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Case CaptionCase No.Topics and IssuesAuthorCitation / CountyDecidedPostedWebCite
State v. Jarrells 22CA3990Breaking and entering, R.C. 2911.13; theft from a protected class, R.C. 2913.02; sufficiency of the evidence; manifest weight of the evidence, direct evidence, circumstantial evidence; ineffective assistance of counsel; leading questionsWilkinScioto 7/15/2024 7/25/2024 2024-Ohio-2816
State v. Cook 23CA1172CRIMINAL; RAPE; DEFINITIONS; VOLUNTARINESS OF PLEA - Change of Plea Hearing Transcript demonstrates that trial court substantially complied with Crim.R. 11(C) to provide Appellant an understanding of the nature of the rape count to which Appellant pled; therefore, Appellant's argument that his plea was not knowing, intelligent, and voluntary is without merit. Appellant's argument that the conduct to which he admitted at plea hearing did not constitute fellatio to support rape conviction is without merit where Appellant admitted to placing his mouth on victim's penis; Appellant's maximum sentence of life in prison without the possibility of parole was not contrary to law where sentence was within statutory range and trial court considered the principles and purposes of sentencing pursuant to R.C. 2929.11 and the recidivism and seriousness factors of R.C. 2929.12; Appellant's argument that the trial court did not consider his military record under R.C. 2929.12(F) is without merit where the record demonstrates that the trial court considered R.C. 2929.12 at the sentencing hearing and in the sentencing transcript and court is not required to explicitly cite R.C. 2929.12(F) on the record to support its consideration.SmithAdams 7/15/2024 7/24/2024 2024-Ohio-2798
State v. Aeh 23CA4022Statutory speedy trial rights; tolling eventsHessScioto 7/10/2024 7/26/2024 2024-Ohio-2834
State v. Bradford 24CA1191, 24CA1192, 24CA1193guilty plea; Crim R. 11; mandatory postrelease control; knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarilyHessAdams 7/10/2024 7/15/2024 2024-Ohio-2669
State v. Kincaid 22CA4Trial court did not err in denying motion to suppress evidence collected as a result of the canine sniff of appellant's vehicle after traffic investigation had concluded, nor were Miranda warnings necessary because appellant was not in custodial interrogation.AbeleMeigs 7/5/2024 7/15/2024 2024-Ohio-2668
State v. Martin 23CA702, 23CA703guilty plea; knowing, intelligent, and voluntary; Crim.R. 11(C)(2)(c); jury trial; unanimityHessVinton 6/18/2024 6/24/2024 2024-Ohio-2408
Hoy v. Hoy 23CA704Divorce; appraisal; valuation of marital property; question of fact; manifest weight of the evidenceWilkinVinton 6/18/2024 6/26/2024 2024-Ohio-2440
In re I.G. 23CA27DELINQUENT CHILDREN - trial court incorrectly determined that it lacked subject-matter jurisdiction due to state's failure to present evidence at the adjudicatory hearing to establish that the child was less than 18 years of age; the record contained documents listing the child's birth date, which showed that she was less than 18 years of age; trial court observed child and never raised any concern that she was not less than 18 years of age; testimony presented at the adjudicatory hearing established that child was a middle school student.SmithPickaway 6/12/2024 6/18/2024 2024-Ohio-2335
State v. Darrington 22CA4007CRIMINAL-VOLUNTARINESS OF PLEA-JOINTLY RECOMMENDED SENTENCE - A trial court is not bound by a sentencing recommendation; no reversible error occurs when it is determined that a trial court sufficiently warned a defendant that a harsher sentence may be imposed than the one agreed upon if certain conditions are not met, or if certain events occur, between the plea and sentencing hearings.SmithScioto 6/12/2024 6/17/2024 2024-Ohio-2299
State v. Martin 23CA3In State v. Rhodes, 2 Ohio St.3d 74, 442 N.E. 2d 1299 (1982), the Supreme Court of Ohio explained that "for purposes of determining the commission of a theft offense under R.C. 2913.01, one need not hold a certificate of title to be in lawful possession of a motor vehicle" and the identity of the holder of a certificate of title to a motor vehicle is not the controlling issue. Thus, where it was up to the jury to determine the credibility of the witnesses and to resolve any conflicts in evidence, we cannot find that the jury clearly lost its way and created a manifest miscarriage of justice requiring reversal of Appellant's conviction for grand theft of a motor vehicle although motorcycle at issue was still titled in her name; where essence of theft offense is the wrongful taking by the defendant, trial court did not err in denying Appellant's Crim.R. 12(C) motion to dismiss when it would have been premature for the trial court to determine whether the State could satisfy its burden of proof and to rule on issues of fact; trial court did not abuse its discretion in granting the State of Ohio's motion in limine requesting exclusion of evidence regarding civil remedies Appellant could have availed herself of where said evidence would have added to confusion and had a genuine potential to mislead the jurors; while prosecutor improperly accused Appellant and her son of lying multiple times, prosecutor's remarks constituted harmless error where, had the remarks not been made and had her son not testified, Appellant would still have been convicted of grand theft and breaking and entering based on testimony of other witnesses and documentary evidence presented at trial; because the record does not contain evidence that the trial court considered Appellant's present and future ability to pay a financial sanction and because the record contains not testimony as to the amount of storage fees to be paid and as to the identity of the person or entity to be paid, restitution order is reversed and remanded for consideration of the issues.SmithHighland 6/12/2024 6/18/2024 2024-Ohio-2334
State v. Underwood 21CA3974Jury instructions; self defense; defense of others; sufficiency of the evidence; manifest weight of the evidence; firearm specification; operability of firearm; ineffective assistance of counsel; cumulative error doctrine; expert witness; legal strategy; inferior offenses; aggravated assault; complicityHessScioto 6/11/2024 6/13/2024 2024-Ohio-2273
In re Guardianship of Baker 23CA13R.C. 2111.02; abuse of discretion; third-party guardian; incompetent; application for guardianship; best interests; clear and convincing evidence; stranger as guardianWilkinAthens 6/11/2024 6/20/2024 2024-Ohio-2350
In re A.W. 23CA18 & 23CA19Permanent custody—trial court's decision to grant agency permanent custody of the mother's two children was not against the manifest weight of the evidence; guardian ad litem's alleged failure to comply with Sup.R. 48.03 did not constitute reversible errorWilkinHocking 6/4/2024 6/12/2024 2024-Ohio-2243
Gaffin v. Haslam 23CA1180statute of repose; statute of limitations; legal malpractice; fraud; breach of fiduciary dutyHessAdams 5/30/2024 6/3/2024 2024-Ohio-2117
State v. Petrey 23CA29bill of particulars, plain error, guilty plea, waiverHessAthens 5/30/2024 6/3/2024 2024-Ohio-2118
State v. Remy 23CA705jurisdiction; final appealable order; R.C. 2505.02; Crim.R. 32(C); judgment of conviction; counts remain unresolvedHessVinton 5/30/2024 6/3/2024 2024-Ohio-2119
State v. Williams 22CA16Operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs (OVI); traffic stop; marked lane violation; motion to suppress; Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution; probable cause; reasonable and articulable suspicion; dash-camera video; credibility of witnesses; R.C. 4511.33(A)(1)WilkinPickaway 5/28/2024 6/4/2024 2024-Ohio-2146
Lawler v. Green 23CA10Trial court did not abuse its discretion when it found father in contempt of court for failure to pay child support.AbelePickaway 5/22/2024 5/29/2024 2024-Ohio-2046
State v. Thomas 22CA35Prosecution did not vouch for expert witness, trial counsel did not render ineffective assistance of counsel by stipulating to prior conviction in weapons under disability trial, and no cumulative error occurred.AbeleRoss 5/22/2024 6/13/2024 2024-Ohio-2281
In re J.G. 23CA27, 23CA28, 23CA29, 23CA30ABUSED, NEGLECTED, DEPENDENT CHILDREN; JUV.R 29(D) - even if trial court did not substantially comply with Juv.R. 29(D) when accepting mother's admission to abuse and dependency complaints, evidence presented at adjudicatory hearing otherwise was sufficient to support adjudications.SmithWashington 5/22/2024 6/3/2024 2024-Ohio-2122
State v. Johnson 23CA11Appellant's conviction not against the manifest weight of the evidence.AbeleHighland 5/22/2024 5/29/2024 2024-Ohio-2058
Kerns v. Hale 23CA4039Civ.R. 56, summary judgment, genuine issue of material fact, de novo review, R.C. 4511.21(A), assured clear distance ahead, pedestrian, negligence per se, R.C. 4511.48(A) and (E), R.C. 4511.46(B), limited access highway, freeway, R.C. 5511.02(D), punitive damages, malice, attorney fees, negligent entrustmentWilkinScioto 5/22/2024 5/29/2024 2024-Ohio-2061
Thompson v. Thompson 22CA21Divorce, Evid.R. 803(3), hearsay exception, abuse of discretion, marital property, separate property, R.C. 3105.171, manifest weight of the evidence, transfer on death affidavit, parol evidence rule, waiver, plain error, spousal support, R.C. 31.05.18(C)WilkinWashington 5/22/2024 6/4/2024 2024-Ohio-2147
State v. Harp 23CA1170CRIMINAL-VOLUNTARINESS OF PLEA-JOINTLY RECOMMENDED SENTENCE - A trial court is not bound by a sentencing recommendation; no reversible error occurs when it is determined that a trial court sufficiently warned a defendant that a harsher sentence may be imposed than the one agreed upon if certain conditions are not met, or if certain events occur, between the plea and sentencing hearings.SmithAdams 5/22/2024 6/3/2024 2024-Ohio-2120
State v. Bridges 23CA8Trial court may impose supervisory costs for costs associated with post-release control, appellate counsel received appropriate access to the defendant's presentence report (PSI), but cause remanded for consideration of State v. Taylor, 163 Ohio St.3d 508, 2020-Ohio-6786, 171 N.E.3d 290.AbeleGallia 5/15/2024 5/22/2024 2024-Ohio-1967
Beacon Funding Corp. v. CV Transp. & Towing, Inc. 23CA21Breach of contract-appellants failed to establish genuine issue of material fact remained when they simply submitted conclusory allegations challenging the amount dueAbeleRoss 5/14/2024 5/23/2024 2024-Ohio-1993
DCI Rentals, L.L.C. v. Sammons 23CA4030Negligence-permanent injury to real property; trial court correctly determined that appellant's measure of damages was the market value of the property before and after the injury when the injury to appellant's property was permanent.AbeleScioto 5/14/2024 5/22/2024 2024-Ohio-1962
State v. Conn 23CA1175consecutive sentences; R.C. 2929.14(C)(4); R.C. 2953.08(G)(2)HessAdams 5/10/2024 5/20/2024 2024-Ohio-1920
State v. Guice 22CA4010Fourth Amendment; warrantless search; consent; rental car; expectation of privacy; right to exclude; undercarriage of vehicle; multiplicitous counts; sufficiency of the evidence; manifest weight of the evidence; hidden compartment; Fifth Amendment; right to remain silentHessScioto 5/10/2024 5/20/2024 2024-Ohio-1914
In re D.E. 23CA15juvenile delinquent; R.C. 2152.16; R.C. 2152.01; plain error; findings on the record; jointly recommended sentenceHessWashington 5/8/2024 5/10/2024 2024-Ohio-1796
State Dept. of Natural Resources, Div. of Forestry v. Srofe 22CA3996Quiet Title; Department of Natural Resources, Division of Forestry; bench trial; de novo; manifest weight of the evidence; credibility of witnesses; land surveyor experts; survey standards; Virginia Military Survey (“VMS”); boundary line agreement; deed; due process; service by mail; service by publication; res judicata; claim preclusion; issue preclusion; void judgment; inherent power to vacate void judgment; Civ.R. 60(B) – relief from judgment; R.C. 5301.21WilkinScioto 5/7/2024 5/13/2024 2024-Ohio-1842
State v. Price 23CA6 & 23CA7felony sentencing; contrary to law; plain error; Reagan Tokes Act; R.C. 2929.19HessMeigs 4/26/2024 4/29/2024 2024-Ohio-1641
Storer v. Natl. Coop. Bank 23CA8Civ.R. 12(B)(6); failure to state a claim; wrongful termination; clear public policy; pregnancy discrimination; temporal nexusHessHighland 4/26/2024 5/1/2024 2024-Ohio-1676
State v. Kuntz 23CA11CRIMINAL-SUFFICIENCY-MANIFEST WEIGHT-INEFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL-WAIVER - Kuntz's convictions for felony murder and felonious assault were supported by sufficient evidence and were not against the manifest weight of the evidence; trial counsel was not constitutionally ineffective despite the fact that a portion of Kuntz's video containing prejudicial material was accidentally played for the jury; Kuntz's independent felony/merger doctrine argument was not preserved for purposes of appeal.SmithRoss 4/26/2024 5/1/2024 2024-Ohio-1680
State v. Avery 23CA12OVI, manifest weight of the evidence, R.C. 4511.19(A)(1)(a), alcohol, marijuana, field sobriety testsHessRoss 4/26/2024 4/29/2024 2024-Ohio-1642
State v. Gay 22CA3999Appellant's felonious assault conviction supported by sufficient evidence and not against the manifest weight of the evidence.AbeleScioto 4/25/2024 5/1/2024 2024-Ohio-1673
State v. Stewart 23CA1R.C. 2907.02(A)(2), rape, sufficiency of the evidence, manifest weight of the evidence, R.C. 2953.08(G)(2), R.C. 2929.18(A), fine, R.C. 2947.23(C), court costs, R.C. 2929.11, R.C. 2929.12(F)HessLawrence 4/24/2024 4/29/2024 2024-Ohio-1640
State v. Rowland 21CA11Rape, gross sexual imposition, plain error, unfairly prejudicial evidence, Evid.R. 403(A), abuse of discretion, ineffective assistance of counsel, hearsay, Confrontation Clause, de novo, Evid.R. 804(A)(3), Evid.R. 804(B)(6), Evid.R. 801(D)(1)(c), sufficiency of the evidence, manifest weight of the evidence, community control sanction, no contact order, cumulative errorsWilkinJackson 4/23/2024 4/30/2024 2024-Ohio-1660
State v. Peaks 23CA1CRIMINAL-SUFFICIENCY-MANIFEST WEIGHT-INEFFECTIVE ASSISTANCE OF COUNSEL - The judgment of the trial court is affirmed where the conviction for sexual imposition was supported by sufficient evidence and was not against the manifest weight of the evidence; appellant failed to demonstrate he received ineffective assistance of counsel where the errors alleged were either presumed to be sound trial strategy or where the alleged deficiency did not result in prejudice.SmithGallia 4/22/2024 5/1/2024 2024-Ohio-1678
State v. Boyd 23CA4, 23CA5ineffective assistance, speedy trial, R.C. 2945.71(C)(2), R.C. 2945.72(H), failure to appear, waiver, consecutive sentences, R.C. 2929.14(C)(4), R.C. 2953.08(G)(2)HessJackson 4/18/2024 4/22/2024 2024-Ohio-1517
Kesler v. JM Harper, L.L.C. 23CA2Dram Shop Act, R.C. 4399.18; Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings, Civ.R. 12(C); de novo; Plain ErrorWilkinHocking 4/18/2024 4/24/2024 2024-Ohio-1575
Knab v. Washington Cty. Bd. of Commrs. 23CA2Summary judgment-political subdivision-negligent maintenance of sewer-record did not establish genuine issues of material fact as to whether political subdivisions negligently maintained sewer; no evidence showed that political subdivision had prior actual or constructive notice that sewer was clogged or that it acted unreasonably once it learned that sewer was clogged; even if political subdivision failed to conduct routine maintenance and inspection, the evidence failed to demonstrate that routine maintenance and inspection would have prevented the clog from forming or the sewage from intruding into appellant's home.AbeleWashington 4/18/2024 4/24/2024 2024-Ohio-1569
State v. Gutierrez 23CA10jurisdiction; hanging charges; final appealable orderHessRoss 4/15/2024 4/15/2024 2024-Ohio-1404
State v. Bell 22CA1160Trial counsel not ineffective; guilty plea knowing, intelligent and voluntary; sentence not contrary to law.AbeleAdams 4/12/2024 4/19/2024 2024-Ohio-1502
State v. Shepard 23CA10Sixth Amendment; cross-examination; Evid. R. 608; character for truthfulness; manifest weight of the evidenceHessHighland 4/12/2024 4/15/2024 2024-Ohio-1408
Neal v. Gersten 22CA11foreclosure; Civ.R. 12(B)(2); lack of personal jurisdiction; proper service; certified mail; hearing; Civ.R. 60(B); Civ.R. 4.1(A); Civ.R. 55; motion for default judgment; App.R. 16; supersedeas bond; Civ.R. 62(B); R.C. 2505.14HessRoss 4/12/2024 4/15/2024 2024-Ohio-1405
In re D.A. 23CA25Permanent Custody; manifest weight of the evidence; best interest of the child; R.C. 2151.414HessAthens 4/10/2024 4/15/2024 2024-Ohio-1416
State v. Howard 22CA66th Amendment right to confrontation; motion to severe; testimonial statement; stacking inference; manifest weight of the evidence; ineffective assistance of counsel; indigency affidavitHessHighland 4/10/2024 4/15/2024 2024-Ohio-1409
State v. Dunbar 22CA14Trial court did not err when it denied appellant's motions to suppress evidence.AbeleGallia 4/10/2024 4/17/2024 2024-Ohio-1460
In re L.M. 23CA14Permanent custody—trial court's decision to place children in the agency's permanent custody was not against the manifest weight of the evidence; evidence showed that children had been in the agency's temporary custody for 12 or more months of a consecutive 22-month period; evidence supported trial court's finding that placing children in the agency's permanent custody is in their best interestsWilkinJackson 4/8/2024 4/16/2024 2024-Ohio-1435