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Case CaptionCase No.Topics and IssuesAuthorCitation / CountyDecidedPostedWebCite
State v. Spaid 2024-T-0032CRIMINAL - Sentencing; right of allocution; Crim.R. 32(A)(1).EklundTrumbull 7/22/2024 7/22/2024 2024-Ohio-2771
State ex rel. DeBose v. Doherty 2024-P-0030EXTRAORDINARY WRITS - mandamus; motion for judicial release; denied; after ten-day statutory timeframe; seeking order of release; improper vehicle; habeas corpus appropriate writ; procedural right; no substantive right to release; privilege; timeframe facilitates speedy resolution.Per CuriamPortage 7/22/2024 7/22/2024 2024-Ohio-2772
State v. Enricco-Caruso 2024-A-0014, 2024-A-0015, 2024-A-0016, 2024-A-0017, 2024-A-0018CRIMINAL - Anders brief; Crim.R. 11(C)(2); the trial court must inform a defendant of certain Constitutional rights when determining whether or not to accept a guilty plea; Crim.R. 32; appellate courts are limited to a review of the record; App.R. 9(A)(1); record on appeal; App.R. 10(B); transcript has not been provided; App.R. 16(A)(7).EklundAshtabula 7/22/2024 7/22/2024 2024-Ohio-2770
State v. Hodge 2024-A-0002CRIMINAL LAW - domestic violence, R.C. 2919.25, sufficiency of the evidence, manifest weight of the evidence, physical harm, credibility of victim.LucciAshtabula 7/15/2024 7/15/2024 2024-Ohio-2673
DNL Capital, L.L.C. v. Chicago Title Ins., Co. 2024-G-0029APPELLATE REVIEW - trial court judgment can only be reviewed on appeal if it constitutes a final order pursuant to R.C. 2505.02 and Civ.R. 54(B); multiple claims and parties remain pending; interlocutory order; no mandatory language that there is no just reason for delay; lack of a final and appealable order.LynchGeauga 7/15/2024 7/15/2024 2024-Ohio-2671
State v. Washington 2024-T-0023CRIMINAL - Community control; R.C. 2929.15; community control revocation; proper court action required to toll defendant's term of community control; issuance of probation warrant does not automatically toll the period of community control.EklundTrumbull 7/12/2024 7/15/2024 2024-Ohio-2670
State v. Davila 2024-T-0024CRIMINAL - community control sanctions; sanction period; R.C. 2951.07; probation warrantEklundTrumbull 7/12/2024 7/15/2024 2024-Ohio-2672
State v. O'Meara 2023-T-0098CRIMINAL LAW - presentence motion to withdraw no contest pleas; Crim.R. 32.1; reasonable and legitimate basis; ineffective assistance of trial counsel; waiver; motion to suppress.TrappTrumbull 7/8/2024 7/8/2024 2024-Ohio-2602
State v. Hobbs 2023-L-098CRIMINAL - ineffective assistance of counsel; traffic stop; reasonable and articulable suspicion; manifest weight of the evidence; Having Weapons While Under Disability; R.C. 2923.13(A)(3); constructive possession.LynchLake 7/8/2024 7/8/2024 2024-Ohio-2601
Sherrick v. Page 2023-G-0042JUVENILE - child support; modification of child support; court must independently consider award of child support; abuse of discretion; App.R. 9(B); appellant's duty to provide transcript; presume regularity; bias; travel expenses; ineffective assistance of counsel.LynchGeauga 7/8/2024 7/8/2024 2024-Ohio-2600
State v. Krug 2024-L-040APPELLATE REVIEW - Postconviction; civil in nature; App.R. 4(A)(1); untimely appeal.TrappLake 7/8/2024 7/8/2024 2024-Ohio-2603
State v. Jackson 2023-L-112CRIMINAL - Presentence motion to withdraw a guilty plea; Crim.R. 32.1; a mere change of heart regarding a guilty plea is an insufficient justification for the withdrawal; ineffective assistance of counsel; Crim.R. 11; Crim.R. 11(C)(2); a defendant must have a reasonable and legitimate basis to withdraw his guilty plea before sentencing.EklundLake 7/8/2024 7/8/2024 2024-Ohio-2599
State v. Forro 2024-P-0006APPELLATE REVIEW - issues that relate to other judgments; bootstrapping; jurisdiction; appeal dismissed.TrappPortage 7/8/2024 7/8/2024 2024-Ohio-2604
State v. Honeycutt 2024-A-0013CRIMINAL LAW - rape; jury trial; ineffective assistance of trial counsel; other-acts testimony; trial strategy; witness credibility; date range in indictment; child victim.TrappAshtabula 6/28/2024 6/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2507
State v. Gaspare 2024-G-0004CRIMINAL LAW - consecutive sentencing; R.C. 2929.11; R.C. 2929.12; R.C. 2953.08(G); R.C. 2929.14(C).PattonGeauga 6/28/2024 6/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2508
State v. Anderson 2023-L-099CRIMINAL LAW - substitution of counsel, breakdown of communication, irreconcilable conflict, abuse of discretion; authenticity of records, nontestimonial; manifest weight of the evidence, circumstantial evidence.TrappLake 6/28/2024 6/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2505
State ex rel. Sahbra Farms, Inc. v. Streetsboro 2023-P-0062CIVIL - adoption of magistrate's decision; mandamus; denial of conditional use permit; regulatory taking; just compensation; standing; merits of claim; constitutionally protected property interest; mineral lease; required analysis in first instance.TrappPortage 6/28/2024 6/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2506
State v. Urick 2024-T-0010CRIMINAL LAW - merger; allied offenses; failure to stop after an accident; R.C. 2941.25; de novo review; R.C. 4549.02(A)(1).PattonTrumbull 6/28/2024 6/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2509
State v. Strmac 2023-A-0059CRIMINAL LAW - Crim.R. 32.1, presentence motion to withdraw guilty plea; freely and liberally granted; State concedes error; trial court did not give full and fair consideration to the motion.PattonAshtabula 6/24/2024 6/24/2024 2024-Ohio-2405
Hileman v. Hileman 2023-P-0097DOMESTIC RELATIONS - Appellate courts are limited to a review of the record; App.R. 9(A)(1); record on appeal; App.R. 10(B); transcript has not been provided; App.R. 16(A)(7).EklundPortage 6/24/2024 6/24/2024 2024-Ohio-2404
State v. Shoff 2023-A-0072CRIMINAL LAW - aggravated assault; guilty plea; Anders brief; felony sentence; factors considered; cannot weigh basis of individual sentence; Crim.R. 11 factors met; plea entered knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily.LucciAshtabula 6/24/2024 6/24/2024 2024-Ohio-2406
In re J.B. 2023-T-0103JUVENILE - delinquency, Juv.R. 1, Juv.R. 9, diversion, discretion, admission to complaint, Juv.R. 29, voluntary plea.LucciTrumbull 6/24/2024 6/24/2024 2024-Ohio-2407
Nosse v. Potter 2023-L-097CIVIL - disability discrimination; tortious interference with employment relationship; Open Meetings Act; Civ.R. 12(B)(6); motion to dismiss; res judicata; claim preclusion; issue preclusion; finality; issues were already decided; privity; sua sponte dismissalLynchLake 6/17/2024 6/17/2024 2024-Ohio-2325
State v. Zaller 2023-T-0031CRIMINAL - motion to suppress; investigative stop; protective search; reasonable suspicionLynchTrumbull 6/17/2024 6/17/2024 2024-Ohio-2323
L. Bryan Carr Co., LPA v. Laforge 2024-G-0025APPELLATE REVIEW - Lack of final appealable order when there is no foreclosure decree issued; no jurisdiction until final decree of foreclosure is issued; R.C. 2505.02.EklundGeauga 6/17/2024 6/17/2024 2024-Ohio-2320
State v. Shine 2023-A-0074CRIMINAL LAW - Anders, manifest weight of the evidence, frivolous appeal, counsel's motion to withdraw is granted.TrappAshtabula 6/17/2024 6/17/2024 2024-Ohio-2326
Burnett v. Title Professionals Group 2024-A-0005CIVIL LAW - summary judgment; Civ. R. 56; breach of contract; fraud; conversion; American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreter; no genuine issues of material fact exist; disbursement was made in accordance with disbursement instructions.PattonAshtabula 6/17/2024 6/17/2024 2024-Ohio-2322
State v. Haines 2024-A-0019CRIMINAL - postconviction relief; res judicata; knowing, intelligent, and voluntary guilty plea; ineffective assistance of counselLynchAshtabula 6/17/2024 6/17/2024 2024-Ohio-2321
State v. Chester 2024-P-0031APPELLATE REVIEW - App.R. 4(A)(1); untimely appeal; postconviction proceedings are civil; App.R. 5(A) only applies to untimely criminal appeals.LucciPortage 6/17/2024 6/17/2024 2024-Ohio-2318
Schroeder v. Kirtland 2024-L-002APPELLATE REVIEW - death of party before final judgment; capacity to appeal; jurisdiction; App.R. 29(A).TrappLake 6/17/2024 6/17/2024 2024-Ohio-2319
In re P.V. 2023-T-0011CRIMINAL LAW - juvenile, delinquent, rape, GSI, sufficient evidence, force or threat of force, manipulated clothing, nonconsensual, manifest weight, competing version of events, juvenile court process.TrappTrumbull 6/17/2024 6/17/2024 2024-Ohio-2324
In re A.E.F. 2024-T-0009CIVIL - Divorce Decree; modification of shared parenting plan; R.C. 3109.04; change in circumstances; trial court's adoption of magistrate's decision; abuse of discretion; trial court did not err in finding a change in circumstances after mother unilaterally changed minor child's school, resulting in child being tardy 29 times, and affecting both parents' ability to ensure child participated in extracurricular activities.EklundTrumbull 6/10/2024 6/10/2024 2024-Ohio-2213
State v. Miller 2023-G-0038CRIMINAL LAW - operating a vehicle under the influence; horse-drawn buggy; vehicle; R.C. 4511.19; weaving on road; first impression; device; drawn; on roads; statutory language support determination; public-policy safety considerations support determination; Amish buggy is a vehicle for purposes of R.C. 4511.19.LucciGeauga 6/10/2024 6/10/2024 2024-Ohio-2217
State v. Huertas-Alicia 2022-A-0109CRIMINAL LAW - child rape, sufficiency of the evidence, penetration, multiple incidents; manifest weight of the evidence, credibility of the witnesses for jury.PattonAshtabula 6/10/2024 6/10/2024 2024-Ohio-2214
State v. Parker 2023-T-0012CRIMINAL - The Confrontation Clause; the Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution; the Confrontation Clause does not bar the use of testimonial statements for purposes other than establishing the truth of the matter asserted; hearsay, Evid.R. 801(C); failure to file a motion to suppress; ineffective assistance of counsel; prejudice exists when the result of the trial would have been different but for counsel's ineffectiveness; leading questions; plain error standard of review; sufficiency of the evidence; R.C. 2927.01(B); Gross Abuse of a Corpse; manifest weight of the evidence; Murder; R.C. 2903.02(A).EklundTrumbull 6/10/2024 6/10/2024 2024-Ohio-2212
Mickens v. Fisher Phillips Law Firm 2024-T-0016CIVIL LAW - motion to dismiss; failure to state a claim; Civ.R. 12(B)(6); negligent misrepresentation; third party; attorney; pro se litigant.TrappTrumbull 6/10/2024 6/10/2024 2024-Ohio-2216
State v. Taylor 2024-A-0044APPELLATE REVIEW - App.R. 4(A)(1); untimely appeal; dismiss.PattonAshtabula 6/10/2024 6/10/2024 2024-Ohio-2215
Fifth Third Bank, Natl. Assn. v. Audia 2024-P-0026APPELLATE REVIEW - Lack of a final appealable order; appeal from entry granting motion to stay is not final.EklundPortage 6/3/2024 6/3/2024 2024-Ohio-2127
State v. George 2023-P-0087CRIMINAL LAW - domestic violence; bench trial; Brady violation; body camera footage; 911 recording; actual existence; self-defense; disprove beyond a reasonable doubt; manifest weight of the evidence; credibility; other-acts evidence; prejudice; ineffective assistance of trial counsel.TrappPortage 6/3/2024 6/3/2024 2024-Ohio-2125
State v. Cleveland 2023-T-0091CRIMINAL LAW - manifest weight; ineffective assistance of counsel; improperly admitted evidence; Evid.R. 803(6), authentication, de novo standard of review; error was not harmless; reversed and remanded.PattonTrumbull 6/3/2024 6/3/2024 2024-Ohio-2126
State v. Williams 2023-T-0096CRIMINAL LAW - community control sanctions; consecutive prison terms; consecutive sentencing; R.C. 2953.08(G); R.C. 2929.14(C); required findings to impose consecutive sentences were not made.PattonTrumbull 5/28/2024 5/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2041
State v. Ward 2023-L-092CRIMINAL LAW - felony sentencing; R.C. 2953.08(G)(2); consecutive sentences; R.C. 2929.14(C)(4); failure to comply; fleeing immediately after the commission of a felony; R.C. 2921.331; unassigned error.LucciLake 5/28/2024 5/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2038
State v. Dietrich 2023-L-117CRIMINAL LAW - receiving stolen property; sufficiency of the evidence; manifest weight of the evidence; traffic violations; stop; Home Depot; theft; tools; invalid receipt; defendants left without paying; possession; constructive; circumstantial evidence; knowingly; sufficient, credible evidence to support conviction; sentence not contrary to law.LucciLake 5/28/2024 5/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2039
State v. Jones 2023-T-0095CRIMINAL LAW - guilty pleas; Crim.R. 11; plea colloquy; knowing, intelligent, and voluntary; Reagan Tokes Law; indefinite sentence; post-release control; complete failure to comply; prejudice.TrappTrumbull 5/28/2024 5/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2034
State v. Hart 2023-A-0070CRIMINAL LAW - violating a protection order; R.C. 2919.27; sufficiency of evidence; protection order issued pursuant to R.C. 2903.214; service of protection order; R.C. 2929.27(D); Civ.R. 65.1(C).LucciAshtabula 5/28/2024 5/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2037
Bend-Fast, Inc. v. SBA Monarch Towers III, L.L.C. 2023-A-0053CIVIL - motion for judgment on the pleadings, Civ.R. 12(C); permanent trespass; continuous trespass; unauthorized, intentional acts; exclusive possession; ongoing control and conduct.PattonAshtabula 5/28/2024 5/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2036
State v. Feidler 2023-T-0094CRIMINAL LAW - consecutive sentencing; R.C. 2953.08(G); R.C. 2929.14(C); trial court complied with R.C. 2929.14(C); sentences were not contrary to law.PattonTrumbull 5/28/2024 5/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2040
Dilley v. Dilley 2024-G-0005DOMESTIC RELATIONS - termination of spousal support; failed to object and/or appeal; res judicata; attempt to relitigate; issues already decided.TrappGeauga 5/28/2024 5/28/2024 2024-Ohio-2035
State v. Washington 2023-P-0095CRIMINAL - A post-conviction motion to dismiss is a nullity; trial court did not err in denying appellant's post-conviction motions to dismiss.EklundPortage 5/20/2024 5/20/2024 2024-Ohio-1942
State v. Wilmington 2024-P-0027APPELLATE REVIEW - Untimely appeal; App.R. 4(A)(1); App.R. 5(A); motion fails to advance justifiable and specific reasons for an almost two-year delay in perfecting appeal.TrappPortage 5/20/2024 5/20/2024 2024-Ohio-1941