Court ordered respondent East Cleveland Clerk of Council Eric Brewer to file a response, if any, by 4 p.m., Tuesday, May 28 to the request to expedite the case filed by relator East Cleveland Law Director Willa Hemmons. The Court also directed Brewer to answer the complaint or move to dismiss the case by May 28.

Disciplinary Counsel v. Gernert

Tera, L.L.C. v. Rice Drilling D, L.L.C.

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Gernert, the Court issued the Bucyrus city law director a two-year, fully stayed suspension for ethical violations arising from two separate drunken driving arrests and subsequent probation violations.

May 22, 2024

State ex rel. Yeager v. Lake Cty. Court of Common Pleas

The Court referred State ex rel. Universal Metal Prods., Inc. v. Indus. Comm. to mediation.

In State ex rel. Dudley v. Yost, the Court denied the request of respondent Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost to dismiss the case and the Court set a schedule for the presentation of evidence and filing of briefs.

The Court dismissed 11 cases and found Ronald Bibb to be a vexatious litigator. The Court prohibited Bibb from continuing or instituting legal proceedings in this Court without first obtaining leave (2024-0346, 2024-0357, 2024-0358, 2024-0359, 2024-0361, 2024-0386, 2024-0387, 2024-0388, 2024-0392, 2024-0399, 2024-0441).

In State ex rel. Yost v. Holbrook, the Court denied the request of the relator State of Ohio for an emergency motion for a writ of prohibition or mandamus.

May 21, 2024

State ex rel. Mobley v. LaRose

In State ex rel. Mobley v. LaRose, the Court denied a request for a writ of mandamus.

The Court declined to accept Bruce v. Belucon for review.

May 20, 2024

In State ex rel. Mobley v. Chambers-Smith, the Court denied the request from respondent Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction to dismiss the case and the Court granted an alternative writ.

May 16, 2024

In State ex rel. Mitchell v. Fredrick, the Court affirmed the decision of the Third District Court of Appeals.

May 15, 2024

In Ayers v. Ayers, the Court ruled that a domestic relations court must expressly find that a parent is voluntarily unemployed before calculating a child support order based on estimated potential future income.

May 14, 2024

The Court dismissed State v. Wiley as having been improvidently accepted.

The Court accepted State v. T.W.C. for review.

May 13, 2024

In In re Resignation of Kalis and In re Resignation of Kohler, the Court accepted the resignations of Owen D. Kalis of Dublin and Anthony E. Kohler of Springfield with disciplinary action pending.

The Court declined to accept State v. Shepard for review.

The Court published official versions of 12 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

May 10, 2024

In U.S. Acute Care Solutions, L.L.C. v. Doctors Co. Risk Retention Group Ins. Co., a request to stay the Fifth District Court of Appeals judgment in the case was granted, contingent on the posting of a $100,000 bond with the clerk of the Supreme Court by appellant Doctors Company Risk Retention Group Insurance Company. 

May 9, 2024

In State v. Dunn, the Geauga County Prosecutor’s Office designated the Ohio attorney general as the special prosecutor in this matter. The Court agreed to designate the attorney general’s amicus brief as the opening merit brief for the state.

State v. Taylor

State ex rel. Woods v. Jenkins

In State v. Taylor, the Court ruled that a juvenile suspected of being either the shooter or an accomplice in a 2016 murder may be tried in adult court for felony murder.

The Court declined to accept State v. Etherson-Tabb for review.

May 8, 2024

State ex rel. Salem v. Jones

State ex rel. Woods v. Heekin

The Court accepted Voss v. Quicken Loans, L.L.C. for review.

May 7, 2024

Disciplinary Counsel v. VanBibber

State ex rel. Boyd v. Tone

In Disciplinary Counsel v. VanBibber, the Court issued a fully stayed two-year suspension to Jack H. VanBibber of Marion.

May 6, 2024

In State v. Coker, the Court appointed the Office of the Ohio Public Defender to represent appellee Stephen Coker Jr.

May 3, 2024

In State ex rel. Slager v. Trelka, the Court granted the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction respondents' request for an extension to file a merit brief and extended the time to May 20.

May 2, 2024

State ex rel. Ottinger v. B&B Wrecking & Excavating, Inc.

Lorain Cty. Bar Assn. v. Robinson

In Lorain Cty. Bar Assn. v. Robinson, the Court indefinitely suspended an Elyria attorney who failed to self-report a federal felony drug conviction to disciplinary authorities.

May 1, 2024

Caldwell v. Whirlpool Corp.

State ex rel. Martre v. Reed

In Caldwell v. Whirlpool Corp., the Court ruled that once an injured employee properly appeals a workers’ compensation claim to a court, a five-year limit on the Ohio Industrial Commission’s oversight of the claim does not impact the court case.

April 30, 2024

At the request of the parties in State ex rel. Young v. Blendon Twp. Police Dept., the Court stayed the filing and briefing deadline for 60 days.

State ex rel. White v. Aveni

State ex rel. Ellis v. Chambers-Smith

The Court accepted Huntington Natl. Bank v. Schneider for review.

In State ex rel. Ellis v. Chambers-Smith, the Court affirmed the decision of the Tenth District Court of Appeals.

April 29, 2024

The Court published official versions of nine opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

April 26, 2024

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Taylor, the Court suspended Ronald Taylor of Cincinnati from the practice of law for an interim period pending final disposition of disciplinary proceedings.

In In re Complaint of Ohio Power Co. v. Nationwide Energy Partners, L.L.C., the Court has suspended the briefing schedule for appellee Public Utilities Commission of Ohio and intervening appellee Nationwide Energy Partners until the Court decides the requests by the two parties to dismiss the case.

In In re Zamensky, the Court suspended Andrew M. Zamensky, from the practice of law for an interim period.

April 25, 2024

Disciplinary Counsel v. Perrico

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Perrico, the Court suspended a Westlake attorney based on his criminal convictions for providing two teenage girls with alcohol and groping one of them.

April 24, 2024

Turner v. Kelsey

The Court accepted State v. Thompson for review.

In State ex rel. Sunny Farms Landfill, L.L.C. v. Seneca Cty. Bd. of Health, the Court returned a case referred to mediation to the regular docket and required respondent Seneca County Board of Health to answer the complaint within 21 days.

April 23, 2024

In State ex rel. Yost v. Holbrook, the Court ordered respondent Judge Michael Holbrook to file a response, if any, by 4 p.m. Wednesday, April 24, to the request by relator Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost for an emergency writ of prohibition or mandamus.

Vandercar, L.L.C. v. Port of Greater Cincinnati Dev. Auth.

In Vandercar, L.L.C. v. Port of Greater Cincinnati Dev. Auth., the Court ruled the Cincinnati area port authority is subject to a state law that directs a party who breached a contract to pay an additional sum for delaying payment while the matter is disputed in court.

April 22, 2024

In Bibb v. Columbus Police Dept. Narcotic, the Court denied as moot the petitioner’s request for “peremptory mandamus.”

April 19, 2024

The chief justice released the judicial disqualification opinion in In re Disqualification of Scott, which was previously issued as an entry in response to an affidavit of disqualification.

April 18, 2024

State v. Williams

In State v. Williams, the Court ruled a teen may be charged and convicted of tampering with evidence in trial court after his murder case was transferred from juvenile court.

April 17, 2024

Ludlow v. Ohio Dept. of Health

In Ludlow v. Ohio Dept. of Health, the Court ruled that a statewide database of dead Ohioans with the names and addresses associated with the causes of death is not available to the public via a public records request.

April 16, 2024

State ex rel. S.Y.C. v. Floyd

The Court declined to review State ex rel. Ohio History Connection v. Moundbuilders Country Club Co.

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Daniell, the Court suspended Ric Daniell of from the practice of law for an interim period.

April 15, 2024

In State v. Ahmed, the Court denied the request by appellant Nawaz Ahmed to stay the judgment of the Seventh District Court of Appeals.

The Court published official versions of 17 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

April 12, 2024

In State v. Ahmed, the Court ordered appellee Belmont County Prosecutor’s Office to file a response, if any, by noon Monday, April 15, to the request by appellant Nawaz Ahmed to stay the judgment of the Seventh District Court of Appeals.

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Port, the Court remanded proceedings to the Board of Professional Conduct to initiate default proceedings seeking permanent disbarment of Gregory D. Port.

April 11, 2024

In In re Fusco, the Court approved the request of respondent Anthony J. Fusco to purge the contempt of court order and accept his affidavit of compliance.

In State v. Lottie, the Court denied the request by the State of Ohio to reject appellant Burnes Lottie II’s motion for leave to file a delayed appeal.

April 10, 2024

Makuch v. Makuch

In State ex rel. Young v. Blendon Twp. Police Dept., the Court granted an alternative writ of mandamus and set a schedule for the submission of evidence and briefs.

In State v. Clinkscale, the Court appointed Kort Gatterdam to represent appellee Aarin Clinkscale.

April 9, 2024

State ex rel. Mobley v. Noble

In State ex rel. Mobley v. Noble, the Court affirmed the judgment of the Tenth District Court of Appeals.

April 8, 2024

At the request of relator Joseph Platt, the Court dismissed State ex rel. Platt v. Montgomery Cty. Bd. of Elections.

April 5, 2024

In State ex rel. AIY Properties, Inc. v. Scott, the Court denied as moot the request by appellant Cleveland Municipal Court Judge W. Mona Scott to consolidate the case with case 2023-1433, State ex rel. AIY Properties, Inc. v. Scott.

April 4, 2024

State v. Carter

In State v. Carter, the Court upheld the conviction of a Logan County man, finding that impermissible videoconference testimony did not impact the outcome of the trial.

April 3, 2024

McDermott v. Ohio State Univ.

In McDermott v. Ohio State Univ., the Court reversed the decision of the Tenth District Court of Appeals based on the Court’s ruling in Smith v. Ohio State Univ.

April 2, 2024

The Court accepted Doe v. Columbus for review.

April 1, 2024

In Columbus Bar Assn. v. O’Brien, the Court suspended Kevin J. O’Brien of Columbus for an interim period pending final disposition of disciplinary proceedings.

The Court published official versions of eight opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

March 28, 2024

State ex rel. Townsend v. Gaul

State ex rel. Taylor v. Montgomery Cty. Court of Common Pleas

In State v. Myers (2023-0751 and 2023-0838), the Court dismissed the appeal at the request of appellant Austin Myers.

March 27, 2024

State v. Jones

Disciplinary Counsel v. Taylor

In State v. Jones, the Court ruled that a Cuyahoga County man’s five-year prison sentence for drug-related crimes was appropriate considering his extensive criminal history.

In State ex rel. Oxford Fin., L.L.C. v. Clary, the Court ordered respondent Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court Judge Timothy Clary to file a response, if any, by Monday, April 1, to the request by relator Oxford Finance for an expedited ruling on an emergency motion for a stay.

March 26, 2024

In State ex rel. Brown v. Yost, the Court denied the relator’s request to expedite the case.

Estate of Tomlinson v. Mega Pool Warehouse, Inc.

State ex rel. Ware v. Galonski

In Estate of Tomlinson v. Mega Pool Warehouse, Inc., the Court ruled that once a party in a civil case requests a jury trial, the request cannot be withdrawn unless all the parties agree.

March 22, 2024

In H.R. v. P.J.E., the Court denied the request by appellant H.R. to accept a settlement agreement.

In State ex rel. Smith v. Hamilton Cty. Court of Common Pleas, appellant Edward Smith’s amended merit brief was deemed filed. The appellee Hamilton County Common Pleas Court may file a merit brief, if any, within 30 days of the Court’s entry.

March 21, 2024

In State ex rel. Brown v. Yost, the Court ordered respondent Attorney General Dave Yost to file a response, if any, by 4 p.m. Monday, March 25, to a request by the relators to expedite the case.

State ex rel. Ware v. Dept. of Rehab. & Corr.

State v. Fork

In State v. Fork, the Court found the driver of a utility vehicle cannot be convicted of a felony for injuring his passengers because the vehicle does not meet the definition of “motor vehicle” under the Ohio criminal code.

March 20, 2024

Cincinnati Bar Assn. v. Stenson

In Cincinnati Bar Assn. v. Stenson, the Court suspended Dayton attorney, David E. Stenson, for one year with six months stayed, for neglecting client matters.

March 19, 2024

State v. Carstaphen

The Court accepted State v. Coker for review.

The Court dismissed State v. Carstaphen as being improvidently accepted.

March 18, 2024

The Court published official versions of 25 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

March 15, 2024

The Court granted a request for oral argument in Total Renal Care, Inc. v. Harris. The date and time for oral argument will be released at a later date.

March 14, 2024

The Court dismissed State ex rel. Louis v. Forshey as moot.

State ex rel. Thompson v. Gonzalez

State v. Knuff

Disciplinary Counsel v. Alexander

In State v. Knuff, the Court affirmed the death penalty for a man who stabbed his two Parma Heights housemates to death and concealed their bodies for weeks in trash bags hidden in the home.

In State v. Shockey, the Court granted appellant Marion County Prosecutor’s Office request for a stay of the judgment of the Third District Court of Appeals.

March 13, 2024

Disciplinary Counsel v. Bell

In re J.C.

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Bell, the Court indefinitely suspended a former Cuyahoga County assistant prosecutor for soliciting sex online from an undercover officer posing as a 15-year-old girl.

In State v. Madison, the Court stayed the execution of Michael Madison and directed the stay remain in effect until the exhaustion of all state postconviction proceedings, including any appeals.

March 12, 2024

Disciplinary Counsel v. Goodman

Plaza v. Black

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Goodman, the Court permanently disbarred a northwest Ohio attorney who the Court found repeatedly had sex with a child.

March 8, 2024

In State v. Rutan, the Court struck pages 21 through 40 of appellant Roger Rutan’s memorandum in support of jurisdiction for failing to comply with the page limitation per rules of practice.

March 7, 2024

In State v. Wilson, the Court found a man was entitled to argue self-defense when he intentionally shot toward a person, and was not required to show he intended to kill or harm the man who threatened him.

State v. Wilson

State v. Dudas

March 6, 2024

Smith v. Ohio State Univ.

State ex rel. Clark v. Dept. of Rehab. & Corr.

In Smith v. Ohio State Univ., the Court returned to an appeals court a lawsuit from an Ohio State University student seeking partial refunds due to the COVID-19 pandemic campus shutdown.

March 5, 2024

State v. Brown

State ex rel. Dillon v. Indus. Comm.

The Court accepted State v. Morris for review.

In State v. Brown, the Court affirmed the robbery convictions of a Cincinnati man who posted a used car for sale on social media to lure two women to a location.

March 4, 2024

The Court published official versions of 13 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

In In re Resignation of George and In re Resignation of Iqbal, the Court accepted the resignation with disciplinary action pending of Jason L. George of Bexley and Romin Iqbal of Dublin, Ohio.

March 1, 2024

In H.R. v. P.J.E., the Court rejected appellant H.R.’s request to dismiss the case, finding the parties have no authority to dismiss this matter.

February 29, 2024

In Hoskins v. Cleveland, the Court stayed all filing deadlines and referred the matter to mediation.

In Barga v. St. Paris Village Council, the Court denied a request to postpone oral argument.

February 28, 2024

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Port, the Court found Gregory D. Port of Columbus in contempt for failure to file an affidavit of compliance.

February 23, 2024

Blodharn v. Chambers-Smith

In Blodharn v. Chambers-Smith, the Court denied a writ of habeas corpus.

February 22, 2024

State v. Nicholson

State ex rel. Ware v. Beggs

State ex rel. Ware v. Galonski

In State v. Nicholson, the Court affirmed the death sentences of a Cuyahoga County man who murdered the two teenage children of his girlfriend.

February 21, 2024

State ex rel. Peterson v. Licking Cty. Bd. of Elections

In State ex rel. Peterson v. Licking Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court declined to prevent the Licking County Board of Elections from conducting a Feb. 27 recall election for the village of Buckeye Lake.

In re T.D.S.

State ex rel. Barr v. Wesson

In In re T.D.S., the Court affirmed the juvenile murder disposition of a 15-year-old Cleveland boy for the 2019 shooting death of a 14-year-old boy.

The Court declined to review M.E.D. v. P.K.

The Court referred State ex rel. LeadingAge Ohio v. Ohio Dept. of Medicaid to mediation.

February 20, 2024

Disciplinary Counsel v. Adams

" target='_blank' class="btn btn-light btn-sm border">Summary Slip Opinion No. 2024-Ohio-559

Disciplinary Counsel v. Vick

The Court accepted State ex rel. Boggs v. Cleveland for review.

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Vick and Disciplinary Counsel v. Adams, the Court permanently disbarred Gary A. Vick Jr. of Parma and Dennis L. Adams of Hamilton.

February 16, 2024

Disciplinary Counsel v. Warner

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Warner, the Court indefinitely suspended Jason Warner from the practice of law after the former Marion County judge was convicted of felonies for leaving the scene of an auto accident.

February 15, 2024

State v. Palmer

Toledo Bar Assn. v. Driftmyer

In State v. Palmer, the Court ruled that a jury should have been allowed to consider the self-defense claim of a 71-year-old taxi driver who shot a passenger after an altercation regarding the fare.

February 14, 2024

Schaad v. Alder

State ex rel. Cassens Corp. v. Indus. Comm.

State v. McDonald

In Schaad v. Alder, the Court found that a state law that allowed cities to temporarily collect income tax from individuals working from home but who lived outside of city limits during the COVID-19 pandemic was constitutional.

February 13, 2024

State v. Maxcy-Tipton

State v. Heflin

State v. Hall

The Court returned State ex rel. Huwig v. Ohio Dept. of Health to the regular docket, and respondent Ohio Dept. of Health shall file a response within 21 days.

In In re Resignation of Boyuk, In re Resignation of Crossin, and In re Resignation of Leon, the Court accepted the resignation from the practice of law of Walter C. Boyuk of St. Clairsville; Amy M. Etoll Crossin of Lithopolis; and Robert J. Leon of Gahanna, all with disciplinary action pending.

February 12, 2024

In State ex rel. Ohio History Connection v. Moundbuilders Country Club Co., the Court denied the Moundbuilders Country Club Co. request for a stay of the Fifth District Court of Appeals judgment and the impending trial.

The Court granted relator city of Lakewood’s request to dismiss State ex rel. Lakewood v. Saffold.

The Court declined to review State v. Leasure.

In State ex rel. Obetz v. Stinziano, the Court granted the request of respondents the Franklin County auditor and treasurer for oral argument.

February 9, 2024

At the request of the relators, the Court dismissed State ex rel. Reed v. Northeast Ohio Med. Univ.

February 8, 2024

In State ex rel. Ohio History Connection v. Moundbuilders Country Club Co., the Court directed the appellee Ohio History Connection, to file a response, if any, by 3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 9., to the request from the Moundbuilders Country Club for a stay in advance of filing a memorandum in support of jurisdiction.

In State ex rel. Dudley v. Yost, the Court denied the relators’ request for an expedited scheduling order regarding the placement of a constitutional amendment on the ballot.

February 7, 2024

In Columbus Bar Assn. v. Bulson and Disciplinary Counsel v. Fannin, the Court found Douglas W. Bulson Jr. of Columbus and Steven S. Fannin of Fairlawn in contempt for failure to file affidavits of compliance.

February 6, 2024

The Court accepted Faith Ranch & Farms Fund, Inc. v. PNC Bank, Natl. Assn. for review.

February 5, 2024

The Court referred U.S. Flue-Cured Tobacco Growers, Inc. v. Yost to mediation.

February 2, 2024

In State ex rel. Thomas v. Wood Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court denied requests to have the Wood County Board of Elections remove a zoning amendment referendum from the March 2024 primary election ballot.

State ex rel. Thomas v. Wood Cty. Bd. of Elections

In State ex rel. Dudley v. Yost, the Court ordered respondent Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost to file a response, if any, by 4 p.m., Monday, Feb. 5, 2024, to the relators’ request for an expedited scheduling order regarding the placement of a constitutional amendment on the ballot.

In State ex rel. Goldschmidt v. Triggs, the Court denied appellant Ronald Goldschmidt’s motion to supplement the record with a hearing transcript.

The Court dismissed McCoy v. Gonzales-Wells and found relator Charles McCoy to be a vexatious litigator.

February 1, 2024

In State ex rel. Renner v. Athens Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court declined a request to order the Athens County Board of Elections to certify Amy Renner as a candidate for the Athens County Board of Commissioners on the March 2024 primary election ballot.

The Court set a briefing schedule for State ex rel. Peterson v. Licking Cty. Bd. of Elections.

State ex rel. Renner v. Athens Cty. Bd. of Elections

January 31, 2024

In State ex rel. Henderson v. Clermont Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court declined a request to order the Clermont County Board of Elections to place Matthew Henderson on the March 2024 primary election ballot as a candidate for the U.S. House Second Congressional District.

State ex rel. Henderson v. Clermont Cty. Bd. of Elections

In State v. Rowland, the Court ordered appellee Columbiana County Prosecutor’s Office to file a response, if any, by noon, Thursday, Feb. 1, to appellant Rex Rowland’s motion for a stay of his jail sentence.

In In re Resignation of Cox, the Court found Donald A. Cox of Orient in contempt for failure to surrender his certificate of admission and failure to file an affidavit of compliance.

January 29, 2024

In State ex rel. Schreiner v. Erie Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court declined to direct the Erie County Board of Elections to remove Steven Kraus, a candidate for the Ohio House of Representatives, from the March 2024 primary election ballot.

State ex rel. Schreiner v. Erie Cty. Bd. of Elections

In State ex rel. Mobley v. Fairfield Cty. Bd. of Commrs., the Court gave relator Alphonso Mobley 10 days to file a response to respondent Fairfield County Board of Commissioner’s motion to dismiss and to find the case to be frivolous.

January 26, 2024

After the parties agreed to settle the case, the Court dismissed Ramos v. Fresh Mark Canton.

January 25, 2024

Disciplinary Counsel v. Billingsley

State ex rel. Mobarak v. Brown

In State ex rel. Mobarak v. Brown, the Court rejected a man’s attempt to overturn his conviction for selling “bath salts,” despite his claim that the sale of the substance was not illegal when he was arrested.

January 24, 2024

In State ex rel. AWMS Water Solutions, L.L.C. v Mertz, the Court ruled that an appeals court failed to follow the Court’s directions when considering the case of a wastewater well operator that was shut down for potentially causing earthquakes.

In State v. Rainey, the Court accepted the request of appellant Amond Rainey to file an amended memorandum in support of jurisdiction.

State ex rel. AWMS Water Solutions, L.L.C. v. Mertz

State ex rel. Edward Smith Corp. v. Marsh

January 23, 2024

In State v. Carswell, the Court denied the request of appellant Andrew Carswell to stay the judgment of the Sixth District Court of Appeals pending his filing a memorandum in support of jurisdiction.

State ex rel. Walker v. Ballinger

State ex rel. Cincinnati Enquirer v. Wilson

The Court accepted for review.

In State ex rel. Cincinnati Enquirer v. Wilson, the Court found that travel and expense records of state troopers providing security to Gov. Mike DeWine at the 2022 Super Bowl are not available to the public.

January 22, 2024

The Court published official versions of eight opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

January 19, 2024

In State v. Carswell, the Court ordered the appellee Sandusky County Prosecutor’s Office to file a response, if any, to appellant Andrew Carswell’s request to stay the mandate of the Sixth District Court of Appeals until a memorandum in support of jurisdiction is filed. The prosecutor must file a response by noon, Monday, Jan. 22.

January 18, 2024

State v. Johnson

State ex rel. Jones v. Paschke

In State v. Johnson, the Court rejected a man’s effort to vacate his attempted murder conviction.

January 17, 2024

In State ex rel. Schreiner v. Erie Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court granted Steven W. Kraus’ motion for leave to intervene as a respondent.

In State ex rel. Renner v. Athens Cty. Bd. of Elections and State ex rel. Henderson v. Clermont Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court set schedules for the filing of answers, evidence, and briefs.

State ex rel. Gilreath v. Cuyahoga Job & Family Servs.

State ex rel. Mobley v. Powers

In State v. Glover, the Court granted the Ohio Attorney General’s Office request to divide oral-argument time with appellant Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office.

January 16, 2024

The Court converted Thomas v. Wood Cty. Bd. of Elections into an expedited election matter and set a filing schedule that begins with respondent Wood County Board of Elections filing an answer to the complaint no later than Thursday, Jan. 18.

State ex rel. Yost v. FirstEnergy Corp.

In State ex rel. Yost v. FirstEnergy Corp., the Court ruled that the state can freeze the assets of former PUCO chairman Samuel Randazzo.

January 12, 2024

In Ohio State Bar Assn. v. Bruner, the Court reinstated Harvey B. Bruner of Cleveland to the practice of law.

In In re Resignation of Kingsbury, the Court accepted the resignation from the practice of law of Dorothea J. Kingsbury of Mayfield Village, with disciplinary action pending.

January 11, 2024

In State ex rel. Schreiner v. Erie Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court ordered the Erie County Board of Elections to respond to relator Dennis Schreiner’s complaint by Tuesday, Jan. 16.

In Graham v. Lake Cty. Dept. of Jobs & Family Servs., the Court granted an immediate stay of the Eleventh District Court of Appeals’ judgment while the appeal is pending.

In In re Bozsik, the Court denied an application for leave to file for a writ of mandamus.

January 10, 2024

The Court referred State ex rel. Sours v. MGQ, Inc. to mediation.

In State ex rel. Berry v. Booth, the Court denied the request of Trumbull Correctional Institution officials to dismiss the case and set a briefing schedule.

January 8, 2024

The Court published official versions of 25 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

January 5, 2024

In In re Resignation of O’Brien, the Court found Jacqueline A. O’Brien of Highland Heights in contempt for failing to surrender her certificate of admission and failing to file an affidavit of compliance.

January 4, 2024

In Stark Cty. Bar Assn. v. Kelley, the Court denied respondent Paul M. Kelley’s motion to terminate his period of monitored probation.

January 3, 2024

The Court referred Frambes Entertainment, L.L.C. v. Harris to mediation.

December 29, 2023

Disciplinary Counsel v. Gaul

Disciplinary Counsel v. Bennett

State v. Randolph

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Gaul, the Court suspended Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Judge Daniel Gaul from the practice of law for one year, resulting in his suspension from judicial office without pay for the same period.

December 28, 2023

Rossi v. Atrium Med. Ctr.

Davis v. Mercy St. Vincent Med. Ctr.

Wood v. Lynch

McCarthy v. Lee

State v. Mills

Maxwell v. Lombardi

Ewing v. UC Health

Everhart v. Coshocton Cty. Mem. Hosp.

In Everhart v. Coshocton Cty. Mem. Hosp. (2022-0407 and 2022-0424), the Court ruled that wrongful death lawsuits based on faulty medical care must be filed within four years of the medical provider’s alleged error.

December 27, 2023

In re Z.C.

The Court accepted State v. Riley for review.

In State v. Kyles, the Court appointed the Ohio Public Defender’s Office to represent appellee Alonzo Kyles.

December 26, 2023

The Court accepted State v. Turner for review and held it for the decision in State v. Taylor.

The Court published official versions of 11 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

December 22, 2023

State v. Swazey

In State v. Swazey, the Court ruled a judge should have considered before trial a man’s claim that he could not be criminally charged for failing to pay child support after his daughter graduated high school.

December 20, 2023

State ex rel. WTOL Television

In State ex rel. WTOL Television, the Court ruled the Cedar Point Police Department must turn over records requested by three Ohio television stations.

December 19, 2023

In State v. Jones, the Court ordered the parties to file simultaneous briefs that address whether the Court has jurisdiction over the appeal. The Court invited the filing of amicus curiae briefs addressing this issue and ordered all briefs to be filed within 14 days.

In State ex rel. Spencer v. Forshey, the Court affirmed the opinion of the Seventh District Court of Appeals.

State ex rel. Spencer v. Forshey

December 18, 2023

In State ex rel. Weiler v. LaRose, the Court ordered Shawn Weiler to immediately serve the emergency motion for a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction on respondent Secretary of State Frank LaRose. LaRose must file a response, if any, to the emergency motion within 10 days.

December 15, 2023

Preterm-Cleveland v. Yost

The Court dismissed Preterm-Cleveland v. Yost due to a change in law.

December 14, 2023

The Court accepted State v. Jones for review.

At the request of the Board of Professional Conduct, the Court dismissed Cincinnati Bar Assn. v. Stenson.

December 13, 2023

In Sherwin-Williams Co. v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s London, the Court permitted out-of-state attorney M. Keith Moskowitz to participate in the case.

December 12, 2023

The Court accepted State v. Kyles for review.

The Court returned VVF Intervest, L.L.C. v. Harris to the regular docket after previously referring the case to mediation, and set a briefing schedule.

December 11, 2023

At the request of the parties, the Court canceled the Dec. 12 oral argument in State v. Fork and will reschedule.

Based on a felony conviction, the Court in In re Kohler suspended Anthony E. Kohler of Springfield from the practice of law for an interim period.

December 7, 2023

In In re Application of S. Branch Solar, L.L.C., the Court permitted South Branch Solar’s request to participate in the case as an appellee.

December 6, 2023

The chief justice released In re Disqualification of Celebrezze as a judicial-disqualification opinion, which was previously issued as an entry in response to an affidavit of disqualification.

December 5, 2023

The Court granted the request of the parties in In re Application of Dayton Power & Light Co. 2023-0111 and 2023-0130 to reschedule oral argument.

December 4, 2023

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Fannin, the Court suspended Steven S. Fannin of Fairlawn, Ohio, for an interim period for failure to comply with disciplinary proceedings.

December 1, 2023

In re E.S.

In In re E.S, , the Court found sufficient evidence was presented to transfer a teenager’s involuntary manslaughter charge to adult court for allegedly shooting his friend while they were fleeing police.

In In re E.S, , the Court found sufficient evidence was presented to transfer a teenager’s involuntary manslaughter charge to adult court for allegedly shooting his friend while they were fleeing police.

November 30, 2023

Columbus Bar Assn. v. Bulson

In Columbus Bar Assn. v. Bulson, the Court suspended a Columbus attorney for making his client wait nine years to receive a portion of her divorce settlement.

November 29, 2023

State ex rel. Stokes v. Dept. of Rehab. & Corr.

Disciplinary Counsel v. Blakeslee

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Blakeslee, the Court suspended a Noble County criminal defense attorney for throwing a Pringles potato chip can filled with his feces into the parking lot of the county’s crime-victim advocacy center.

In State ex rel. Turner v. Cuyahoga Cty., the Court gave the relator 14 days to explain why this cause should not be dismissed for failure to perfect service as to respondent Cheryl Michelle Wiltshire.

November 28, 2023

State ex rel. King v. Watson

State ex rel. Ames v. Ondrey

The Court accepted Schlegel v. Summit Cty. for review.

In Jones Apparel Group/Nine West Holdings v. McClain, the Court returned the case from mediation to the regular docket.

November 27, 2023

League of Women Voters of Ohio v. Ohio Redistricting Comm.

In League of Women Voters of Ohio v. Ohio Redistricting Comm., the Court denied the petitioners’ request to object to the Ohio Redistricting Commission’s Sept. 29, 2023, revised General Assembly plan and dismissed the cases. The Court also denied as moot the respondents’ motion to vacate prior decisions in the cases.

The Court published official versions of 15 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

November 22, 2023

H.R. v. P.J.E.

State ex rel. Block v. Indus. Comm.

State ex rel. Clark v. Dept. of Rehab. & Corr.

In H.R. v. P.J.E., the Court declared three Cleveland lawyers to be vexatious litigators for filing an appeal in a divorce case that was contrary to well-established law.

November 21, 2023

Disciplinary Counsel v. Hunter

In re Application of Cline

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Hunter, the Court indefinitely suspended former Hamilton County Juvenile Judge Tracie Hunter from the practice of law with credit for time served under an interim suspension.

November 17, 2023

The Court consolidated the cases of State v. Miree and State v. Duncan for briefing, argument, and decision.

The Court accepted the resignation of four attorneys with disciplinary action pending.

November 16, 2023

In Preterm-Cleveland v. Yost, the Court ordered the parties to simultaneously file briefs that address the effect of the passage of Issue 1, if any, on this case.

November 15, 2023

In In re Judicial Campaign Complaint Against Stephanie Lynn Williams, the commission of judges appointed to consider the complaint ordered Stephanie L. Williams to pay a $1,000 fine, the costs of the proceedings, and the complainant’s reasonable attorney fees.

November 13, 2023

The Court published official versions of 10 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

November 9, 2023

State v. Daniel

Cleveland Metro. Bar Assn. v. Carson

In State v. Daniel, the Court ruled that a state law that requires a recommendation from a prosecutor and law enforcement agency to reduce an arson offender’s registration obligation is constitutional.

November 8, 2023

Driggins v. Bracy

Disciplinary Counsel v. Scribner

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Scribner, the Court suspended an Akron attorney for two years, with 18 months stayed, for diverting settlement funds for his personal use.

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Andrews and Cleveland Metro. Bar Assn. v. Brooks, the Court found attorneys in contempt for failure to file affidavits of compliance.

November 7, 2023

Disciplinary Counsel v. Carter

State ex rel. Mobley v. Franklin Cty. Bd. of Commrs.

The Court declined to accept State v. Watson for review.

The Court accepted Look Ahead Am. v. Stark Cty. Bd. of Elections for review.

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Carter, the Court suspended a Licking County attorney for two years, with one year stayed, for having sexual contact with the mother of an imprisoned client’s child and lying to police about it.

November 3, 2023

In Caldwell v. Whirlpool Corp., the Court agreed to realign the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation as an appellant.

In In re Judicial Campaign Complaint Against Williams, the Court appointed a five-judge commission to consider a Board of Professional Conduct hearing panel report in the judicial campaign complaint against Stephanie Lynn Williams.

In In re Dicken, Hocking Cty. Commr., the Court named a special commission of three retired judges to consider the suspension from public office of Hocking County Commissioner Jessica E. Dicken in relation to felony charges pertaining to official conduct in office.

November 2, 2023

State ex rel. Repp v. Best

In State ex rel. Repp v. Best, the Court ruled Tiffin City Council was authorized to declare the Tiffin-Fostoria Municipal Court judgeship vacant when the former judge was suspended from the practice of law.

The Court declined to accept State v. Peters for review.

November 1, 2023

In State ex rel. King v. Cuyahoga Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court denied requests by East Cleveland Mayor Brandon King to remove a proposed city charter amendment from the Nov. 7 general election ballot and to prevent a Dec. 5 special mayoral recall election.

State ex rel. King v. Cuyahoga Cty. Bd. of Elections

Scott Fetzer Co. v. Am. Home Assur. Co., Inc.

In Scott Fetzer Co. v. Am. Home Assur. Co., Inc., the Court ruled in an insurance dispute involving companies based in Ohio and Indiana that operated a manufacturing facility that caused pollution in Michigan, Ohio law will be used to resolve the issue.

October 31, 2023

In Lorain Cty. Bar Assn. v. Vagotis, the Court reinstated Christina N. Vagotis of Avon Ohio, to the practice of law.

State ex rel. Mather v. Oda

October 30, 2023

In H.R. v. P.J.E., the Court ordered the appellant, H.R., to file a response, if any, by 4 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 1, 2023, to the appellee’s motion to strike H.R.’s brief in response to the Court’s order.

In In re Resignation of O’Brien, the Court accepted the resignation from the practice of law of Jacqueline A. O’Brien of Highland Heights with disciplinary action pending.

October 27, 2023

In In re Disinterment of Glass, the Court denied the request of appellant Kathleen Glass to refer the matter to mediation.

October 26, 2023

In re Cases Held for State v. Hacker and State v. Simmons

October 25, 2023

State ex rel. Boyd v. Tone

State v. Gwynne

In State v. Gwynne, the Court ruled consecutive sentences totaling 65-years in prison was properly decided for a nursing home aide who stole from residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

In State v. Echols, the Court appointed the Office of Ohio Public Defender to represent appellant James Echols.

October 24, 2023

State v. Jordan

State ex rel. Payne v. Rose

The Court accepted Marysville Exempted Village Schools Bd. of Edn. v. Union Cty. Bd. of Revision for review.

In State v. Jordan, the Court ruled a jury could find a victim’s blindness contributed to a caretaker’s sexual imposition conviction.

October 23, 2023

In State v. Sheckles, the Court granted the request from the Ohio Attorney General's Office to share oral argument time with the Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office.

October 20, 2023

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Smith, the Court reinstated Samuel R. Smith II of Cleveland to the practice of law and directed him to work with a monitoring attorney for one year.

In Sherwin-Williams Co. v. Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s London, the Court denied the appellants’ request to increase the time for oral argument.

October 19, 2023

In Acuity, A Mut. Ins. Co. v. Progressive Specialty Ins. Co., the Court found the insurer of a teen driver who borrowed a friend’s car and caused an accident should pay for the damage rather than the insurer of the car owner.

Acuity, A Mut. Ins. Co. v. Progressive Specialty Ins. Co.

October 18, 2023

In In re Application of Alamo Solar I, L.L.C. (2022-0053 and 2022-0054), the Court approved the construction of two large solar farms in Preble County, finding the Ohio Power Siting Board properly authorized the projects.

In re Application of Alamo Solar I, L.L.C.

October 17, 2023

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Stobbs, the Court found Brent C. Stobbs of Reynoldsburg in contempt for failure to comply with a Court order. The stayed portion of the suspension previously issued to Stobbs was revoked. He must serve the entire 18-month suspension imposed on May 25, 2023.

The Court referred Jones Apparel Group/Nine West Holdings v. McClain to mediation.

State ex rel. Rarden v. Butler Cty. Common Pleas Court

October 16, 2023

The Court published official versions of 14 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

October 12, 2023

In Hanneman Family Funeral Home & Crematorium v. Orians, the Court found an Allen County funeral home director who solicited business from customers of his prior employer did not violate state trade secrets law.

In re Application of Lu

In re Application of Johns

Hanneman Family Funeral Home & Crematorium v. Orians

October 11, 2023

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Shaaban, the Court suspended a Toledo attorney whose neglect of clients in foreclosure cases contributed to four of them losing their homes.

State ex rel. Mobley v. Tyack

Grinnell v. Cool

Disciplinary Counsel v. Shaaban

October 10, 2023

The Court declined to accept State v. Meadows for review.

The Court accepted State v. Echols for review.

In State v. Williams, the Court found that a prison warden did not follow a state law requiring he notify local officials that an inmate facing robbery charges intended to invoke his rights to a speedy trial, so the charges must be dismissed.

State v. Reyes

State ex rel. Barr v. Wesson

State v. Williams

October 9, 2023

In Bennett v. Ohio Redistricting Comm., the Court granted petitioner Carrie Kubicki’s application to dismiss her individual claims only. This case remains pending on the claims of all remaining petitioners.

In State ex rel. King v. Cuyahoga Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court ordered the respondents to file a response, if any, by noon, Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023, to relator East Cleveland Mayor Brandon King’s motion for reconsideration and clarification.

October 8, 2023

In State ex rel. Hildreth v. LaRose, the Court granted a writ to remove a city of Marysville Adult Cabaret Performance ordinance from the Nov. 7, 2023, general election ballot.

State ex rel. King v. Cuyahoga Cty. Bd. of Elections

State ex rel. Hildreth v. LaRose

October 7, 2023

In State ex rel. Miller v. Union Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court ordered the Union County Board of Elections to place a Marysville annexation referendum on the Nov. 7, 2023, general election ballot.

State ex rel. Miller v. Union Cty. Bd. of Elections

October 6, 2023

In State ex rel. Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights v. Ohio Ballot Bd., the Court denied as moot the respondents’ motion for an order granting leave to file an affidavit.

October 5, 2023

State ex rel. Cogan v. Indus. Comm.

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Jancura, the Court reinstated Diana D. Jancura of Sheffield to the practice of law.

October 4, 2023

In State v. Toran, the Court ruled that a Hamilton County deputy who discovered a gun when conducting an inventory search of a truck did not violate the driver’s constitutional rights.

State v. Toran

State ex rel. Levitin v. Indus. Comm.

October 3, 2023

In State ex rel. Ogle v. Hocking Cty. Common Pleas Court, the Court affirmed the decision of the Fourth District Court of Appeals.

State ex rel. Ogle v. Hocking Cty. Common Pleas Court

Thomas v. Logue

October 2, 2023

The Court published official versions of eight opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

In State v. Combs, the Court denied appellant Donald Combs’ motion to inform the Office of the Clerk and the Court. The Court also denied the state’s motion to strike Combs’ motion.

September 29, 2023

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Horton, the Court reinstated Timothy S. Horton to the practice of law in Ohio.

In League of Women Voters of Ohio v. Ohio Redistricting Comm. (2021-1193, 2021-1198, 2021-1210), the Court denied the petitioners’ request for a scheduling order.

September 28, 2023

At the request of the parties, the Court stayed State ex rel. Borges v. Ohio Elections Comm. until Nov. 13, 2023, and set a schedule for presentation of evidence and filing of briefs.

The Court declined to review CitiMortgage, Inc. v. Nyamusevya.

Disciplinary Counsel v. McCloskey

State v. Miller

The Court set a briefing schedule for State ex rel. King v. Cuyahoga Cty. Bd. of Elections, beginning with the respondents filing an answer to the complaint by 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 29, 2023.

September 27, 2023

The Court declined to accept State v. McFarland for review.

In Wildcat Drilling, L.L.C. v. Discovery Oil & Gas, L.L.C., the Court ruled an eastern Ohio oil well owner that paid a $50,000 fine for pollution violations caused by a drilling company could recoup the fine from the driller, which did not know the well owner reached a settlement.

State ex rel. Howard v. Watson

Wildcat Drilling, L.L.C. v. Discovery Oil & Gas, L.L.C.

September 26, 2023

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Daniell, the Court suspended a Columbus attorney for two years, with 18 months stayed, for accepting fees for an adoption case but not following through with the work.

In Disciplinary Counsel v. Price, the Court issued a fully stayed two-year suspension from the practice of law to William E. Price II of Columbus on the condition that he engage in no further misconduct.

State ex rel. Ames v. Portage Cty. Bd. of Commrs.

Disciplinary Counsel v. Daniell

September 25, 2023

In State ex rel. Ames v. LaRose, the Court converted the case from an expedited election matter to an original action seeking a writ of mandamus. The Court ordered the respondents Ohio secretary of state and the Portage County Board of Elections to respond within 21 days of the service of the summons and complaint.

In State ex rel. Hildreth v. LaRose, the Court ordered the parties to file responses, if any, by 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2023, to allow Danielle Stefaniszyn, Devin Palmer, Skate Buchanan, Charles Palmer, Renee Price, and Julie Cook to intervene as respondents.

September 22, 2023

At the request of relator Jerome Township Board of Trustees, the Court dismissed State ex rel. Jerome Twp. Bd. of Trustees v. Smarra.

In State ex rel. Hildreth v. LaRose, the Court set an expedited briefing schedule for the filing of answers, evidence, and briefs beginning with directing the respondents to file an answer to the complaint by 4 p.m., Monday, Sept. 25, 2023.

In State ex rel. Miller v. Union Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court ordered the parties to file a response, if any, by noon, Monday, Sept. 25, 2023, to the motion to intervene as respondents by Richard Warner, Mark E. Meyer, Pamela E. Meyer, Lapama’a, L.L.C., Irwin Farms, Ltd., and Highland Realty Development.

September 21, 2023

In State ex rel. Crenshaw v. Cuyahoga Cty. Bd. Of Elections, the Court denied a writ of mandamus to compel the board of elections to remove candidates for judge and clerk of Cleveland Municipal Court from the November 2023 ballot.

State ex rel. Robinson v. Crawford Cty. Bd. of Elections

State ex rel. Crenshaw v. Cuyahoga Cty. Bd. of Elections

September 20, 2023

In In re Application of E. Ohio Gas Co., the Court found a portion of a PUCO order allowing Dominion Energy to collect approximately $73 million from its Northeast Ohio customers to pay for past capital improvements to its distribution infrastructure is not unreasonable or unlawful.

In re Application of E. Ohio Gas Co.

State ex rel. Lambert v. Medina Cty. Bd. of Elections

In State ex rel. Lambert v. Medina Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court denied a writ of mandamus to compel the Medina County Board of Elections to place a local liquor option on the Nov. 7, 2023, general election ballot.

September 19, 2023

In State ex rel. Fluty v. Raiff, the Court denied a writ of mandamus.

State ex rel. Fluty v. Raiff

In State ex rel. Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights v. Ohio Ballot Bd., the Court granted a limited writ of mandamus, ordering the Ohio Ballot Board to reconvene and adopt language that accurately conveys that the proposed amendment limits the ability of the state, as defined by the amendment, to burden, penalize, or prohibit abortion. The writ was denied in all other respects.

State ex rel. Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights v. Ohio Ballot Bd.

September 18, 2023

The Court declined to accept State v. Berry for review.

The Court published official versions of nine opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

In State ex rel. Miller v. Union Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court ordered the respondent Union County Board of Elections to file an answer to the relators’ complaint by Friday, Sept. 22, 2023.

September 15, 2023

Based on a felony conviction, the Court in In re Riley has suspended Tyrone Riley of Toledo from the practice of law for an interim period.

In Crenshaw v. Cuyahoga Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court ordered the respondents to file a response, if any, by noon, Monday, Sept. 18, to relator Mariah Crenshaw’s motion for leave to amend only the caption of her petition for a writ of mandamus.

State ex rel. Ottawa Hills Local School Dist. Bd. of Edn. v. Lucas Cty. Bd. of Elections

In State ex rel. Ottawa Hills Local School Dist. Bd. of Edn. v. Lucas Cty. Bd. of Elections, the Court denied a writ of mandamus to place an Ottawa Hills Local School District tax levy on the Nov. 7 election ballot.

September 14, 2023

At the request of relator Patrick Wilkerson, the Court dismissed State ex rel. Wilkerson v. Adkins.

September 13, 2023

In State v. Carter, the Court ordered the victim’s name be redacted from all case documents, and directed the parties not to disclose the victim’s identity during oral argument.

In State ex rel. Walder v. Grendell, the Court ordered the respondent Geauga County Probate Court Judge Timothy Grendell to file responses to relator Geauga County Auditor Charles Walder’s complaint and request for an emergency stay by 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 15, 2023.

September 12, 2023

The Court accepted State v. Loveless and will hold it for the decision in State v. Beatty.

September 11, 2023

The Court referred State ex rel. Huwig v. Ohio Dept. of Health to mediation.

September 8, 2023

The Court declined to accept State v. Ritchey for review.

The Court will schedule oral argument in Snodgrass v. O’Leary.

In State ex rel. Campbell v. Cordova, the Court ordered the respondents to file a response to the complaint no later than Friday, Sept. 15, 2023. If respondents file a responsive motion, then relator Kelsey E. Campbell shall file a response, if any, within seven days after the respondents’ motion was filed.

In State ex rel. Mulinix v. Gill, the Court dismissed the Tenth District Court of Appeals as a respondent in the case and denied relator Pamela Mulinix’s request to order the Tenth District to vacate a requirement that she post a bond.

In Kyser v. Summit Cty. Children Servs. (2022-1419 and 2023-0126), the Court denied the request from Summit County Children Services to stay oral argument.

September 7, 2023

The Court dismissed Neiman v. LaRose and League of Women Voters of Ohio v. LaRose.

State ex rel. Duncan v. Mentor

State ex rel. Mitchell v. Pittman

State ex rel. Duncan v. Driscoll

State ex rel. Cleveland Assn. of Rescue Emps. v. Cleveland

In Kyser v. Summit Cty. Children Servs. (2022-1419 and 2023-0126), the Court ordered appellant Kelly D. Kyser to file a response, if any, no later than noon, Friday, Sept. 8, 2023, to Summit County Children Services’ request to stay oral argument.

September 6, 2023

In AJZ’s Hauling, Inc. v. TruNorth Warranty Programs of N. Am., the Court ruled that a company could not file a second lawsuit to avoid arbitration.

Disciplinary Counsel v. Romer

State ex rel. Smith v. Triggs

State ex rel. Griffin v. Szoke

AJZ's Hauling, L.L.C. v. TruNorth Warranty Programs of N. Am.

September 5, 2023

The Court declined to accept State v. Reddick for review.

In Cleveland Metro. Bar Assn. v. Brooks, the Court suspended Phyllis E. Brooks of Cleveland from the practice of law for an interim period for failing to answer a formal disciplinary complaint.

State ex rel. Barr v. Wesson

State ex rel. Harris v. Indus. Comm.

Disciplinary Counsel v. Nowicki

September 1, 2023

In State ex rel. Mulinix v. Gill, the Court ordered the respondents to file a response to the complaint by noon, Tuesday, Sept. 5. If respondents file a response, then the relator’s response, if any, must be filed by noon, Wednesday, Sept. 6.

August 31, 2023

In State v. Schilling, the Court ruled a man convicted under an Ohio sex offender reporting law completed his 10-year registration requirements while living in Kentucky and did not have to start the reporting period over when he moved to Ohio.

State ex rel. Barr v. Wesson

State v. Schilling

August 30, 2023

In Harris v. Hilderbrand, the Court ruled that a jury should decide whether a K-9 officer can be held financially responsible for the injuries caused to a house guest who was bitten by his canine partner.

Harris v. Hilderbrand

The Court dismissed Dickson v. Chardon Mun. Court.

State v. Hurt

State ex rel. Youngstown Civ. Serv. Comm. v. Sweeney

August 29, 2023

In State ex rel. Internatl. Assn. of Fire Fighters, Local 1536, AFL-CIO v. Sakacs, the Court ruled that after the city of Wickliffe’s fire chief retired, the city violated state law when the chief was rehired the next day to the same position.

The Court accepted Caldwell v. Whirlpool Corp. for appeal.

State ex rel. Internatl. Assn. of Fire Fighters, Local 1536, AFL-CIO v. Sakacs

State ex rel. Kidd v. Indus. Comm.

PCM, Inc. v. Harris

August 28, 2023

At the request of the appellant, the Court dismissed State ex rel. J.M. v. Celebrezze.

August 25, 2023

In Cleveland Metro. Bar Assn. v. Smith, the Court granted respondent Robert Smith III of Beachwood leave to file an answer with the Board of Professional Conduct. The Court remanded the matter to the board for further proceedings.

August 24, 2023

In Cleveland Bar Assn. v. Rollins, the Court found Myers Rollins Jr. of Twinsburg in contempt for failure to surrender his certificate of admission and failure to file an affidavit of compliance.

In State v. Brentley, the Court denied appellant Justin Brentley’s motion for a stay.

August 23, 2023

The Court dismissed State ex rel. Chatman v. Crawford Cty. Family & Children First Council after appellant David Chatman failed to file a merit brief by the Aug. 14 deadline.

In Neiman v. LaRose, the Court ordered the parties to file simultaneous merit briefs within 20 days on the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Huffman v. Neiman and what further proceedings this Court should hold. The parties shall file simultaneous reply briefs, if any, within 10 days after the filing of the merit briefs.

August 22, 2023

In Cleveland Metro. Bar Assn. v. Gottehrer, the Court reinstated Blaine L. Gottehrer of Mayfield Heights to the practice of law.

August 21, 2023

The Court published official versions of 13 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

August 16, 2023

The Court referred State ex rel. West v. Adams Cty. Sheriff to mediation.

August 15, 2023

In Giroux v. Commt. Representing the Petitioners with Respect to the Initiative Petition Proposing an Amendment to the Ohio Constitution Entitled the Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety, the Court allowed out-of-state attorney William B. Stafford to participate in the case.

In State v. Seals and State v. Carbaugh, the Court permitted the appellants to file delayed appeals.

August 11, 2023

At the request of the appellant, the Court dismissed C.H. v. J.H.

Giroux v. Commt. Representing the Petitioners with Respect to the Initiative Petition Proposing an Amendment to the Ohio Constitution Entitled the Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety

In Giroux v. Commt. Representing the Petitioners with Respect to the Initiative Petition Proposing an Amendment to the Ohio Constitution Entitled the Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety, the Court denied a challenge to the placement of a proposed constitutional amendment on the Nov. 7, 2023, ballot.

August 10, 2023

In In re Application of Harvey Solar I, LLC, the Court allowed Harvey Solar I, LLC to participate in the case as an appellee.

August 9, 2023

In State ex rel. AutoZone Stores, Inc. v. Indus. Comm., the Court granted the request by amicus curiae Ohio Association for Justice to file a corrected brief.

August 8, 2023

The Court referred State ex rel. Culgan v. Jefferson Cty. Clerk of Courts to mediation.

August 7, 2023

The Court published official versions of 10 opinions, which were previously released as slip opinions.

In Giroux v. Commt. Representing the Petitioners with Respect to the Initiative Petition Proposing an Amendment to the Ohio Constitution Entitled the Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety, the Court ordered the respondents to file a response to relators’ motion for leave to file rebuttal evidence by 9 a.m., Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023.

State ex rel. LaChapelle v. Harkey

In State ex rel. LaChapelle v. Harkey, the Court issued a writ of mandamus ordering the city of Maumee finance director to transmit a referendum petition to the Lucas County Board of Elections.

August 3, 2023

In State ex rel. Fair Housing Opportunities of Northwest Ohio v. Ohio Fair Plan, the Court ruled that a state-created association that makes property insurance available in hard-to-serve urban areas must make records available to the public.

State ex rel. Ames v. Baker, Dublikar, Beck, Wiley & Mathews

State v. Jordan

State ex rel. Fair Housing Opportunities of Northwest Ohio v. Ohio Fair Plan

August 2, 2023

In United States Monarchy v. Graham, the Court lifted the stay and ordered the relator to show cause within 14 days as to why this cause should not be dismissed for failure to perfect service on respondents.

In Stingray Pressure Pumping, LLC. v. Harris, the Court ruled that the Ohio tax commissioner improperly taxed a company for five types of equipment used in blending water, chemicals, and sand for the hydraulic fracturing of oil and gas deposits.

State ex rel. Sands v. Lake Cty. Common Pleas Court

Stingray Pressure Pumping, L.L.C. v Harris

August 1, 2023

Highland Tavern, L.L.C. v. DeWine

In Highland Tavern, L.L.C. v. DeWine, the Court rejected an Akron bar’s attempt to have a COVID-19 pandemic rule declared unconstitutional finding the rule is no longer in effect and a similar rule is “not reasonably likely” to appear again.

State v. Tancak

The Court accepted State v. Glover for review and will hold the case until it decides State v. Gwynne.

July 31, 2023

In Roberts v. Kennedy, the Court ordered the relator to submit within 14 days a request for issuance of an additional summons at an alternative address or show cause why this case should not be dismissed for failure to perfect service on respondent Mike DeWine.

The Court declined to accept State v. Beasley for review.

In In re Application of Kingwood Solar I, L.L.C., the Court granted appellee Ohio Power Siting Board’s motion to suspend the briefing schedule pending a decision on the board’s motion to dismiss.

July 29, 2023

In Giroux v. Commt. Representing the Petitioners with Respect to the Initiative Petition Proposing an Amendment to the Ohio Constitution Entitled the Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety, the Court granted the relators’ emergency motion to expedite scheduling and respondents’ responses. The Court set a schedule for filing briefs and evidence with the first deadline of 4 p.m., Monday, July 31,2023.

July 28, 2023

In Giroux v. Commt. Representing the Petitioners with Respect to the Initiative Petition Proposing an Amendment to the Ohio Constitution Entitled the Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety, the Court ordered respondents to file a response, if any, to relators’ emergency motion to expedite scheduling no later than 4 p.m. on Saturday, July 29,2023.

July 27, 2023

The Court declined to accept State v. Mowery for review.

In In re Application of Firelands Wind, L.L.C., the Court approved the permit for construction of a 71-turbine wind farm that spans across portions of Huron and Erie counties.

State ex rel. Maron v. Corrigan

In re Application of Firelands Wind, L.L.C.

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