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Application to Register as a Candidate for Admission Notice

An Application to Register as a Candidate for Admission is a preliminary application. The filing and approval of it will not gain you admission to an Ohio bar examination. Before you may sit for an Ohio bar examination, you must timely file an Application to Take the Bar Examination, and that application must be separately approved. The deadlines for filing an Application to Take the Bar Examination are imposed by Rule I of the Rules for the Government of the Bar. Please refer to Section 3 of Rule I.

A bar examination applicant who qualifies for testing accommodations under the Board of Bar Examiners Policy on Applicants with Disabilities may file a Request for Testing Accommodations with the Bar Admissions Office. The Request must be filed with the Application to Take the Bar Examination and by the deadline for filing that application. The request can be submitted to

If you have any questions about testing accommodations for the Ohio Bar Examination, please contact the Bar Admissions Office at 614.387.9340 or 614.837.9350, or

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