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Daniel R. Hawkins Welcomed as 164th Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court at Investiture
The Ohio Supreme Court welcomed one of its newest justices to the bench with a formal investiture ceremony for Justice Daniel R. Hawkins.
Dedication to Service Highlighted During Former Chief Justice Portrait Presentation
His service as chief justice of the Ohio Supreme Court was brief, but his time dedicated to ensuring justice has spanned decades and continues today.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed four reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Join Us! 2025 Black History Month Celebration
Every February, the Ohio Supreme Court highlights the impact of African American lawyers, judges, and other influential members of the Ohio judiciary in a special programming event for Black History Month.
Conduct Board Announces February Disciplinary Hearing
The following is the schedule of a lawyer discipline case set for hearing before the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct in February. Hearings take place before a three-member panel of the board and are open to the public.
Supreme Court Now Accepting Applications for Tech Grants
Local courts can apply this month for financial assistance from the Ohio Supreme Court for technology projects. The Supreme Court supports Ohio courts by providing grants to aid in the implementation of technology-based solutions.
On This Day: Hair Perm Company Liable for Damages in Warranty Dispute
In 1944, Neison and Irving Harris established the Toni Home Permanent Company as a less-expensive alternative to salon perms.
Supreme Court Prepares New Judges For Bench Roles
Many courts throughout the state are starting the new year with new judges on the bench.
Thousands Tour Moyer Judicial Center in 2024
2024 was an eventful year for the Ohio Supreme Court’s Civic Education Office. In addition to opening new exhibits in the Visitor Education Center and hosting programs, including Off-Site Court in Jackson County, Civic Education welcomed over 11,000 guests for guided tours of the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center last year.
Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Trust State Courts, Poll Finds
More Americans are expressing confidence in state courts in the United States, according to a national survey of registered voters.
Students Devote Time To Aid Others With Legal Issues
A woman who was struggling to get a job because of past criminal convictions was looking for help.
Justice Deters Returns To Bench With Investiture Ceremony
Justice Joseph T. Deters returned to the bench in a new seat this year as the163rd justice of the Ohio Supreme Court.
Conduct Board Announces January Disciplinary Hearing
The following is the schedule of one attorney discipline case set for hearing before the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct in January. Hearings take place before a three-member panel of the board, are open to the public, and begin at 10 a.m.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued two advisory opinions concerning judicial disqualification that replace prior opinions analyzing questions under the former Code of Judicial Conduct.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded More Than $212,000 by Lawyers’ Fund
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection (LFCP) reimbursed $212,506 to 13 victims of attorney theft at its recent meeting.
Board of Professional Conduct Elects Leadership for 2025
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has announced the election of Patrick M. McLaughin of Cuyahoga County as chair and Teri R. Daniel of Lake County as vice chair.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed seven disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio. One report recommends a disciplinary sanction for a sitting judge, with six reports recommending discipline for Ohio attorneys.
2024 Supreme Court Wrap-Up
As the year adjourns, here are highlights of the Supreme Court of Ohio's innovative approaches to move the judicial branch forward and better serve those who become involved in the justice system.
Attorneys, Advocates Collaborate to Address Family Needs Before Cases Reach Courts
In 2022, a single father was struggling to regain custody of his young son when he was referred to Project Strength.
Local Artists Featured in Moyer Judicial Center’s Art Collection
When the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center was first designed as the Ohio State Departments Building in the early 1930s, architect Harry Hake was asked to feature prominent public art displays to highlight the history and achievements of Ohio.
Second Round of Public Comment Open on Proposed Rule Changes
The Supreme Court of Ohio has opened a new 20-day period for public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules of Practice and Procedure in Ohio Courts.
Justices Heading To Monroe County
The Supreme Court of Ohio has accepted an invitation from the Monroe County Common Pleas Court to hold the 84th session of Off-Site Court on April 23, 2025.
New Tool Helps Out-of-State Attorneys Practice in Ohio
Ohio judges have a new tool to help them keep track of the requirements for out-of-state attorneys who wish to temporarily practice in Ohio. Bench cards have been sent to all Ohio judges and magistrates, providing helpful information about pro hac vice admission within the state.
10th Annual Veterans Summit Connects Resources and Support
Sharing resources and programs to support Ohio’s veterans was the common goal at the 10th Annual Lean Forward Veterans Summit. This year’s theme, “Special Populations,” focused on the many resources to help aging veterans and military families.
Ohio Courts Plan Settlement Weeks To Move Cases Toward Resolution
Courts that implement Settlement Weeks have resolved pending legal conflicts and cleared cases off the docket.
Conduct Board Announces December Disciplinary Hearing
The following is the schedule for an attorney discipline case set for hearing before the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct in December.
Newest class of Court Management Program graduates equipped to lead with innovation
The Supreme Court of Ohio recently celebrated 32 court administrators, clerks, chief probation officers, and other leaders from across the state who earned the Certified Court Executive credential from the nationally recognized Court Management Program (CMP).
250th Commemoration of Logan’s Lament
This fall marks the 250th anniversary of Chief Logan’s famous speech delivered under a massive elm tree on the plains of Pickaway County just south of Circleville. The speech is known in history as “Logan’s Lament.”
Students Construct Podium and State Seals for Local Courthouse
Students made a notable contribution recently to the Medina County Courthouse by building a custom podium and updating court seals.
Sworn to Serve: Ohio’s Newest Attorneys Eager To Give Back to Their Communities
Increasing access to justice was a common goal among many of Ohio’s 801 new attorneys recently sworn into the bar.
Monthly Event Helps People Address Warrants for Minor, Non-Violent Offenses
More than 55,000 warrants for misdemeanors are pending in the Franklin County Municipal Court system.
Supreme Court Commemorates Veterans Day with New Exhibits
The Supreme Court of Ohio commemorated Veterans Day with the unveiling of two new exhibits in the Visitor Education Center at the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center. “Tuskegee Airmen: Portraits in Courage” and “Justices in Uniform” are the first exhibits in the space specifically designated to honoring veterans.
Specialized Dockets Leave Individual Impact on Communities
Nearly 600 people from treatment court teams across the state met to advance their practices during the Supreme Court Specialized Dockets Conference.
Public Comment Open: Case Processing Time Standards
The Supreme Court of Ohio has opened a 45-day period for public comment on proposed amendments to the Supreme Court case processing time standards for trial courts in Ohio.
Board of Professional Conduct Announces 2025 Judicial Candidate Seminars
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has announced a schedule of five judicial campaign conduct seminars for candidates seeking judicial office in 2025.
Court Adopts Rule Amendments for Attorney Registration
The Supreme Court of Ohio has adopted rule amendments to the Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio regarding attorney registration.
Judicial College Course Builds Skills for Good Workplace Practices
A group of 35 managers and supervisors from courts in six Ohio counties participated in a course on maintaining a professional and respectful work environment.
Supreme Court Unveils New Exhibits Honoring Military Justices and the Tuskegee Airmen Legacy
Two new exhibits are coming to the Supreme Court of Ohio’s award-winning Visitor Education Center. They feature justices who served in the U.S. Armed Forces, and the legacy of the Tuskegee Airmen.
Ohio Supreme Court's Legal Guide to Cemeteries: Halloween Edition
On Halloween, the Supreme Court of Ohio invites residents to explore the legal dimensions of cemeteries and burial grounds. This Halloween, we delve into the laws that govern these sacred spaces and ensure they remain respected sanctuaries for our dearly departed.
November Is Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month, designated to recognize the traditions, contributions, and history of the country’s first people and their ancestors.
Grant Opportunity for Ohio Judiciary: America 250-Ohio
The Ohio Commission for the United States Semiquincentennial (America 250-Ohio) has launched a new round of grants up to $5,000 specifically for locally designated “America 250-Ohio Communities.”
Conduct Board Announces November Disciplinary Hearings
The following is the schedule two disciplinary cases set for hearing before the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct in November.
140 Attorneys Sanctioned for CLE Noncompliance
The Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education has sanctioned 140 attorneys for failing to comply with continuing legal education (CLE) rules.
Domestic Relations Web Tool Developed for Judges and Magistrates
A guide to domestic relations legal topics, such as child support, marital property division, and protection orders, has been restructured into a web-driven resource to better serve judges and magistrates.
July Ohio Bar Exam Results Announced
More than 800 recent law school graduates passed the July bar exam. The Supreme Court of Ohio has released results from the July 2024 Ohio Bar Examination.
Register Now for the 2024 Veterans Summit
This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Lean Forward Veterans Summit. Each year, Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy convenes the summit, part of the broader Lean Forward initiative seeking to advance treatment for justice-involved veterans in Ohio.
Domestic Violence Advocates Stand by Victims in Ohio Courts
For people who’ve experienced violence by an intimate partner, help can be found from many organizations. Among them are advocates who guide domestic violence victims through the courts toward healing and justice.
Champion for Change: Retired Judge’s Legacy in Family Law, Domestic Violence Advocacy
Retired Judge Denise Herman McColley has long been an advocate for children and families, first as an educator and then later in her career as a lawyer, magistrate, and judge.
Online Help Center Launches in Cuyahoga County Court
Dealing with family law matters like divorce, child custody, and child support is difficult for anyone. But it’s especially hard for individuals who don’t have access to an attorney and must navigate the legal system on their own.
A New Era of Innovation: The One Year Anniversary of the Team Behind the Supreme Court's Judicial Assignment Program
The Supreme Court of Ohio is setting the pace for judicial innovation, driven by the dedication of its entire team, and judges and court employees statewide.
Supreme Court Adopts Changes to Judicial Campaign Contribution Limits
The Supreme Court of Ohio has announced the adoption of increased judicial campaign contribution limits beginning with the 2025 election cycle.
On This Day: Requiring Orange Hunting Gear Did Not Violate First Amendment
On Nov. 28, 1994, brothers Samuel and Joas Bontrager were out hunting on their father’s farmland in Hardin County when a wildlife officer stopped them.
Specialized Dockets Receive Portion of Gun Violence Reduction Grants
Marietta Municipal Mental Health Court and 10 other specialized dockets throughout Ohio are recipients of $1.3 million in federal gun violence reduction grants recently distributed by the state Office of Criminal Justice Services (OCJS).
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Advisory Opinion on Lawyer’s Duty to Notify Sender of Inadvertently Sent Document
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued Advisory Opinion 2024-05, regarding a lawyer's ethical duties after receiving inadvertently sent information in response to a public records request.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed five disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio. One report recommends a license suspension and corresponding suspension from judicial office for a sitting judge, and two of the reports recommend discipline for Ohio attorneys.
Supreme Court Domestic Violence Program Offers Resources to Courts, Communities
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In 2023, the Ohio Domestic Violence Network (ODVN) reported 78 victims died in one year from domestic violence incidents in the state.
Public Comment Open: Proposed Rule Changes to Probate Forms
The Supreme Court of Ohio has opened a 45-day period for public comment on proposed amendmentsto the Rules of Superintendence in Ohio Courts regarding standard probate forms.
Mental Health Focus in Miami County
The Miami County courts and community are coming together to address mental health, sharing the many resources available and how the local justice system is supporting people working toward recovery.
Educators: Last Call for Supreme Court Transportation Grant Applications
The deadline for educators to apply for transportation grants to visit the Supreme Court of Ohio is quickly approaching. Applications are due Wednesday, Oct. 2.
Conduct Board Announces October Disciplinary Hearing
The following is a schedule of one attorney discipline case set for hearing before the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct in October.
Hundreds Experience the Judiciary First-Hand During Supreme Court Open Doors
The Supreme Court of Ohio’s first Open Doors after-hours tours brought more than 200 visitors to the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center during two special evening events.
Chief Justice Kennedy Highlights Courtroom Innovation in State of Judiciary Address
In an address to more than 400 attendees of the Ohio Judicial Conference, Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy of the Supreme Court of Ohio emphasized the importance of innovation within the judiciary.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded more than $104,200 by Lawyers’ Fund
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection (LFCP) reimbursed $104,248.76 to 14 victims of attorney theft at its recent meeting.
Honoring the Volunteers at the Moyer Judicial Center
Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy recently hosted a luncheon for all the volunteers who lead tours of the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center.
Form to Assist Crime Victims Available in Six Additional Languages
A victim of a crime is permitted to seek compensation from the offender for certain losses, such as medical expenses or lost wages. A form in English used to help crime victims request the compensation in a court has been translated into six more languages to help victims who aren’t proficient in English.
Report Makes Recommendations To Foster Success After Incarceration
More than 18,000 people were released in 2022 from Ohio prisons and an estimated 75,000 exited jails. Their experience when returning to their communities after incarceration often drives whether they prosper or fail moving forward.
A Three-Year Training Program Helps Courts Across Ohio
Forty-one court administrators from across Ohio have completed three-years of education to earn a certificate in court management.
Educators: Transportation Grants Now Available for Supreme Court Field Trips
The Supreme Court of Ohio invites school groups to come learn about Ohio’s judicial system while exploring one of the state’s most iconic historical buildings.
County Leaders Are Tearing Down Silos of Child and Family Care
Nearly 900 leaders from counties across Ohio came to Columbus this week for a summit addressing how to deliver the right services for children and families who need assistance.
Supreme Court Announces Locations, Dates for Off-Site Visits to High Schools
The Supreme Court of Ohio has scheduled its plans to take oral arguments on the road in 2025. The Supreme Court’s traveling civic education program – geared to high school students and known as the Off-Site Court Program – will be held on April 23, 2025, and Oct. 8, 2025.
Public Comment Open on Proposed Rule Changes
The Supreme Court of Ohio has opened a 45-day period for public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules of Practice and Procedure in Ohio Courts.
Conduct Board Announces September Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct announced three disciplinary cases set for hearing in August. Each case involves allegations of professional misconduct by a lawyer.
Honoring American Labor in the Art of the Moyer Judicial Center
Labor Day is a time-honored tradition set aside for us to remember the contributions of the people who built this nation.
My Summer of Learning at the Supreme Court
I’m Emily Stokes, an Ohio University journalism and political science student, and summer extern at the Supreme Court of Ohio. It was truly a transformative experience, a unique opportunity to explore and gain a deeper understanding of Ohio’s judiciary.
Partners in Justice: Court Reporters
As “guardians of the record,” court reporters must document every word of hearings and trials. Their accuracy and timeliness make them essential to the Ohio justice system.
Legal Help Available for Veterans
The Supreme Court is committed to supporting access to justice for all, particularly veterans and their families, sharing statewide resources for those in need of legal assistance.
Local Court Professionals Discuss Key Issues at Supreme Court Roundtables
Court administrators from around Ohio are gathering in Columbus for candid conversations about issues facing their courts and to learn from each other about how their peers are tackling challenges.
Register Now: Evening Tours at the Supreme Court
Mark your calendars! The Supreme Court is taking part in this year’s Ohio Open Doors after-hours program, with four evening tours available on September 10 and September 12.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Recommendations for Attorneys
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed 13 reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio recommending discipline for Ohio attorneys.
Conduct Board Announces August Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct announced three disciplinary cases set for hearing in August. Each case involves allegations of professional misconduct by a lawyer.
Seats of Justice: A Look at Belmont County
The last stop on this round of the Seats of Justice courthouse tour takes viewers to St. Clairsville.
Videos From Supreme Court Explain Juror Duties in Ohio
Courts can rely on two educational videos from the Supreme Court of Ohio to inform people selected for jury duty about how courts work and the essential role of jurors to the justice system.
Public Comment Open, Proposed Rule Changes to Attorney Registration
The Supreme Court of Ohio has opened a 45-day period for public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules for the Government of the Bar regarding attorney registration.
Seats of Justice: A Look at Muskingum County
Next on the Supreme Court tour of Ohio’s seats of justice is the Muskingum County courthouse in Zanesville.
Seats of Justice: A Look at Harrison County
The next stop on the Supreme Court’s tour of county courthouses takes viewers to Cadiz in Harrison County.
Seats of Justice: A Look at Huron County
The next stop on the Supreme Court’s tour of county courthouses takes viewers to the Huron County Courthouse. Erected in 1913, this courthouse was built on the ancient, sandy shores of Lake Erie in Norwalk.
Finding Hope in Prison
During a day-long seminar organized by the Ohio Judicial College, judicial officers from across the state met in Mansfield to experience life in both historic and modern-day prison.
Seats of Justice: A Look at Ohio’s Local Courthouses
Take in the grandeur of Ohio’s many courthouses without ever leaving home!
Supreme Court of Ohio Names Ellinger Director of Public Information
Andy Ellinger has been named director of public information for the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Conduct Board Announces July Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct announced four disciplinary cases set for hearing in July. Each case involves allegations of professional misconduct by a lawyer.
New Practice and Procedure Rules Effective July 1
Changes to the practice and procedure rules for Ohio courts, recently filed with the Ohio General Assembly, are effective as of July 1, 2024.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded more than $161,470 by Lawyers’ Fund
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection (LFCP) reimbursed $161,472.80 to 15 victims of attorney theft at its recent meeting.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Advisory Opinion on Lawyer Fee Arbitration
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued an advisory opinion clarifying the application of a rule that mandates the arbitration or mediation of fee disputes between lawyers.
Supreme Court Cuts Backlog of Judicial Assignment Requests
The time it takes for the Supreme Court of Ohio to assign a judge to a case after a local court makes a request dropped from more than 20 days in 2022 to less than one day by the end of 2023.
Filling the Communication Gap
The ongoing demand for language interpreters in courtrooms is growing, with an increased need for the number of credentialed professionals.
Funds for Technology Upgrades Awarded to Local Courts
With a new judicial center under construction in Hancock County, there was an ideal opportunity to modernize the technology used in some courtrooms. At the top of the list was replacing the antiquated systems used for recording court proceedings.
Online Tool Helps Victims Obtain Protection Orders
Victims of stalking and sexually oriented offenses have a new way to find step-by-step guidance for securing a civil protection order.
Conduct Board Announces June Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced four disciplinary cases set for hearing in June. Each case involves allegations of professional misconduct by a lawyer.
Butler County Bar Association Honors One of Its Own
In 1958, Law Day was established by President Dwight D. Eisenhower to commemorate the foundational principles of the rule of law. It serves as a reminder of the great heritage of liberty, justice, and equality under law passed down by our forefathers.
Adapting to Change Leads New Attorneys to Success
The latest class of Ohio attorneys sworn to act with integrity took their oaths Monday. The moment marked the end of their studies and the beginning of their careers in the legal profession.
Ohio Courts and Schools Help Students Get Back to Class
More than 26% of Ohio’s K-12 students miss at least one day of school out of every 10. Ohio courts are finding ways to assist schools in addressing underlying family issues and steering students back to the classroom.
2023 Annual Report Highlights the Mission of the Supreme Court of Ohio
The 2023 Annual Report of the Supreme Court of Ohio has been released. Its pages tell how the justices, attorneys and administrative staff of the court strive to meet the needs and expectations of the citizens of Ohio.
Public Comment Open: Proposed Changes to Court Rules of Practice
The Supreme Court of Ohio will accept public comments until June 7 on proposed amendments to the Rules of Practice of the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Practice and Procedure Rule Proposals Filed with General Assembly
A series of proposed changes to the practices and procedures rules for Ohio courts have been filed with the General Assembly for final consideration. Unless the General Assembly adopts a concurrent resolution of disapproval, the rules go into effect on July 1.
Conduct Board Announces May Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced four disciplinary cases set for hearing in May. Each case involves allegations of professional misconduct by a lawyer.
Ohio Board of Professional Conduct Issues Advisory Opinion on Improper Fee Agreement
The Board of Professional Conduct has issued an advisory opinion addressing the permissibility of an alternative fee arrangement under the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct.
Finding the Right Size Legal Services
The legal profession is committed to increasing access to justice by helping people resolve disputes that they cannot resolve on their own.
February Ohio Bar Exam Results Announced
The Supreme Court of Ohio has results from the February 2024 Ohio Bar Examination.
Accurate Background Checks Strengthen Public Safety
Background checks with complete information are crucial for protecting the public. The most reliable criminal records database depends on a successful collaboration among Ohio law enforcement, clerks of courts, courts, and BCI.
Jackson County Prepares for Off-Site Court
Preparations are underway in Jackson County to welcome the Supreme Court of Ohio for an official session of oral arguments in a program called Off-Site Court.
Reading and Writing Legal Briefs and Opinions Is Getting Easier
The third edition of the Supreme Court of Ohio Writing Manual is now available and promises to improve the readability of legal documents.
Conduct Board Files Attorney Discipline Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed 10 reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio, nine recommending discipline for Ohio attorneys and one recommending discipline for a sitting judge.
Applications Now Open for Money for Courts to Improve Criminal Reporting
The Ohio Attorney General is making $2.45 million in funding available to courts to help improve the system of criminal background checks and the accuracy and completeness of the state’s criminal records database.
Conduct Board Announces April Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced six disciplinary cases set for hearing in April.
Public Comment Open: Proposed Changes to CLE Requirements
The Supreme Court of Ohio has opened a 45-day period for public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio regarding continuing legal education (CLE) requirements for Ohio attorneys.
Mock Trials Give Students First Step Toward Careers in Law
High school mock trial season in Ohio has come to an end with Springfield High School taking the state title after the final round of competition at the Moyer Judicial Center.
Court Adopts Rule Amendments for Five-Judge Commissions
The Supreme Court of Ohio has adopted rule amendments regarding five-judge commissions.
Court Adopts Rule Amendments for Attorney Specialization
The Supreme Court of Ohio has adopted rule amendments to the Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio and to the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct concerning attorney specialization.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded More Than $266,000
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection recently reimbursed $266,758.17 to 17 victims of attorney theft.
Public Comment Open, Proposed Rule Changes to Court Recording
The Supreme Court of Ohio has opened a 45-day period for public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio regarding recording court proceedings.
Public Comment Open, Proposed Rule Changes to Records Retention
The Supreme Court of Ohio has opened a 45-day period for public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio regarding records retention.
Annual Civics Education Essay Contest OPEN NOW
There are three weeks left for students to enter the Civics Education Essay Contest held by the National Center for State Courts.
370 People Sit for February Bar Exam
The Supreme Court of Ohio administered the February Ohio Bar Examination to 370 prospective attorneys this week. The applicants represent 51 Ohio counties and 15 states.
Leaving Prison with the Support One Needs
The Supreme Court Reentry Taskforce is pressing ahead with recommendations regarding the challenges people face once they are released from prison.
Conduct Board Announces March Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced four March disciplinary cases involving hearings for two attorneys and two judges.
Akron Municipal Court Has a New Home
Akron Municipal Court has a new home; one that will not only accommodate its expanded docket but also will be safer for all who visit and work at the court.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Two Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has released two advisory opinions concerning in-house counsel and lawyers serving in the dual role of guardian ad litem/lawyer. Each opinion replaces an earlier opinion that analyzed the issue presented under the former Code of Professional Responsibility.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues 2023 Annual Report
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued its 2023 annual report, highlighting the disposition of 41 disciplinary cases, including two judicial misconduct cases, and continued efforts to educate Ohio judges and lawyers about their professional responsibilities.
The Art of Justice: Stories of Black Cultural Expression
High school students visited the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center to hear how art and the law are complementary. Three accomplished Ohio artists spoke to the students about how individual expression can be used to advance justice.
Conduct Board Files Attorney Discipline Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed three disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio, each recommending discipline for an Ohio attorney.
Conduct Board Announces February Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced four February disciplinary cases involving hearings for three attorneys and one judge.
Rural Attorney Program Repays Student Loans
Court administrator Kim Seitz is a one-person administrative office for Vinton County Court of Common Pleas. She spends much of her time coordinating the court’s docket with a limited number of attorneys who can take on criminal and family law cases.
Tech Grants Help Courts Improve Service, Save Money
John Kincaid has dedicated his career to safety and improving the court experience for the people of Lawrence County. A grant from the Supreme Court of Ohio is making both of those missions easier.
Bar Application Rule Changes Approved
The way prospective attorneys apply to practice law in Ohio has been streamlined, and admission for early professionals and out-of-state attorneys has been expanded.
Conduct Board Releases January Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced two January disciplinary cases involving hearings for attorneys.
Family Tradition Lights Up Holidays
For Spencer Barker, each holiday season is a chance to reflect and grow. That includes how to make the holidays more festive for the people of Licking County.
A Look Back at 2023
New leadership, significant case rulings, and initiatives on child welfare and reentry shaped the year at the Supreme Court.
Public Comment Open on Proposed Rule Changes
The Supreme Court of Ohio has opened a 45-day period for public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules of Practice and Procedure in Ohio Courts. This is the second public comment period for the proposed changes to appellate, civil, criminal, evidence, and juvenile rules.
Public Comment Requested Regarding Five-Judge Commissions
The Supreme Court of Ohio is accepting public comment on proposed amendments that would update the rules concerning election-related violations by a judicial candidate and complaints that would remove a judge from the bench.
Board of Professional Conduct Reelects Leadership for 2024
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the reelection of Judge D. Chris Cook as chair and attorney Patrick M. McLaughlin as vice-chair. Commissioners Cook and McLaughlin will serve their second, one-year terms in their respective positions beginning Jan. 1.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued two new advisory opinions that address a lawyer’s use of a lien in a fee agreement and a lawyer’s offer or acceptance of a settlement agreement that prohibits the disclosure of a public record.
Rule Change for Case Time Limits
Today, the Supreme Court of Ohio amended Sup.R. 39 of the Rules of Superintendence for Ohio Courts, providing a more accurate and transparent picture of the timely disposition of cases filed in Ohio.
Court, Community Celebrate Veterans’ Recovery
Army veteran Isam Mitchell is at his best when he’s part of a community, working with others toward a common goal. That suited him in the military and has helped in a lengthy fight for sobriety.
Conduct Board Files Attorney Discipline Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed three disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio, each recommending discipline for an Ohio attorney.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded Over $102,000
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection recently reimbursed $102,177.83 to 12 victims of attorney theft.
Courts Show Commitment to Treatment
Eugenia Adams is active in helping others through the struggles of substance use that took her 20 years to overcome. She was recently in Columbus with nearly 600 people, all of whom share the goal of sobriety with the help of treatment courts.
Community Support to Keep Veterans out of Justice System
Ohio courts are working as part of a statewide mission to prevent active and retired military members from entering and getting deeper into the criminal justice system.
Conduct Board Announces December Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced two December disciplinary cases involving hearings for attorneys.
Disciplinary System Protects Public
When Judge John Willamowski took the oath to practice law 38 years ago, he vowed to uphold the integrity of the state justice system. Over the last decade, he has helped support that promise by being part of the process that oversees attorneys and judges accused of violating the public’s trust.
Court Provides Free Legal Help for 15 Years
Sitting as a judge means serving a community. That’s why Perry County Probate and Juvenile Judge Luann Cooperrider has a program to assist people with legal issues who can’t afford a lawyer.
The Many Sacrifices That Make an Attorney
Stephanie Alisha Darville. Some know her as a friend, daughter, partner, or parent. On Monday, she was introduced to the legal community as one of 613 new Ohio lawyers.
New Options for Domestic Violence Victims
Safety is at the heart of the latest laws and online resources.
Court Expands Public Access Through Online Chat
The way people can interact with courts using technology and digital access is unlike anything Tonja Amato could have imagined when she first started as a clerk at Cuyahoga County Juvenile Court.
Conduct Board Releases November Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced three November disciplinary cases involving hearings for attorneys.
Law Licenses Suspended for Failure to Register
The Supreme Court of Ohio has suspended the state law licenses of 232 attorneys who failed to register with the Office of Attorney Services for the two years beginning Sept. 1, 2023, and ending Aug. 31, 2025.
Stay in School, Stay in the Game
Columbus City Preparatory School for Girls hosted visiting dignitaries and the kickoff of a program to encourage students to get to school every day, to “Stay in the Game”.
July Ohio Bar Exam Results Announced
The Supreme Court of Ohio has released results from the July 2023 Ohio Bar Examination.
Supreme Court Case Announcement for October 26, 2023
In In re Cases Held for State v. Hacker and State v. Simmons, the Court decided 155 cases based on an earlier opinion that found the “Reagan Tokes Law” to be constitutional.
Learning to Live Life in Recovery
When 23-year-old Ali McEwen thinks back to being a teen, “Life was good.” She has memories of spending time with her family and engaging with people at a local milkshake shop.
Off-Site Court Heads to Jefferson County
The Supreme Court of Ohio will hold oral arguments in eastern Ohio this week as part of a traveling civic education program for students.
Akron Court Transitioning to New Building
Akron Municipal Court is on the move. The court is heading from its current location inside the Harold K. Stubbs Justice Center to a new building a block away on S. Broadway St.
171 Attorneys Sanctioned for CLE Noncompliance
The Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education has sanctioned 171 attorneys for failing to comply with required continuing legal education (CLE).
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Three Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued three advisory opinions, including one new opinion that considers the payment of bonuses to nonlawyer employees. Two opinions previously issued under the former Code of Professional Responsibility have been revised.
Conduct Board Recommends Discipline for Attorneys
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed three disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio, each recommending discipline for an Ohio attorney.
Attorneys Learn What It Means to Be a Magistrate
Experienced magistrates are building confidence in the Ohio judiciary by offering guidance to the newest judicial officers about the responsibilities of representing a court and serving their community.
Judge Balances Passions of Law and Horse Racing
Morgan County Court Judge Michael Lowe handles varied responsibilities as a part-time judge with a private practice. His hobby for the last 40 years also requires him to manage a lot of different duties.
Conduct Board Announces October Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced four October disciplinary cases involving hearings for three attorneys and one judge.
Chief Justice Speaks to Ohio Judiciary in Changing Times
Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy delivered the annual State of the Judiciary address to the Ohio Judicial Conference. She spoke to over 400 judges and court leaders about the changes facing the judiciary and how they can work together to impact their communities.
Conduct Board Announces 2024 Judicial Candidate Seminar Schedule
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has announced a schedule of five judicial campaign conduct seminars for candidates seeking judicial office in 2024.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded Over $465,000
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection recently reimbursed $465,462.39 to 18 victims of attorney theft.
Funding Available for Supreme Court Experience
The Supreme Court of Ohio invites school groups to come learn about Ohio’s judicial system. The Court’s award-winning education program is now accepting applications to offset travel expenses, so more schools can take advantage of the learning experience.
Court Seeks Public Comment for Attorney Specialization Rule Changes
The Supreme Court of Ohio is accepting public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio and the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct. The amendments would revise the responsibilities of the Supreme Court and its Commission on Certification of Attorneys as Specialists.
Public Comment Open on Proposed Rule Changes
The Supreme Court of Ohio has opened a 45-day period for public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules of Practice and Procedure in Ohio Courts.
Ohio Hosts International Conference to Enhance Judicial Education
Leaders in judicial education from across the U.S. and the Caribbean gathered in Ohio to learn about new ideas and services to enhance the court experience for the people they serve.
Settlement Week Offers Faster and Less Costly Resolution to Cases
A special week devoted to resolving court cases and lessening caseloads is a tool that more Ohio courts are learning about and that can have big benefits for the public.
Roads to Justice for Rural Ohio
Three-quarters of Ohio attorneys are clustered in the state’s seven largest counties. That leaves only 25% of attorneys to locally represent people with legal needs in 81 counties. To deal with these needs, courts and legal aid groups in rural areas show flexibility and find inventive ways to assist.
Judge Finding New Solutions from Ohio Leaders
Akron Municipal Judge David Hamilton has joined a select group of leaders in Ohio.
Deadline for Attorney Registration Is Friday
Ohio attorneys have until this Friday, Sept. 1, to register for the upcoming two-year licensing cycle. After Sept. 1 there is a $100 late fee.
Guidance for Schools and Courts to Stem Truancy
As the 2023-24 school year is getting underway, education and court leaders have a new resource to help students and families overcome problems with school attendance and school participation.
Ohio Court Leaders Earn Highest Certification
Four Ohio court officials have achieved the highest level of court leadership certification.
First Amendment Inspires Student’s Award-Winning Writing
Mariam Abaza is aware of how laws can change people’s lives. It’s why she uses words to bring awareness to others, especially young adults like herself.
Ohio Board of Professional Conduct Issues Two Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued two new advisory opinions addressing a lawyer’s professional obligations under the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct.
Future Attorney Defends Disabled Rights
Anna Bulkowski has experience with the struggles of a family caring for a young person with a disability. That strife was a part of her upbringing.
Conduct Board Recommends Discipline for Attorneys
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed five disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio, each recommending discipline for an Ohio attorney.
New Resources Available to Help Child Custody and Parenting Time Cases
There are new tools available to courts to help families resolve conflicts about parenting time and the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities.
Attorney Registration Deadline Nears
Ohio attorneys have until Sept. 1, 2023, to register for the upcoming two-year licensing cycle.
Immigrant’s Relentless Pursuit to Become an Ohio Attorney
Becoming an attorney requires focus and perseverance. There are numerous obstacles a person must clear from before law school to the bar exam. Tolulope Ajifowobaje knows that difficult reality.
Longtime Leader in Criminal Justice Reform Retires
Sara Andrews has spent her career tackling challenging situations as the director of the Ohio Criminal Sentencing Commission (OCSC) and for 24 years with the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRC). Addressing and resolving issues are in her nature.
Public Comment Open for Bar Application Rule Changes
The Supreme Court of Ohio is accepting public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules for Government of the Bar of Ohio. The amendments aim to streamline and modernize the attorney application process and expand admission for early professionals and out-of-state attorneys.
Public Defense Fee Increases in Capital Cases
The rate of pay for attorneys who defend indigent clients in capital cases in Ohio will increase effective July 17, 2023.
Conduct Board Releases July Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced two July disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Justice Lends Expertise to Group Researching and Analyzing Plea Bargaining Practices
Supreme Court of Ohio Justice Michael Donnelly recently joined the newly formed Plea Bargaining Institute at its first symposium.
New Bail Law Goes Into Effect
The procedure for setting bail for a person charged with a crime is now part of state law.
New Practice and Procedure Rules Effective July 1
Changes to the practice and procedure rules for Ohio courts, recently filed with the Ohio General Assembly, are effective as of July 1, 2023.
Applications to Produce CLE Can Now Be Submitted Online
Organizations that develop continuing legal education (CLE) for Ohio attorneys can now apply online for course accreditation.
Unique Summer Camp Allows Teens to Explore Law
Ella Kirk is a high school student who looks for opportunities to explore her interests. Last summer, she picked up field hockey and became a varsity goalie.
Conduct Board Issues Four Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued four advisory opinions, including two new opinions that address the application of the Code of Judicial Conduct to mayor’s courts magistrates and a lawyer’s responsibilities when responding to a subpoena for a former client’s file.
Conduct Board Recommends Discipline for Attorneys
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed six disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Leader’s Forward Thinking Helps Courts Evolve
When William “Milt” Nuzum first became a judge in Marietta in the 1990s, he leaned on more experienced judges to share their knowledge with him. Nuzum realized the importance of judges sharing information to advance the judiciary and made it a hallmark of his more than 40-year legal career.
Supreme Court Awards Grants to 42 Local Courts for Technology Projects
This year is one that Circleville Municipal Judge Elisa Peters will never forget.
Supreme Court Welcomes New Administrative Director
Today, the Supreme Court of Ohio announced Robert W. Horner, III as administrative director of the Court.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded Over $161,000
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection recently awarded $161,937.37 to 10 victims of attorney theft.
Conduct Board Announces June Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced two June disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
New Laws Unlock Possibilities for Fresh Start
A look at the significant legislative changes that courts are implementing to the waiting periods and offenses eligible for sealing and expungement.
Former Inmate Becomes a Lawyer
Damon Davis is one of Ohio’s newest attorneys to take the oath during the May Ohio bar admissions ceremony.
Springfield Wins State Moot Court Title
Debate students at Springfield High School know how to make their case.
Reducing Court Backlogs, Restoring Lives are Priorities for Chief Justice
The justice system can improve when lawyers work with courts to reduce case backlogs and improve services for those involved in the criminal justice system, Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy told leading members of Ohio’s legal community.
Justice Urges: Listen to Others with Whom You Disagree
Justice Patrick F. Fischer received the Ohio Bar Medal, honoring those who have invested their time by taking prominent leadership roles on the bench and in the bar.
Conduct Board Schedules May Disciplinary Hearing
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced one May disciplinary hearing involving an attorney.
Court Provides Unique Learning Opportunity for Future Lawyers
For law students considering careers in the justice system, they had a unique chance to experience the state’s high court on their campus.
Statewide Reentry Task Force Announced
Today, Chief Justice Sharon L. Kennedy announced a Supreme Court of Ohio Reentry Task Force.
Practice and Procedure Rule Proposals Filed With General Assembly
A series of proposed changes to the practices and procedures rules for Ohio courts have been filed with the General Assembly for final consideration. If approved, the rules go into effect on July 1.
February Ohio Bar Exam Results Released
The Supreme Court of Ohio has released results from the February 2023 Ohio Bar Examination. There were 141 first-time test takers and 60% of them earned passing scores. A total of 358 people sat for the exam and 151 passed.
Students Experience Justice at Ohio’s Highest Level
Students from across Cincinnati got an education from the state’s highest court and a glimpse into a possible career path at the 81st session of Off-Site Court.
New Courthouse Reflects Growing Community
Medina County has a new courthouse as part of a larger makeover that improves judicial services for its residents.
Conduct Board Recommends Discipline for Attorneys, Former Judge
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed eight disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio. One report recommends an indefinite suspension for a former judge, and seven reports recommend suspensions for attorneys.
Supreme Court Releases Victim Rights, Restitution Forms
New forms are available to ensure crime victims receive and understand the protections granted to them following a comprehensive statute codifying an Ohio constitutional amendment that went into effect today.
Conduct Board Announces April Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced three April disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
On Behalf of Children: Guardians ad Litem
Courts rely on guardians ad litem to discover how cases, from truancy concerns to abuse allegations, impact a child’s life. Insights from GALs help judges and magistrates understand what’s best for a child.
Collaboration Leads to Improvements in Child Welfare
Teams from 52 Ohio counties gathered at the Supreme Court of Ohio’s Summit on Children to identify ways to increase collaboration between the courts, children services, and families. The teams included judges, child welfare workers, attorneys, guardians ad litem, and youth participants who shared their own personal stories of growing up in the foster care system.
Attorney Returns to Supreme Court as New Clerk
One of Robert Vaughn’s first jobs as a lawyer was working as case management counsel for the clerk of the Supreme Court of Ohio. Decades later, he has returned, now as the Clerk of the Court. Vaughn replaces Sandra Grosko, a one-time coworker, who retired in the fall.
Not Too Soon to Plan for Attorney Registration
This year, attorney registration opens early. Mark your calendar for June 29, 2023.
St. Edward Wins State Mock Trial Competition
St. Edward High School in Lakewood took home the gold at the 40th annual Ohio Center for Law-Related Education (OCLRE) Mock Trial State Competition.
Couple’s Quality Time Includes Helping Future Attorneys
A Fairfield County couple has devoted much of their lives to helping other people. That willingness to serve includes assisting hundreds of future Ohio attorneys every year.
Deadline Nears for Court Technology Grants
Ohio courts seeking upgrades to operations, communications, or security for 2023 have until Friday by 5 p.m. to apply for a Supreme Court of Ohio Technology Grant.
Judges Explore Ideas for Reducing Criminal Caseloads
Set the tone. Find a way. Make it a priority. Those words of advice came from Judge Michael Oster Jr. of the Butler County Common Pleas Court. He was offering suggestions for how to resolve criminal cases in six months.
Attorney Registration Fee Changes Effective July 1
Beginning in July, the biennial registration fee for Ohio attorneys will be $400.
Free Online Help for Kinship Caretakers
A new online tool is available to support Ohioans caring for children of relatives and family friends.
Young Minds in Law and Leadership
Young people bound for careers in law and justice spoke at the Supreme Court of Ohio today about the experiences that sparked their interest in a legal career, their dreams, and the determination to achieve.
Conduct Board Releases March Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced two March disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
More Than 350 People Sit for February Bar Exam
The Supreme Court of Ohio administered the February Ohio Bar Examination to 359 prospective attorneys this week. The applicants represent 43 Ohio counties and 15 states.
Teachers Learn by Seeing ‘Government in Action’
Experiencing state government up close and speaking directly with decision makers can go a long way for teachers who are shaping the next generation of Ohio voters and leaders.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued two advisory opinions that update opinions originally issued under the former Code of Judicial Conduct and the former Code of Professional Responsibility.
Court Welcomes Young Leaders in Law
The Supreme Court of Ohio will hear from past and present students of the Law and Leadership Institute during its Black History Month celebration on Feb. 28.
Current, Former Judges Among Conduct Board’s Disciplinary Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed seven disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio with three cases involving current or previous judges.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues 2022 Annual Report
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has released its 2022 annual report, highlighting the disposition of 47 disciplinary cases, including four judicial misconduct cases, and a significant expansion of education and outreach activities.
Apply Now for Funding to Upgrade Court Technology
Ohio courts in need of improvements to court operations, communications, or security can apply now for funding through the Supreme Court of Ohio’s Technology Grant program.
Tech Grants Increase Public Access, Court Service
Court administrator Wendy Roush knew the Muskingum County Domestic Relations Court needed a major upgrade to be more efficient and to make filing with the court easier. A grant from the Supreme Court of Ohio is saving the county time and money.
Chief Justice Shares Court Vision at Investiture Ceremony
Supreme Court of Ohio Chief Justice Sharon Kennedy says her new role is the “greatest honor of her life.” She celebrated that accomplishment surrounded by family, friends, and colleagues while sharing her goals for strengthening the state justice system.
Court Summit Inspires Child Welfare Reform
Lucas County Juvenile Judge Denise Cubbon knows it takes a community to help children and families in the child welfare system. That’s why she’ll be at the Supreme Court of Ohio’s upcoming Summit on Children, an event that left a lasting impression when she first attended in 2008.
Conduct Board Announces February Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced three February disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Supreme Court Helping Military Spouses Practice Law in Ohio
Lawyers married to members of the military face different challenges when following their spouse on assignments. A main concern is being licensed when moving to a new state.
Justice Deters Joins Supreme Court
Justice Joseph T. Deters has spent much of his professional career handling high-profile cases in one of the state’s biggest counties. Now, he will hear cases that have significant and lasting impact from the bench of the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Conduct Board Releases January Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced four January disciplinary hearings involving three attorneys and a former judge.
Probate Form Changes Take Effect
The Supreme Court of Ohio has updated parts of the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio that focuses on standard probate forms.
Rule Changes Standardize Parenting Coordination and Neutral Evaluation
The Supreme Court of Ohio has revised dispute resolution regulations in the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio to include neutral evaluation and parenting coordination.
Public Comment Open: Proposed Rule Changes for Practice and Procedure
The Supreme Court of Ohio is accepting public comment on proposed amendments to the rules for courts. This is the second public comment period for the proposed changes to civil, criminal, evidence, and juvenile rules.
Chief Justice O’Connor Has Given Decades of Service to Ohio
Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor’s departure from the Supreme Court of Ohio at the end of this month comes after 12 years as the elected chief justice, with 20 years of service to the Court. It’s a tenure stacked with admirable accomplishments and leadership likely to endure.
Gavel to Gavel: 2022
As December days fade, here’s a look back at major legal rulings and advances in services from the Supreme Court of Ohio in 2022.
Open for Public Comment: Unauthorized Practice of Law Regulation Changes
The Supreme Court of Ohio is accepting public comment on proposed amendments by the board that oversees the unauthorized practice of law (UPL).
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued two advisory opinions, including a new opinion that addresses the preparation of a judgment entry by a prosecutor and one updated opinion regarding the ability of an out-of-state lawyer or paralegal to conduct a deposition.
Civic Education Expands Young Minds
The Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center is a learning experience for all visitors, especially young students.
Conduct Board Elects Leadership for 2023
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the election of Lorain County Judge D. Chris Cook as chair and Cuyahoga County attorney Patrick M. McLaughlin as vice-chair.
Conduct Board Releases December Disciplinary Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed seven disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Court’s New Mural Captures Women’s Impact
The art within the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center shares the history of Ohio and the state judicial system. A new three-painting mural, “Century of Women and the Law,” is the latest addition. The mural illustrates the fight for women’s right to vote and recognizes the 13 women out of 162 total justices to serve on the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Bar Application Updates Include Changes to Mental Health Disclosure
The Supreme Court of Ohio is updating rules for prospective attorneys that removes mental health diagnosis and treatment as a specific consideration from its application process.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded Over $124,000
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection recently awarded $124,336 to 11 victims of attorney theft.
Conduct Board Announces December Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced two December disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Supreme Court Recognizes Three Employees During Ceremony
The Supreme Court of Ohio honored three employees for their professionalism and exceptional service during a ceremony attended by Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor, Chief Justice-Elect Sharon Kennedy, justices, and staff.
Chief Justice Encourages Heroes of the Future
Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor ushered in her last class of more than 600 new attorneys during the Supreme Court of Ohio’s Bar Admissions ceremonies on Nov. 14. She recognized their hard work and sacrifice, encouraging them to be heroes to the justice system.
Justice Sharon L. Kennedy Elected as Eleventh Chief Justice
Justice Sharon L. Kennedy was elected Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio Tuesday, for a term beginning on January 1, 2023. Justice Kennedy first joined the court in 2012 having been elected to fill an unexpired term. She was reelected to the court in 2014 and 2020. She becomes the second woman to serve as Chief Justice.
Teen Poll Worker Realizes Civic Purpose
A southeast Ohio teen is proof you don’t have to be 18 to make a difference on Election Day.
Hamilton County Drug Recovery Court Awarded Grant Funding
The Hamilton County Drug Treatment and Recovery Court was awarded a total of $2.7 million to be used for risk assessment and treatment to provide services to the participants, their families, and the community.
Board of Professional Conduct Announces 2023 Judicial Candidate Seminar Schedule
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the schedule of judicial campaign conduct seminars for candidates seeking judicial office in 2023.
191 Attorneys Sanctioned for CLE Noncompliance
The Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education has sanctioned 191 attorneys for failing to comply with required continuing legal education (CLE).
Conduct Board Releases November Disciplinary Hearings
The following is a schedule of cases set for hearing before the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct in November.
July Ohio Bar Exam Results Announced
The Supreme Court of Ohio has released results from the July 2022 Ohio Bar Examination.
Courts Receive $10.2 Million in Grants to Reduce Backlog
Fifty-one Ohio courts received a total of $10.2 million in grant funding to help reduce backlogs of pending court proceedings, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine announced.
Meigs County Opens New Juvenile and Probate Court
After catastrophic damage to its courtroom, the Meigs County Juvenile and Probate Court is celebrating its new permanent facility.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Four Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued four advisory opinions, including a new opinion that addresses the propriety of a judge attending a training offered by a law enforcement agency and three revised opinions previously issued under the former Code of Professional Responsibility or Code of Judicial Conduct.
Conduct Board Files October Disciplinary Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed three disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Chief Justice Envisions Innovation by Courts to Meet State’s Challenges
Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor’s retirement from the Supreme Court of Ohio is approaching, but she hopes her vision of “continuous improvement” of the justice system lives on.
Continuous Progress, Treatment Courts Among Chief Justice’s Achievements
When taking leadership of the Supreme Court of Ohio in 2011, Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor didn’t know what challenges Ohio’s judiciary would be facing, but she did have a plan on how to tackle them.
Pro Bono Work Improves Access to Justice
October marks Pro Bono Month, celebrating the lawyers who donate their time to provide legal services to those who cannot afford a lawyer. Pro bono, which means “for the public good,” provides an opportunity for lawyers to get involved in offering their time and expertise to economically disadvantaged Ohioans.
Conduct Board Releases October Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced four October disciplinary hearings involving three attorneys and a former judge.
Students Spend School Year Building Better Civic Future
Year-round, the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center serves as a place for education about the state’s judicial branch, government, and history. That includes the summer months when civic-minded teens learn how they can better their communities.
Chief Justice Delivers Her Last State of the Judiciary
Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor delivered her final State of the Judiciary address Thursday to more than 400 judges gathered at the Ohio Judicial Conference Annual Meeting in Columbus and streamed live to all Ohioans.
Grants Available for Field Trips to Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of Ohio’s award-winning civic education program, at the Thomas J. Moyer Judicial Center in Columbus, is in school tour season. Grants are available to underwrite transportation costs, so more schools can take advantage of the learning experience.
Court Seeks Comments on Proposed Changes to Rules for Civil, Criminal, and Juvenile Cases
The Supreme Court of Ohio has opened a 45-day period for public comment on proposed amendments to the rules for courts.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded Over $500,000
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection recently awarded $501,502 to 11 victims of attorney theft.
Conduct Board Releases September Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced seven September disciplinary hearings involving five attorneys and two judges.
CLE Rule Changes Means Greater Flexibility
Attorney and judicial education in Ohio will soon be more flexible and affordable.
Bar Examinee’s Foster Experience Fuels Pursuit of Change
Each Ohio Bar Examination is full of people who want to improve the legal system. For prospective attorney Laila-Rose Hudson, her passion is to reform child welfare.
Record Set in 2021 for Donated Legal Time
Thousands of attorneys across the state volunteered professional time to low-income Ohioans in need of critical legal services, according to the 2021 report by the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation.
New Tools to Modernize Courts and Resolve Legal Problems
To assist courts with efforts to adopt technology solutions, the Supreme Court of Ohio has compiled new guides for using technology, such as conducting remote hearings and drafting a court technology plan.
Court Accepting Comments on Rules of Superintendence
The Supreme Court of Ohio is now accepting public comments on the Probate Judges Association’s proposed 2022 Standard Probate Form amendments.
Revised Rules for Magistrate and Acting Judge CLE
The Supreme Court of Ohio has revised the Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio and the Rules for the Government of the Judiciary of Ohio to relocate the continuing legal education requirements for magistrates and acting judges from Gov.Bar R. X to Gov.Jud.R. IV.
Postconviction Integrity Report Released
The Task Force on Conviction Integrity and Postconviction Review has completed its work and delivered recommendations to the Supreme Court of Ohio, which released the report today.
Cryptocurrency Guidance for Attorneys
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued an advisory opinion that addresses the safeguarding of cryptocurrency by lawyers on behalf of clients or third parties.
Conduct Board Releases August Disciplinary Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed two disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Newest Veterans Court Celebrates First Graduating Class
Two years of hard work by a judge, a court, and its community was rewarded on Thursday. Lake County’s first veterans treatment court graduated its first group of former service members.
Conduct Board Announces August Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced four August disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Court Seeks Public Comment on Updates to Rules of Practice
The Supreme Court of Ohio is accepting public comments on proposed amendments to the Rules of Practice of the Supreme Court of Ohio.
CLE Credit for Attorney Poll Workers Becomes Permanent
Attorneys can earn continuing legal education (CLE) credit for serving as poll workers in elections following a rule change by the Supreme Court of Ohio.
$10M Available for Ohio Courts to Address Case Backlogs
There is money available to Ohio courts to reduce a buildup of cases due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Apply for a grant this week to fund additional resources and staffing.
Supreme Court Guiding Next Wave of Women Leaders
Leaders come from all backgrounds, and the Supreme Court of Ohio is sharing that inspirational message with female college students as part of a women’s leadership program.
Court Accepting Comments on Proposed Form to Inquire About Delays in Court Cases
A new online form is proposed to assist lawyers and parties in cases who are trying to determine the reasons for delays in local court cases. The Supreme Court of Ohio’s “Case Inquiry Request” webform is now open for public comment.
Board of Professional Conduct Releases Three Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued three advisory opinions, including a new opinion that addresses the propriety of a lawyer notarizing a client’s affidavit and an expanded opinion analyzing conflicts arising from personal, nonmarital relationships.
Court Accepting Comments on Rules for Character Investigation by Admission Committees
Two proposed changes to the rules governing the process of assessing the character and fitness of candidates for admission to the practice of law in Ohio are now open for public comment.
Conduct Board Files June Disciplinary Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed six disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded Over $138,000
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection recently awarded $138,075 to eight victims of attorney theft.
Nominate Attorney Doing Outstanding Pro Bono Work
Nominations are now open to recognize a lawyer who has provided exceptional pro bono services in Ohio.
Conduct Board Releases Dates for June Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced three June disciplinary hearings involving two attorneys and a judge.
Conduct Board May Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced three May disciplinary hearings involving two attorneys and a judge.
Upper Arlington Makes Moot Court History
For the first time, the state moot court final featured two teams from the same school.
Court Accepting Public Comment on Sentencing Data Platform
The Supreme Court of Ohio will accept public comment until June 28 on proposed amendments to the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio regarding the development of the Ohio Sentencing Data Platform (OSDP).
February Ohio Bar Exam Results Announced
The Supreme Court of Ohio has released results from the February 2022 Ohio Bar Examination.
Annual Report Reflects on Adapting During Crisis
The calendar turned from 2020 to 2021, and the pandemic from COVID-19 lingered, then accelerated.
Supreme Court Hires Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Director
Adrianne Fletcher, an administrator and professor at Case Western Reserve University, has been named the Supreme Court of Ohio’s first diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) director.
Supreme Court Headed to Fayette County
The Supreme Court of Ohio will travel to Fayette County for the first time as part of its Off-Site Court Program, which allows students and the public to learn firsthand about the judicial branch of government.
Board of Professional Conduct Releases Disciplinary Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed five disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Small-Town Students See Big Possibilities at Supreme Court
Tours of the Supreme Court of Ohio and the historic Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center are in full swing.
Free Legal Resources Available to Attorneys, Law Students
Legal professionals and aspiring attorneys in need of research assistance can turn to the Supreme Court of Ohio’s Law Library.
Millions of Dollars in Rental Assistance Money Still Available
A central Ohio court and a local organization are a model for working together to get millions of dollars to people facing eviction and landlords in a financial bind. It’s a model that may help other courts statewide.
Supreme Court Offers CLE Credit for Poll Workers
The Supreme Court of Ohio has issued an order allowing Ohio attorneys to receive continuing legal education (CLE) credit by serving as poll workers at primary election sites.
African American Tribute on Supreme Court Website
The Supreme Court of Ohio pays tribute to the contributions of African Americans to the Ohio justice system.
Nurse, Mom, Veteran Navigates Unique Journey to Bar Exam
The past two years have been a series of adjustments for law students aspiring to become attorneys. One prospective lawyer’s experiences equipped her to handle life’s hurdles.
Mediation and Dispute Resolution at Your Fingertips
With a growing number of ways to learn in the digital age, the Supreme Court of Ohio is pairing education with convenience so people can learn about dispute resolution while they’re in the car, on a walk, or any other downtime.
Guardianship Rules Changes Address Disputed Visitations and Abuse
The Supreme Court of Ohio has revised the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio regarding probate matters related to the rights and safety of people under court guardianship.
Board of Professional Conduct Files Disciplinary Recommendations
The Board of Professional Conduct has filed five disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Updated Probate Forms Available Now
The Supreme Court of Ohio has updated several standard probate forms to reflect various statutory and administrative developments within the state.
Conduct Board Announces February Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced two February disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Guide Helps Clerks Navigate Probate Matters
The Supreme Court of Ohio has published a resource to assist new and seasoned clerks with the work of probate courts.
Supreme Court Shares Steps to Fight Record Overdoses
On the heels of the state’s deadliest year of overdoses in 2020, the Supreme Court of Ohio is leading the charge for local courts.
Bar Admissions Enters Digital Age
It’s a new year and a convenient, new beginning for prospective Ohio attorneys.
Civil Legal Aid Grant Applications Open
The Supreme Court of Ohio is now accepting applications to increase access to justice for low-income Ohioans.
Supreme Court Accepting Tech Grant Applications
The Ohio Supreme Court is inviting local courts to apply for grants to upgrade technology.
Court Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Changes to Rules of Practice and Procedure
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until Feb. 21 on proposed amendments for the annual update to the Rules of Practice and Procedure for Ohio courts.
Conduct Board Details January Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced three January disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Supreme Court Names Director of Public Information Office
Lyn Tolan has been named as the director of public information for the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Appointment of Counsel in Capital Cases: Attorneys Fighting for Life
While all attorneys are entrusted by clients to protect their best interests throughout trials and appeals, none have as much at stake as those advocating for their client’s right to live.
Community Approach to Guardianship Grows Statewide
What started as an effort by one judge and one local court to help some of the most vulnerable people in its jurisdiction has evolved into a growing Ohio initiative.
Conduct Board Advises Judges on Teaching, Public Speaking
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued two advisory opinions that replace six previous opinions interpreting the former Code of Judicial Conduct.
Conduct Board Reelects Leadership for 2022
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the reelection of Lucas County attorney Patricia A. Wise as board chair and Judge D. Chris Cook from Lorain County as board vice chair.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed six disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court.
Professionalism Pillars to Shape New Lawyers
As the law profession has evolved, the concept of legal professionalism has moved forward and grown.
Ohio Jurists Featured on ‘Good Morning America’
A pioneering state appellate judge and an Ohio magistrate who serves as a Down syndrome advocate were recently recognized by a prominent national news program.
Juvenile Courts Receive Human Trafficking Protection Grants
The Ohio Supreme Court has awarded grants to two juvenile courts to help human trafficking victims.
Continuing Legal Education: Enhancing Lawyer and Judge Knowledge
As the legal landscape constantly evolves, so does the need for lawyers and judges to keep up with change.
Conduct Board Announces December Hearing
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has announced a disciplinary hearing for next week.
Court Seeks Public Comment on Dispute Resolution Rule Changes
The Ohio Supreme Court is accepting public comment on proposed changes to the Rules of Superintendence for the Courts of Ohio about dispute resolution matters involving neutral evaluation and parenting coordination.
Ohio Courts at Forefront of Child Custody Reform Project
The early successes of one Ohio court initiative to stabilize families entangled in child welfare concerns has led to the largest expansion by any state attempting similar improvements to its legal system.
Professionalism Commission: Setting Standards for Ohio’s Lawyers
In Ohio, the ethical regulation of attorneys and judges is applied through a code of conduct that serves as a foundation for practicing the law and how to treat others connected to the profession.
Nearly 600 Legal Journeys Begin at Bar Admissions Ceremony
Hundreds of the state’s newest attorneys completed their transition to licensed practitioners at the fall Ohio bar admissions ceremony on Monday.
Supreme Court Allows Guardian ad Litem Courses to Be Held Remotely
Due to the ongoing challenges caused by the pandemic, the Ohio Supreme Court has issued an administrative order that will waive requirements for guardians ad litem to be physically present for pre-service and continuing education courses through 2022.
Team Approach Seeks to Prevent Children Services Cases
A pilot project for a northeast Ohio court is showing how a community can support and stabilize families through the struggles of child custody issues – and six new pilot projects are following the lead.
Off-Site Court Provides Law Students Practical Education
The Ohio Supreme Court Off-Site Program is dedicated to educating high school students about the state’s court of last resort. But it’s also enlightening to those studying the law.
Law Licenses Suspended for Failing to Register
The Ohio Supreme Court has suspended the state law licenses of 240 attorneys who failed to register with the Office of Attorney Services for the two years beginning Sept. 1 and ending Aug. 31, 2023.
Bar Admissions to Remain Cyber Ceremony
The Ohio Supreme Court’s fall 2021 bar admissions ceremony will be virtual due to the ongoing pandemic.
November Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced five November disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and one judge.
Ohio Bar Exam Pass Rate: 73.4%
Of the 964 aspiring lawyers who sat for the latest Ohio Bar Examination, 708 – or 73.4% – passed the test, the Ohio Supreme Court announced today.
Disciplinary Counsel to Host Inaugural Trust Accounting School
The Office of Disciplinary Counsel is offering a unique seminar for attorneys on the proper handling and accounting of client funds.
CLE Commission Sanctions 146 Attorneys for Noncompliance
The Ohio Supreme Court’s Commission on Continuing Legal Education has issued sanctions for 146 attorneys who failed to comply with their CLE requirements.
New Magistrates Welcome Shared Learning Experience
Dozens of new judicial officers recently immersed themselves in days of training at the Ohio Supreme Court’s magistrates orientation.
CLE Self-Study Cap Waived for Attorneys, Judges
As the spread of COVID-19 continues to prevent in-person continuing legal education (CLE) programs across the state, the Ohio Supreme Court has temporarily lifted self-study credit limitations for lawyers and judges to fulfill their biannual requirements.
Trade Names, Judges in Documentaries among Conduct Board Advisories
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued three new advisory opinions. Two replace opinions previously issued by the board under the former Code of Professional Responsibility.
In Akron, Supreme Court to Resume Off-Site Program
After a two-year hiatus, the Ohio Supreme Court is taking its oral arguments back on the road.
Supreme Court, UC Form Sentencing Data Partnership
The paintings on the walls of the Ohio Supreme Court’s law library tell the story of the evolution of law through the ages. On Monday, state leaders marked another point in history.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Reports
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed four disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court.
October Disciplinary Hearings Listed by Conduct Board
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced five October disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Human Trafficking Court Graduates Celebrate New Beginning
On a picturesque September day at the Ohio Statehouse, seven women experienced their brightest day in years.
Former Supreme Court Counsel Passes Away
John “Jack” Dilenschneider, a prominent bankruptcy judge and attorney who also served as counsel for the Ohio Supreme Court, has died at age 89.
Chief Justice, Judge Carroll, Senator Brown Tout Eviction Relief
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor, Judge Patrick Carroll, and U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown joined forces to explain what Ohio courts can do to address the expected wave of rental evictions.
Court Officer Recalls 9/11 Rescue on 20th Anniversary
September 11, 2001, is a day that forever changed the world, especially for first responders at Ground Zero. Among them was a Marine sergeant who now serves the Ohio Supreme Court.
New Resource Advises Judges How to Help Avert Evictions
A new resource guide to help municipal and county courts connect tenants and landlords to federal emergency rental-assistance funds was released by the Ohio Supreme Court today.
Retired Ohio Judge Reflects on King Assassination Probe
Retired Cleveland Municipal Court Judge Ronald Adrine vividly remembers where he was in 1968 when he heard that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. had been slain.
Supreme Court Again Enlists Ohio Attorneys as Poll Workers
The Ohio Supreme Court has issued an order allowing Ohio attorneys to receive continuing legal education credit by serving as poll workers at general election sites on Nov. 2.
Court Adopts Out-of-State Attorney Remote Practice Rule
The Ohio Supreme Court adopted an amendment that will allow a lawyer admitted to practice in another state to provide legal services remotely from Ohio.
Court Officer Thomas, a 9/11 Hero, in New Documentary
Ohio Supreme Court staff member Jason Thomas, who rushed to the smoldering remains of the World Trade Center 20 years ago and helped save the lives of two police officers during the September 11 attacks, will be featured in a televised docuseries.
Court Revises Birth Certificate Probate Form
The Ohio Supreme Court has approved the adoption of a new standard probate form for use by those seeking to correct their birth certificate.
Conduct Board Issues Advisory Opinions to New Judges, Law Firms
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued two opinions replacing those previously issued under the former Code of Professional Responsibility and former Code of Judicial Conduct.
Chief Justice Calls for Informed Voters, Diversity in Legal Profession
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor spoke to nearly 100 viewers during a League of Women Voters of Ohio’s “Lunching with the League” event this week to answer a number of topics affecting the judiciary today.
Specialized Dockets: Perspectives Push Innovation
Few initiatives to improve the state justice system demonstrate the constant push for change the way Ohio’s specialized dockets do.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Reports, Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct announced today that it has filed five disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court.
Family First: Guide Helps Courts Implement New Child Welfare Law
A new judicial resource will assist Ohio courts as part of a national effort to limit the number of children placed into foster care.
Court Accelerates Law Clerk’s Learning Curve for Bar Exam
To many, studying for the bar exam is a full-time job. For one applicant, who doubles as a judicial law clerk, he prefers to be even busier.
Rule Change Permits Mediation for Protection Order Cases
Some neighborly disputes may now have a home outside of the courtroom.
August Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced four August disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges.
Toolkit Targets Aid to Monitor Wards, Guardians
A new resource published by the Ohio Supreme Court aims to help probate courts and people involved in guardianship cases.
Judicial College: Judges Furthering the Ohio Judiciary
Expanding knowledge and adapting to changing landscapes are essential within the judiciary. For decades, that’s been the driving force behind the Ohio Supreme Court’s Judicial College.
Public Comment Needed on Child Welfare Specialization
The Ohio Supreme Court is accepting public comment until Aug. 26 on amendments that would add “Child Welfare Law” to the fields of law subject to specialization designation in Ohio.
Pro Bono Service Increases amid Pandemic
During a year when social engagement rapidly declined, attorney willingness to help others through difficult times grew.
Deadline Aug. 6 for Elam Pro Bono Award
The input of Ohio’s legal community is requested in identifying candidates for the 2021 John and Ginny Elam Pro Bono Award.
Ohio Attorneys: Registration, Fees Due by Sept. 1
Ohio attorneys are reminded to register for the 2021-2023 biennium by Sept. 1. Online registration on the Attorney Services Portal opens July 1.
New Rules of Practice and Procedure Take Effect July 1
A series of rule changes regarding practice and procedure in Ohio’s courts take effect July 1.
New Platform Provides Path to Accessible Sentencing Data
The Ohio Criminal Sentencing Commission unveiled a new website to help courts implement a uniform sentencing entry system, which will lead to the development of a statewide criminal sentencing database.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Case Reports, Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed 10 disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Conduct Board Issues Advisories on Lawyer Advertising
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued two advisory opinions regarding lawyer advertising.
Guardians Must Report Felony, Misdemeanor Charges
The Ohio Supreme Court has adopted rules requiring guardians to report any pending felony and misdemeanor charges to the local probate court that appointed the guardianship.
Quality Hearings Toolkit Seeks Rise in Family Reunifications
Ohio courts have a new aid to develop better engagement with parents and children in child abuse, neglect, and dependency cases for the purpose of reuniting more families.
New Rule Standardizes Child Custody Evaluators
The Ohio Supreme Court has approved a new rule that provides guidelines and standards for courts and mental health professionals who evaluate child custody cases.
Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection: Righting the Wrongs
The legal profession prides itself as a standard-bearer for ethical practice. That includes self-monitoring the profession by disciplining lawyers for misconduct and aiding victims of attorney theft.
New Domestic Relations and Juvenile Forms Approved
The Ohio Supreme Court has adopted revised domestic relations and juvenile forms that were effective June 1.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded $36,000
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection recently awarded $36,000 to eight victims of attorney theft.
Supreme Court Awards $8.6 Million in Tech Grants to Local Courts
Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor announced today that 143 local court projects are receiving more than $8.6 million in this year’s technology grant funding through the Ohio Supreme Court.
June Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced five June disciplinary hearings.
Uniform Traffic Ticket Deadline Moved to Dec. 31
The Ohio Supreme Court has extended to Dec. 31, 2021 the deadline for courts to exclusively switch to a new Model Uniform Traffic Ticket.
Ohio’s Newest Attorneys Exemplify Social Changes
With just a few words, nearly 200 people’s lives changed forever.
Animal Cruelty Used as a Domestic Violence Weapon
Among the hidden tools of domestic violence perpetrators is animal cruelty.
Supreme Court Website Expands Case Searching
With the growing importance of accessibility and transparency to track cases within the state’s judicial system, the Ohio Supreme Court has simplified finding cases online that it has accepted.
Raising the Bar: Mom 8 Months Pregnant Takes, Passes Exam
Preparing for the Ohio Bar Examination is challenging enough under “normal” circumstances. Imagine doing it while raising a toddler and being several months pregnant.
Legal Representation Pilot Applications Being Accepted
The Ohio Supreme Court is now accepting grant applications to support legal representation pilot projects that deliver legal representation to families at risk of involvement or involved with the child welfare system.
National Civic Ed Award Won by Ohio Supreme Court
The Civic Education Program of the Ohio Supreme Court is the recipient of the 2021 Sandra Day O’Connor Award for the Advancement of Civics Education, the National Center for State Courts announced today.
May Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced two May disciplinary hearings.
Ohio Bar Exam Pass Rate: 54.3%
Of the 361 aspiring lawyers who sat for the latest Ohio Bar Examination, 54.3% passed the test, the Ohio Supreme Court announced today.
Conduct Board Issues Two Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued two advisory opinions regarding application of the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct.
New Law Provides Boost to Legal Aid
New legislation will funnel revenue to Ohio legal aid organizations as the pandemic continues to hamper access to justice for at-risk Ohioans.
Conduct Board Files April Disciplinary Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the filing of nine disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court.
Eviction, Foreclosure Disputes Being Handled Online
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, 17 Ohio courts will be experimenting with handling evictions, foreclosures, small claims and family cases online.
Take Pro Bono Survey, Attorneys Asked
Faced with the worst pandemic in a century and the record job loss it created, the need for attorneys to help Ohioans has never been greater.
April Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced five April disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges.
Professor’s Premonition Shepherds Examinees through Pandemic
In life, there are untimely events that cause strife and chaos, and sometimes someone unexpectedly appears to provide peace and guidance.
Court Adopts Updated Protection Order Forms
The Ohio Supreme Court announced today the adoption of new domestic violence, stalking, and juvenile protection orders that go into effect April 15.
Supreme Court Welcomes New Magistrates Virtually
Transitioning from the bar to the bench hasn’t been easy for Jennifer Marietta, a new magistrate at the Greene County Juvenile Court.
Ohio Further Expands Bail Reform
Ohio made important strides toward bail reform this month.
Character and Fitness: Review, Reinforce Reputation
Many jobs require a background check. Investigations of prospective Ohio attorneys are based on answers they provide and information gathered by the National Board of Bar Examiners.
Civic Education at Your Service: Supreme Court Virtual Tours
As the pandemic continues to prevent field trips to the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center, the Ohio Supreme Court is bringing the experience to students and teachers who can witness the venue in the safety and comfort of their homes.
Unauthorized Practice of Law Board Elects Chair, Vice Chair
The Ohio Supreme Court board that hears cases on the unauthorized practice of law will hold its first meeting of the year under new leadership.
Supreme Court Repeats CLE for Poll Service
On the heels of a successful program last November, the Ohio Supreme Court announced today that it will again offer continuing legal education credits for attorneys who serve as poll workers this May.
Sylvania Southview Wins Mock Trial Crown
The first virtual Ohio mock trial competition ended in victory for Sylvania Southview High School – its eighth state championship trophy.
Victims of Lawyer Theft Awarded $94,500
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection is awarding $94,510 to nine Ohio victims of lawyer theft.
Bar Examiners: Legal Profession Gatekeepers
Becoming an Ohio attorney is a years-long endeavor with multiple requisites, including undergraduate and law degrees.
July Bar Exam to be Conducted Remotely
The next Ohio Bar Exam – scheduled for July 27 and 28 -- will be held remotely, Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor announced today.
Black History Documentary Highlights ‘Prejudice and Progress’
In observance of Black History Month, the Ohio Supreme Court is launching the first video of a documentary series exploring racial injustice and the legal journeys of African Americans in our state.
March Disciplinary Hearings Listed by Conduct Board
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced four March disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Conduct Board: Preserving Judicial Integrity
Judges and attorneys take an oath to maintain the integrity of Ohio’s justice system, and the profession maintains a disciplinary system to address oath violations.
New Tool Helps Ohio Juvenile Judges Navigate Child Protection Disputes
Henry County Family Court Judge Denise McColley has used child protection mediation to help families resolve their differences for years.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the filing of 12 disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court.
Supreme Court Partnership First to Monitor Drug Court Participants
The Ohio Supreme Court is helping to bridge the information gap between the criminal justice system and healthcare providers as part of a landmark achievement for treating people struggling with substance use disorders.
Judges to View $100 Million in Ohio Rent Relief
Thousands of Ohioans at risk of eviction due to the coronavirus pandemic may receive much-needed assistance, with the state allocating additional federal funds to help with rent and utilities.
COVID Shift Central in Conduct Board’s 2020 Review
The disposition of dozens of cases and a sudden shift in how the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct held disciplinary hearings amid COVID-19 are at the center of its 2020 annual report.
Municipal, County Court Judges Discuss Substance Abuse, Social Media
The global pandemic has forced countless meetings and seminars to be held using remote technology and the annual municipal and county judges’ winter conference was no different.
Year 7: Tech Grant Applications Open for Local Courts
The Supreme Court of Ohio is inviting local courts to apply for grants under the Ohio Courts Technology Initiative.
February Disciplinary Hearings Listed by Conduct Board
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced five February disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Law Students Provide Hope to Human Trafficking Survivors
The issues that accompany human trafficking victims are complex to even the most seasoned legal professional. However, that’s not stopping some Ohio law students from trying to help.
Inspired by MLK, Court Member Works Toward ‘Restorative Justice’
Inspired by Martin Luther King Jr.’s devotion to social change, one court official continues to speak and act on issues that linger since the iconic activist’s rise to prominence generations ago.
Former Justice French Appointed Insurance Director
Former Ohio Supreme Court Justice Judith French will continue her decades-long course of civil service as Gov. Mike DeWine appoints her director of the Ohio Department of Insurance.
Seeking Public Comment: Specialized Dockets, Domestic Relations Forms
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment on proposed amendments for the annual update to the Rules of Practice and Procedure, including those concerning domestic relations cases.
Judicial Candidates Seminar Scheduled by Conduct Board
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced a schedule of judicial campaign conduct seminars for candidates seeking judicial office in 2021.
January Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced five January disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Attorney Discipline Recommended in 13 Cases
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed 13 disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court. Each report recommends discipline for an attorney charged with professional misconduct.
Brotherly Love: Siblings Sworn in as Attorneys
Being admitted as an attorney is an event that brings together families. For a pair of brothers who recently passed the bar exam, their loved ones will celebrate twice that joy.
Conduct Board Elects New Leadership for 2021
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the election of Lucas County attorney Patricia A. Wise as board chair and Judge D. Chris Cook of Lorain County as board vice chair.
Victims of Lawyer Theft Awarded $103,589
Twelve Ohio victims of lawyer theft will split $103,589 following a ruling by the Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection.
Clearing the Bar: Attorney-in-Waiting to Advocate for Community That Nurtured Him
What do a child and an aspiring lawyer have in common? It takes a village to raise both.
Court Approves Extending E-Filing Deadline
New amendments to the Rules of Practice approved by the Supreme Court of Ohio include moving the Court’s e-filing deadline, effective Jan. 1.
Legal Aid Groups Get Social for a Day
Year-round, few groups provide as much to at-risk individuals and communities as legal aid organizations.
Court Seeks Public Comment on Ohio Attorney Military Status
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio that would allow attorneys to provide military status upon registration.
Ohio Bar Exam Results Announced
The Ohio Supreme Court today released results from the October 2020 Ohio Bar Examination. Of the 958 aspiring lawyers who sat for the exam, 741 – or 77.4% passed the exam. This is the highest pass rate since July 2013.
Handle with CARES: Court Uses Federal Funds to Expand Community Support
Many people individually have felt the benefit of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. One Ohio court utilized some of the governmental assistance to positively impact thousands of others.
Acclaim, Awards Grow for Ohio Drug Courts Documentary
A documentary depicting the struggles and successes of Ohio drug courts earned a regional Emmy and also a Gold Telly Award, the highest honor for excellence for a film produced in the public interest.
Supreme Court Counters COVID with Innovation for Its Biggest Event
With a need more than ever for specialty courts to connect amid isolation, the Ohio Supreme Court’s biggest annual event has been converted from a two-day conference to two months of educational programming.
Court Employees Gain Recognition at Annual Awards Ceremony
The Ohio Supreme Court bestowed its highest honors to three employees during a virtual ceremony.
Different Circumstances, Same Feelings for Upcoming National Adoption Day
The COVID-19 pandemic has altered the way Ohio’s courts have operated for eight months, but one judge is making sure a life-altering day for families will remain “normal.”
Racism Forum Calls for Court Understanding
America’s criminal justice system needs to take a much closer look at racial fairness and wrongful convictions that foster feelings of judicial mistrust.
Pro Bono Attorneys Honored for Work in Extraordinary Circumstances
For many Ohioans, the coronavirus pandemic has caused unexpected hardships. Fortunately, there are plenty of legal aid volunteers stepping up to support them.
Attorneys across Ohio Help Communities and Process on Election Day
It’s arguably the most important day every four years in the United States, and Ohio lawyers were at the center of it.
Conduct Board Announces November Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced four November disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Disciplinary Counsel Debuts New Website
The Ohio Office of Disciplinary Counsel unveiled its new website, designed to be more user-friendly for the public and legal professionals.
Chief Justice Addresses Women’s Executive Leadership Seminar
Mentoring, female empowerment, and the pandemic’s effect on Ohio courts were the themes addressed during a women’s leadership seminar presented by the Supreme Court’s Judicial College.
Lawyer ‘Steps Up’ to Work Election Day Polls
There are times in life when people inevitably follow in their family’s footsteps. For one central Ohio attorney, it happened because of a pandemic.
Human Trafficking Victims Persevere through Pandemic, Celebrate Survival
The struggles of 2020 are a challenge to all. But if anyone were equipped to overcome such obstacles, it’s two women who’ve endured years of unimaginable strife to graduate this fall from an innovative specialized court docket.
CLE Commission Sanctions 298 Attorneys for Noncompliance
The Ohio Supreme Court Commission on Continuing Legal Education issued sanctions for 298 attorneys who failed to comply with their CLE requirements.
New Benchcards Guide Hearing Backlogs
In the midst of the global pandemic, the Ohio Supreme Court has issued two benchcards that will give judges guidance on dealing with hearing backlogs.
Court and Nearly 1,000 Applicants Overcome Unprecedented Obstacles for Bar Exam
The latest Ohio bar exam entered its final day today after the most challenging preparatory period in its history.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Reports
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the filing of seven disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court.
‘Second Chances’ Drug Court Film Wins Emmy Award
The documentary film “Second Chances: One Year in Ohio’s Drug Courts” that reveals an up-close look at opioid addiction in three Ohio counties won an Emmy during the 56th annual Ohio Valley Regional Emmy Awards ceremony.
Professional 'Duty' Prompts Attorney to Supreme Court Poll Worker Program
For attorneys, their profession is one of purpose, for themselves and society. This election season, those legal principles will be on display as more lawyers work at the polls.
Conduct Board Announces October Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced October disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Conviction Integrity Task Force Holds First Meeting
The new Ohio Task Force on Conviction Integrity and Postconviction Review held its first session last week.
Conviction Integrity Task Force Will Hold First Meeting
The new Ohio Task Force on Conviction Integrity and Postconviction Review will hold its inaugural session – a remote meeting -- Thursday, Sept. 17 at 10 a.m.
Chief Justice Creates Remote Technology Task Force
Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor has announced a task force to study how courts have used technology during the coronavirus pandemic.
Court Seeks Comments on New Standards for Custody Evaluators
The Ohio Supreme Court is asking for public comment until Oct. 16 on proposed amendments to the Rules of Superintendence that would establish standards for custody evaluators in domestic relations and juvenile courts.
New Bar Association Emphasizes Diversity, Inclusivity
Greater societal awareness paired with a purpose to help legal and local communities are the foundations for the state’s newest bar association.
Conduct Board Announces September Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced September disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
‘App-ropriate’ Time, Tool for Probation Innovation
With COVID-19 altering and limiting operations in the justice system, a northeast Ohio probation department is experimenting with technology to maximize its efficiency.
Court Seeks Public Comment on Midnight E-Filing
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until Oct. 5 on proposed amendments to its Rules of Practice, including moving to a midnight deadline for E-filing.
Pro Bono Financial Contributions Skyrocket
Pro bono financial contributions from attorneys to low-income Ohioans have increased significantly in the past year, according to a new interactive dashboard.
Judge, Attorneys Discuss Hard Truths about Race and Reform
With public outcry for criminal justice reform more visible these days, so are the uncomfortable stories from stakeholders in the system in an effort to bring awareness and enact change.
Conduct Board Updates Four Advisory Opinions Issued Under Former Code
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct issued four opinions to replace or modify opinions previously issued by the board under the former Code of Professional Responsibility.
Social Issues Remain as Court Building Is Repaired
Exterior repairs of the Ohio Supreme Court’s historic home were completed this week, but the issues raised by ongoing protests in America remain unresolved and troubling.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed six disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court.
Ohio Legal Help Targets Unemployment, Evictions
Since the coronavirus closed businesses and unemployment skyrocketed in March, Ohio Legal Help has assisted more than 95,000 Ohioans and the need is rising.
Remote Appearances and Oaths Extended
The Ohio Supreme Court today issued an order to continue allowing remote appearances by parties in Ohio courts and the remote administration of oaths and affirmations.
Anti-Bias Training Part of Judicial College’s Present and Past
Racial fairness has been the leading issue of protests in Ohio since the death of George Floyd in police custody four months ago. The Ohio Supreme Court’s Judicial College has made racial bias studies part of its curriculum for decades, so the renewed spotlight is bringing an extra measure of power to discussions about innate human biases.
Conduct Board Announces August Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced August disciplinary hearings involving attorneys.
Court Issues More than $725,000 in Civil Justice Grants
The Ohio Supreme Court has issued $725,088 in civil justice grants for 19 courts and court-related associations to help low-income, underserved, and disadvantaged Ohioans who need legal assistance.
Bar Exam Postponed One Month Due to Coronavirus
The Ohio Supreme Court today postponed the next Ohio Bar Exam from Sept. 10 and 11 to Oct. 5 and 6 and converted it to a remote test session due to the coronavirus crisis.
Supreme Court Offers Eviction Guidance in Pandemic
The Ohio Supreme Court has issued a report to state courts offering recommendations on handling “an expected influx of eviction filings” during the global pandemic.
Ohio Supreme Court Annual Report Cites Innovations
Innovative endeavors, new faces, and an insightful drug court documentary are highlighted in the latest annual report from the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Virtual Reality: Judicial College Conducts Conferences via Video
During normal times, the summer months mean vacation season. But in this coronavirus pandemic, the Ohio Supreme Court’s Judicial College’s workload is heating up.
Ohio Pro Bono Award Nominations Due Aug. 14
The Ohio State Bar Foundation (OSBF) will present the John and Ginny Elam Pro Bono Award at its annual meeting this year. Nominations are due Aug.14.
Dispute Resolution Videos and Podcasts Released After Conference Postponement
Mediators are known for being resourceful. When the Ohio Supreme Court’s Dispute Resolution Conference was postponed on March 10 due to coronavirus concerns, organizers April Nelson and Dr. Adonis Bolden jumped into action.
Conduct Board Announces July Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has set its hearing schedule for July.
Court Adopts Temporary Mediation Training Requirements
The Ohio Supreme Court has adopted a rule temporarily revising the requirements for mediation training in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
New Rules of Practice and Procedure To Take Effect July 1
A series of rule changes regarding practice and procedure in Ohio’s courts will take effect July 1, according to the Ohio Supreme Court.
Supreme Court Foreclosure Guide Touts Mediation, Tech
The Ohio Supreme Court’s guide on home foreclosure disputes promotes mediation and technology as major avenues where local courts can forge remedies between homeowners and lenders.
Ohio Academic’s Labors Part of U.S. Supreme Court Debate
An Ohio professor’s careerlong research about the Electoral College placed his work in the middle of recent U.S. Supreme Court oral arguments.
Conduct Board Issues Two Advisory Opinions and Withdraws Three
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued two opinions to replace opinions it previously issued under the former Code of Professional Responsibility.
Legal Aid Leads Ohioans through Difficult Times
The fear and uncertainty millions have faced during the coronavirus pandemic are familiar feelings to low-income Ohioans steeped in debt.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed eight disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court. Each report recommends discipline for an attorney charged with professional misconduct.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded More Than $19,000 from Lawyers' Fund
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection has awarded $19,000 to eight victims of attorney theft during its board meeting Friday.
Supreme Court Approves New Notarization Forms
The Ohio Supreme Court issued an order today addressing notarization requirements for certain Supreme Court forms during the current coronavirus pandemic.
June Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced June disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Uniform Bar Exam Up Next for Law School Graduates
The next time law grads sit for the test that can permit them to practice law in Ohio they will be trying to master the Uniform Bar Exam (UBE).
Pandemic Pivot Expands Dispute Resolution Offerings
Court operations during the coronavirus are all about being flexible – a principle of the Ohio Supreme Court’s Dispute Resolution Section.
Law School Graduates Can Apply for Temporary Supervised Practice
The Ohio Supreme Court today announced that recent law school graduates can apply to the Court to practice law pending admission to the bar beginning June 15.
Historic Oath: Attorneys Admitted in Online Ceremony
The Ohio Supreme Court held its first-ever remote bar admissions ceremony, swearing in the state’s newest lawyers virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Court Postpones Ohio Bar Exam
Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor, on behalf of the Court, announced today that, “Due to the ongoing public health concerns arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Supreme Court of Ohio is postponing the Ohio Bar Examination until Sept. 9-10.”
Special Occasions: Teen Shares Drug Court Graduation, Birthday Virtually
In uncertain times, such as COVID-19, those struggling with substance use issues need structure and stability to maintain sobriety.
Courts' Coronavirus Acumen Grows with Weekly Webinars
For Ohio's judiciary, the coronavirus’ chaos has been a learning curve. To help navigate the justice system during this uncertain period, the Ohio Supreme Court and its Judicial College have stepped to the forefront with more education opportunities.
Ohio Bar Admission Ceremony Goes Virtual
The Ohio Supreme Court spring 2020 Bar Admission Ceremony will become a virtual event due to the COVID-19 public emergency, with Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor presiding.
Chief Justice’s Program Funds $6 million in Technology Grants For Local Courts
Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor has authorized $6 million in remote technology grants to 277 courts in 87 counties, the Supreme Court announced today.
Ohio Bar Exam Results Announced
The Ohio Supreme Court today released results from the February 2020 Ohio Bar Examination.
Conduct Board Announces May Disciplinary Hearing
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has set its May schedule, with one hearing taking place before a three-member board.
Legal Aid Community Concerned about COVID-19 Consequences
The judicial system has slowed, and even halted in some respects, as courts contend with the impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
Court Approves New Model Uniform Traffic Ticket
The Ohio Supreme Court today approved a new Model Uniform Traffic Ticket designed to collect more information for law enforcement as well as better inform the public.
Court Enacts Deposit Waiver Form for Indigent Civil Litigants
The Ohio Supreme Court today enacted a new civil form for indigent civil litigants that can be used to waive a deposit on court costs.
Cyber Celebration: Drug Court Holds First Virtual Graduation
As millions of Ohioans isolate to combat the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), a Lorain County drug court found a unique way to recognize a woman who survived the solitude of substance use disorder.
Conduct Board Issues Advisory Opinion on Client Conduct
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued an advisory opinion outlining a lawyer’s responsibilities when a prospective client admits that he or she has previously engaged in fraudulent conduct.
April Disciplinary Hearing Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has set its April hearing schedule. The hearing will take place before a three-member panel of the board using a remote hearing platform.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed five disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court. Each report recommends discipline for an attorney charged with professional misconduct.
Tap into Array of Education Resources Offered by Supreme Court
Finding engaging, yet informative, educational materials for students can be difficult at any time. But now that schools have moved online because of the COVID-19 health crisis, teachers and parents are searching for more resources.
Judicial College Adjusts Programming Due to Coronavirus
The Ohio Supreme Court’s Judicial College, which provides legal and professional education for judges, magistrates, and court personnel, has adjusted its on-site programming due to the coronavirus crisis.
Feinberg Delivers Mediation Message despite Conference Postponement
The world’s most famous mediator has made a career out of being resourceful. As the keynote speaker for the Ohio Supreme Court’s Dispute Resolution Conference, he showed his improvisational skills after the event’s last-minute postponement.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded More Than $125,000 from Lawyers' Fund
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection has awarded $125,377.64 to 15 victims of attorney theft.
Family Foundational for Bar Examinees
Behind the buildup to every bar exam, there’s almost always a family providing encouragement to an applicant.
Conduct Board Announces March Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct announced March disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Court Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Changes to Ohio Disciplinary System
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment on proposed amendments to the Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio and the Supreme Court Rules for the Government of the Judiciary of Ohio.
Teachers Experience ‘Government in Action’
Thousands of students come to the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center every year. But the building’s most pivotal visitors are arguably teachers.
Court Makes “Access to Justice Foundation” Name Change Official
The Ohio Supreme Court has adopted amendments to the Rules of Professional Conduct to reflect an Oct. 19, 2019 legislative enactment that renamed the Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation.
Dispute Resolution Conference Pays Tribute to Former Chief Justice
The second statewide conference focusing on dispute resolution will pay tribute to the 10-year anniversary of former Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Thomas J. Moyer’s passing.
Court Hosts Ohio and Kentucky Law Deans
Ohio law school deans met with leaders of the Ohio Supreme Court, Ohio State Bar Association, Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, and the Ohio Metropolitan Bar Association Consortium to talk about key issues, including the new Uniform Bar Exam.
Court to Attorneys: Completing Survey Helps Ohioans
The Ohio Supreme Court and the state’s official access to justice entity are asking the more than 44,000 lawyers in the state to assist thousands of fellow Ohioans in need of legal aid.
Conduct Board Releases 2019 Annual Report
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued its 2019 annual report, highlighting the disposition of 69 disciplinary cases, greater efficiency in case processing, and further efforts to make attorney disciplinary proceedings more transparent.
Supreme Court Partners with OSBA to Train on Sexual Harassment Prevention
The Ohio Supreme Court teamed up with the Ohio State Bar Association (OSBA) for a second time to address the hot-button issue of sexual harassment in the work place.
Conduct Board Issues Two Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct issued two advisory opinions regarding application of the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct.
Attorneys’ 15 Minutes of Fame
For the Ohio Supreme Court justices, oral arguments are part of a routine day at the office. For the attorneys there to present cases, it’s anything but an ordinary experience.
Deadline Approaching to Register for Dispute Resolution Conference
National and state leaders who’ve used dispute resolution to solve high-profile conflicts will explore new strategies at the Ohio Supreme Court’s second statewide dispute resolution conference on March 10.
Court Adopts Amendment to Prohibit Multiple Extensions of Time
The Ohio Supreme Court has adopted an amendment to its Rules of Practice that prohibits the filing of multiple extensions of time by parties on the same side of a case.
Board of Professional Conduct Announces Three February Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the schedule for three hearings set for February. All hearings take place before a three-member panel of the Board and are open to the public.
Court and Ohio Bar Association Team Up to Prevent Sexual Harassment
The Ohio Supreme Court and the Ohio State Bar Association are partnering to sponsor a three-hour continuing legal education (CLE) program, designed for judges and attorneys.
Justice’s Musical Path Highlights Black History Month Event
The path to the Ohio Supreme Court can follow many twists and turns. For Justice Melody Stewart, it started with an interest in music theory and composition.
Chief Justice Awards Court Technology Grants to Southern Ohio Counties
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor traveled to Meigs and Jackson counties to award court technology grants.
Court Introduces Fee for Certificates of Good Standing, Amendments to the Corporate Counsel Registration Rule
The Ohio Supreme Court today announced the adoption of an amendment to the Rules for the Government of the Bar of Ohio that would add a fee to certificates of good standing.
Hundreds Unite for Ohio’s First Human Trafficking Summit
Inside the Greater Columbus Convention Center, hundreds of people recently gathered to discuss a dark issue, and bring it into the light: human trafficking.
Court Seeking Applications for Civil Justice Program to Help Ohioans in Need
The Ohio Supreme Court is accepting applications for a program aimed at improving access to justice for low-income, underserved, and disadvantaged Ohioans.
Renovation Renaissance: 150-Year-Old Courthouse’s Rebirth
After years of planning, and 11 months of renovations worth $4.2 million, the Fulton County Courthouse’s transformation to a different time, and world, is complete.
Supreme Court Issues $3.2 Million in Technology Grants to 54 Local Court Projects
Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor announced today that 54 local court projects are receiving more than $3.2 million in this year’s technology grant funding through the Ohio Supreme Court.
Court Administrators Swear-In New Officers
Court professionals from across Ohio gathered this fall for their annual three-day conference in Columbus.
New Mediation Rules Set To Take Effect January 1
The Ohio Supreme Court adopted several mediation rule changes in 2019 that take effect on January 1, including requiring courts to incorporate the state’s Uniform Mediation Act, identify the cases eligible for mediation, and address confidentiality.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues January Hearing Schedule
Seven cases are set for hearings before the Ohio Board of Professional Conduct in January.
Courthouse’s Most Wonderful Time of Year
The Guernsey County Courthouse has always been the center of attention in downtown Cambridge. Thirteen years ago, a native son made it more colorful.
Mediator for 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund to Keynote Ohio Dispute Resolution Conference
The attorney famous for delivering compensation for victims and survivors of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, will be featured as the keynote speaker at next year’s Dispute Resolution Conference.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Case Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed 13 disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court. Each report recommends discipline for an attorney charged with professional misconduct.
Registration Open for Ohio Dispute Resolution Conference
Registration is now open for a statewide conference that brings national experts to the center stage to highlight the importance of dispute resolution in solving legal disputes.
Troubleshooting Cellphone Technology in Court Cases
Smartphones are arguably the biggest technological evolution over the past generation. That change is particularly noticeable in court cases.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded Nearly $16,000 from Lawyers' Fund
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection has awarded $15,880 to five victims of attorney theft.
Leadership and Legal Lineage: Court Administrative Director’s Perfect Pairing
The Ohio Supreme Court revolves around seven justices, but beyond the bench, there are hundreds of employees in 12 divisions who provide the jurists with professional support. Fittingly, the Court’s highest-ranking officer is an Army veteran, administrative director Jeffrey Hagler.
Discussing Criminal Justice Reform: One Year after Defeat of Issue 1
Lawmakers, jurists, and other stakeholders recently met to discuss strategies on how Ohio can be on the forefront of criminal justice reform.
Guides Continue Court Education with Justice, Historian
Few people know the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center like the building’s tour guides. But for all of their insight, there’s always more information available.
Court, Community Aid Former Service Members on Heels of Veterans Day
People go to the Summit County Courthouse for a variety of reasons. In connection with Veterans Day, the common pleas court expanded upon its services as part of a community-based event to help former service members who wound up in the judicial system.
Bailiffs, Court Officers Get Handle on Guns, Crowds during Active Shooter Training
Courtrooms are supposed to be quiet and civil, but like any public space, they’ve also experienced the unexpected. So, the men and women who protect the buildings are taking added steps to ensure security.
Hundreds of New Ohio Lawyers Take Oath at Renovated Theatre
It served as a natural setting for new beginnings. The renovated Palace Theatre in downtown Columbus recently hosted more than 589 new lawyers who took the oath of office to practice law in Ohio.
Drug Court Documentary Featured at Ohio University
A powerful one-hour documentary tracing how Ohio drug courts deal with those battling addiction takes center stage Tuesday, Nov. 12, at Ohio University at 6:30 p.m.
New Lawyers Will Be Sworn In on Tuesday
A total of 629 successful bar admission applicants will participate in one of two special Court sessions Nov. 12 at the Palace Theatre in Columbus.
Attorneys’ Ohio Law Licenses Suspended for Failing to Register with Supreme Court
The Ohio Supreme Court suspended the Ohio law licenses of 264 attorneys who failed to register with the Office of Attorney Services for the biennium that began Sept. 1, 2019 and ends Aug. 31, 2021.
Forum on the Law: The Italian Who Inspired the Founding Fathers
When analyzing the foundation of legal principles in the United States, that base seemingly started with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin. But the bedrock of the American justice system didn’t originate with those revolutionaries. It started with an Italian.
Court Asks for Public Comment on Uniform Bar Exam
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until Dec. 4 on a proposed rule that will allow Ohio to begin using the National Conference of Bar Examiner’s Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) beginning in July 2020.
Supreme Court Seeks Public Comment on New, Revised Probate Forms
The Ohio Supreme Court is accepting public comments until Dec. 4 on proposed new and revised standard probate forms regarding a surviving spouse’s automobile selection and a guardian’s authorization to sell a ward’s house or property.
Hamilton County Courthouse 100 Years Old and Counting
The Hamilton County Courthouse has a prominent appearance in downtown Cincinnati. On Oct. 18, it managed to stand out even more as the historic setting celebrated its centennial.
Top Experts Headline Specialized Dockets Conference
Leading experts in drug, veteran, and mental health courts will gather at Ohio State University on Nov. 21 and Nov. 22 to share ideas on how to improve care for those who get in trouble with the law while facing drug, alcohol, and mental health problems.
Conduct Board Hosts Annual Discipline Seminar
More than 160 people involved in Ohio’s lawyer disciplinary system recently gathered for an annual training seminar in Columbus.
November Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has set its November hearings schedule.
Justice Donnelly Guides International Attorneys-Turned-Students on Road to Reform
Groups of students tour to the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center all the time. But a recent class came to do more than just document their experience. They did so to help their homelands.
July Ohio Bar Exam Results Released
The Ohio Supreme Court today released results from the July 2019 Ohio Bar Examination.
Kids Learn about State, Local Court Connections during Take Your Child to Work Day
While many state buildings are closed on Columbus Day, the Thomas J. Moyer Judicial Center remains not only operational, but also educational.
Ohio Disciplinary Counsel Dies
Scott Drexel, Ohio’s disciplinary counsel, passed away yesterday after a brief illness.
CLE Commission Sanctions 194 Attorneys for Noncompliance
The Ohio Supreme Court Commission on Continuing Legal Education issued sanctions for 194 attorneys who failed to comply with their CLE requirements.
After 100+ Foster Kids, Volunteer Provides Lifeline to Moms, Families in Recovery
In a drug court, the most visible people helping participants are a judge and their staff. But there are others who help those in need, including volunteers.
Conduct Board Issues Four Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct issued four advisory opinions regarding application of the Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct.
Supreme Court Showcases ‘Italian Inspiration’ at Forum on the Law
Cesare Beccaria, a towering figure in the Italian Enlightenment and an inspiration for the founders of the American legal system, is the subject of a Forum on the Law series lecture at the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Ohio Courts Adopting Uniform Mediation Act
Starting next year, all statewide courts that elect to use mediation will be required to incorporate into their local rule Ohio’s Uniform Mediation Act, identify cases that are eligible for mediation, and address confidentiality.
Public Comment Sought on Guardian Ad Litem Rules
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comments on proposed amendments to Rules of Superintendence 48 through 48.07 on guardians ad litem (GAL).
Public Comment Sought on Proposed Guardian Background Checks
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comments on a proposed amendment that would require all adult guardian applicants to submit an affidavit regarding pending criminal charges and convictions.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Case Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed seven new disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court. Each report recommends discipline for an attorney charged with professional misconduct.
Convict to Coach: Drug Court Graduate’s Remarkable Renaissance
A drug court judge and staff may have expertise and passion, but many specialized dockets often lack an element when relating with participants – a shared experience. Akron Municipal Court has a person with that kind of “street cred.”
Teachers and Advisers Awarded at Law and Citizenship Conference
The Ohio Center for Law-Related Education (OCLRE) recently presented its highest honors at the 29th annual Law & Citizenship Conference at the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center in Columbus.
Statewide Legal Aid Group Celebrates 25 Years, 4 Million Served
The National Veterans Memorial and Museum commemorates countless people whose mission was to serve others. Recently, the building hosted hundreds of Ohioans who do the same – not members of the military, but attorneys.
Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation Announces Name Change
The Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation, the largest funder of civil legal aid in Ohio is changing its name to the Ohio Access to Justice Foundation.
Supreme Court Approves New Disciplinary Counsel
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has appointed Joseph M. Caligiuri as disciplinary counsel for the state of Ohio.
Court Seeks Public Comment on Proposed Changes to Rules Involving Pre-Trial Criminal Release
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment on proposed amendments for the annual update to the Rules of Practice and Procedure, including those concerning pre-trial release in criminal cases and the civil discovery process.
Ohio Disciplinary Task Force Releases Final Report
A task force convened by Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor to examine the state’s disciplinary system for judicial officers and attorneys has released its final report, including a variety of recommendations to the Court aimed at improving and promoting trust in the disciplinary system.
Transportation Grants Available for Field Trips to Court
The Ohio Supreme Court is accepting applications for transportation grants to help schools offset costs to visit the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center.
Five Seminars Scheduled for 2020 Judicial Candidates
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct announced the 2020 schedule of judicial campaign conduct seminars for candidates seeking judicial office.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded More than $192,000 from Lawyers' Fund
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection has awarded $192,025 to 15 victims of attorney theft.
Court, Community Source of Hope before, during, after Drug Court Documentary
On a dreary evening in northern Ohio, people gathered to discuss the dark cloud of the drug crisis that looms over the community. But in the midst of all that gray, a rainbow emerged as a beacon of light, much like those who convened to address the epidemic.
Supreme Court Helps Launch Website to Offer Free Legal Resources for Ohioans
A new website is available to help Ohioans access the civil justice system from the tips of their fingers.
Road to Redemption: Judiciary Analyzes Crime and Punishment at ‘Shawshank’
Judges and magistrates from across Ohio visited one of the state’s most remarkable structures and the setting for one of the iconic films of the last generation: the Ohio State Reformatory (OSR).
Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation Celebrates 25th Anniversary of Helping Ohioans in Need
The Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation is celebrating 25 years of meeting the civil legal aid needs of low-income Ohioans.
September Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has set its September hearings schedule. All hearings take place before a three-member panel of the board and are open to the public.
Supreme Court Adopts New Requirements for Sign Language and Foreign Language Interpreters
The Ohio Supreme Court has announced new amendments to the Rules of Superintendence today to require American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters and foreign language interpreters to undergo legal training.
Public Comment Sought On Using Mediation in Civil Stalking Protection Orders
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comments on proposed amendments to Rule of Superintendence 16 that would allow a common pleas court to offer mediation in certain types of civil stalking protection order cases.
Public Comment Sought on Proposed Bond Schedule Rule
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comments until Oct. 25 on proposed amendments to the Rules of Superintendence that would require counties with multiple municipal or county courts to adopt a uniform bail bond schedule.
Ohio Supreme Court Debuts Unique Learning Program for Local Schools
Ohio high schools can now get a front-row seat to how the Ohio Supreme Court operates, without even visiting Columbus. The Court’s Civic Education Section recently unveiled “Under Advisement: Ohio Supreme Court Cases on Demand.”
‘Blunt, Real’ Drug Courts on Display at Documentary Screening
At the Palace Theatre in Marion, you see a charm that’s often overlooked throughout Ohio. Inside the beautiful building, you hear about an ugly truth of how drugs have stigmatized communities across the state, but also, about the good being done by those impacted by the epidemic.
New Report Shows Court, Volunteers Helped Nearly 77,000 Ohioans Reinstate Drivers’ Licenses
A program that waived or reduced fees for Ohioans with suspended drivers’ licenses saved $63 million in built-up fees during a six-month period, according to a new report.
Professional Conduct Board Issues Four Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued four advisory opinions in response to requests for advice.
Board of Professional Conduct Recommends Discipline in Eight Cases
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed eight disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio. Each report recommends discipline for an attorney charged with professional misconduct.
Grants Available for Ohio Court Technology Projects
The deadline for Ohio courts to apply for grant money through the Ohio Supreme Court’s technology initiative is less than a month away.
August Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced August disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Many Methods Part of Bar Exam Prep
In July, you typically see more birds than students around the University of Akron’s School of Law. For the few you see inside the C. Blake McDowell Law Center, most – if not all – are hard at work during the day as the biggest test of their lives is on the horizon.
Speakers Wanted for Ohio Dispute Resolution Conference
National, state, and local experts who can speak about the benefits of using mediation in solving legal disputes are needed for an upcoming statewide conference on dispute resolution.
Supreme Court Stop Part of Chinese Students’ American Immersion
Typically, students who learn about the Ohio Supreme Court are from somewhere in the state. But 25 recent visitors traveled 7,000 miles to see the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center.
Supreme Court Hires Reporter of Decisions
The Ohio Supreme Court recently voted to hire Douglas M. Nelson as its new Reporter of Decisions.
Ohio Bail Task Force Report Released
The task force convened by Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor to examine the state’s bail system today publicly released the report, including nine recommendations to the Court.
How Neil Armstrong Leaned on Law after Historic Moonwalk
Fifty years ago, there was a pulse on this planet, and out of this world. It was a moment involving a man from Wapakoneta, Ohio, whose footprint took humans to unseen heights.
Statewide Symposiums Share Best Practices on Using Medication to Fight Opioid Addiction
Faced with staggering statistics of Ohioans dying from the opioid crisis, 20 meetings kicked off recently to help criminal justice professionals learn how to safely incorporate medication assisted treatment (MAT) in drug courts.
Change to Out-of-State Attorney Admission Rule Adopted
The Ohio Supreme Court recently adopted a rule that would allow attorneys who passed another state’s bar exam to practice law in Ohio while their requests to be admitted to the Ohio bar without examination are pending.
Chief among Law Summer Campers’ Experience at Supreme Court
A group of high schoolers with an interest in law this week came to the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center to explore their legal curiosity.
Conduct Board Announces July Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has set its July hearings schedule. All hearings take place before a three-member board and are open to the public.
Amendments to Procedural Rules Take Effect
A series of rule changes regarding practice and procedure in Ohio’s courts took effect today, according to the Ohio Supreme Court.
Ohio Attorneys: Registration and Payment Due by Sept. 1
Ohio attorneys are reminded to register for the upcoming biennium by Sept. 1.
Pro Bono Efforts, Contributions up in Ohio
Pro bono contributions from attorneys to low-income Ohioans have increased across the board.
Equality Ohio Opens Free LGBTQ Legal Aid Clinic
Phones seem to be ringing constantly at Ohio’s first legal aid clinic offering free services to members of the LGBTQ community.
Conduct Board Issues Advisory Opinion on a Lawyers’ Right to Practice
The Board of Professional Conduct today issued an advisory opinion concerning restrictions on a lawyer’s right to practice law contained in settlement agreements.
Public Comment Sought on Attorney Certificates of Good Standing and Corporate Counsel Rule Amendments
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment on two proposed amendments – one that defines what “good standing” is for Ohio attorneys and also a proposed amendment on rules for out-of-state attorneys registered for corporate counsel status in Ohio.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has filed 13 disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court. Each report recommends discipline for an attorney charged with professional misconduct.
Ohio Supreme Court Releases Annual Report
New faces, notable decisions, and the first-ever statewide Dispute Resolution Conference were highlights at the Ohio Supreme Court last year, according to the Court’s newly released 2018 annual report.
Ohio State Bar Foundation Inducts New Fellows
Thirty-one new fellows were inducted to the Ohio State Bar Foundation at a ceremony yesterday at the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded More Than $14,800
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection has awarded $14,866 to seven victims of attorney theft. Six former or suspended Ohio attorneys were found to have misappropriated client funds.
Ohio Pro Bono Award Nominations Due July 10
The Ohio State Bar Foundation (OSBF) will present the John and Ginny Elam Pro Bono Award at its annual meeting this year. Nominations are due July 10.
Ohio’s Courts among Most Assertive in Addressing Mental Health Issues
Seventy years after Mental Health Awareness Month was first observed in the United States, Ohio’s courts continue to be some of the most proactive in addressing psychological issues that find their way into the judicial system.
June Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced June disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Ohio Courts Look to Higher Achievements for Veterans Courts
During a week of solemn memorials to the soldiers and sailors who died for the United States, the Ohio Supreme Court hosted a seminar about veterans who return from service, become involved in the criminal justice system, and benefit from special local courts.
Rural Courts Helping Juveniles Caught in Drug Epidemic
As Ohio’s opioid crisis continues to grow, so are the number of courts across the state addressing the issue, including the youth affected in some of the smaller communities.
Court Program Helps with Dayton Area’s Devastating Tornado Aftermath
When destructive tornadoes tore through western Ohio this week, an unlikely group jumped into action to help those who lost everything.
Constitutional Knowledge Takes Center Stage at Ohio Statehouse
Forget about summer plans. More than 200 Ohio middle school students recently hit the books to show off their knowledge of the United States Constitution.
170 Legal Minds Celebrate Start as Attorneys
After years of studying, and passing the biggest test of their lives, 170 lawyers joined the legal profession at the annual spring Ohio Bar Admissions Ceremony.
Thousands Flock to Supreme Court in Spring
Spring is arguably the most inviting time of year to simply get out and wander. For visitors to the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center, the warmer weather is just one reason why the three-month stretch is undoubtedly the building’s busiest season.
Court Approves Change to Judicial Fundraising
The Ohio Supreme Court today announced the adoption of amendments to the Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct to increase the time a judicial candidate’s campaign committee can start soliciting and receiving campaign contributions.
New Lawyers Will Be Sworn In on Monday
More than 170 new lawyers will walk across the stage at the Palace Theatre in Columbus May 13 to receive their law certificates and be admitted to practice law in Ohio.
Ohio Supreme Court Honors Employees at Annual All-Staff Event
The Ohio Supreme Court bestowed its highest honors to three employees during a packed courtroom ceremony attended by Justices and staff.
“Second Chances” Film Details Ohio Courts’ Quest to Help Drug Users Reclaim Their Lives
The work of drug courts is often a life-saving endeavor. A documentary film released today provides a gripping, up-close look at how three courts in one state – Ohio – approach the American epidemic.
Top Criminal Justice Leaders Discuss Bail Reform at Pretrial Justice Conference
Hundreds of top judges, jail, and court personnel recently gathered to discuss strategies to make justice more fair in Ohio, regardless of how much money is in a defendant’s bank account.
Perry County Court Helps Hundreds in First Rural License Reinstatement Program
After successful driver’s license reinstatement programs that impacted thousands of people in some of Ohio’s largest cities, hundreds more reaped the benefits with the first rural event in the state.
Conduct Board Announces May Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has set its May hearings schedule. All hearings take place before a three-member board and are open to the public.
Students ‘Appeal’ to Justices at State Moot Court Competition
Justices Patrick Fischer and Melody Stewart were among the panel of judges for latest state moot court championship won by Danville High School.
Summit County Juvenile Judge Helps Celebrate CASA Day
Summit County Juvenile Judge Linda Tucci Teodosio recently delivered welcome remarks to help celebrate Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Day in Akron.
Ashtabula County Students Inspired by Justices’ Work at Off-Site Court
Buses from all over Ashtabula County made their way to Geneva High School this week, as the northeast Ohio community hosted the Ohio Supreme Court’s oral arguments.
Ohio Board of Professional Conduct Issues Two Advisory Opinions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today issued advisory opinions on attorney transfer of shares in a law firm to a trust and representation of governmental clients and criminal defendants in unrelated matters by the same law firm.
Ohio Bar Exam Results Announced
The Ohio Supreme Court today released results from the February 2019 Ohio Bar Examination.
Court Accepting Comments on Expungement and Sealing Proposal
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comments on proposed amendments that would create standard forms for the sealing or expungement of court records.
Courts in the Cloud and Tech Talk Dominate Conference
Representatives from across the state came to Central Ohio to not only enhance the technology of their court operations, but make them more efficient and cost effective.
Supreme Court Issues $2.9 Million in Technology Grants to 47 Local Court Projects
Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor announced today that 47 local court projects are receiving more than $2.9 million in this year’s technology grant funding through the Ohio Supreme Court.
U.S. Army Colonel Hagler Named Administrative Director of the Supreme Court of Ohio
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor announced today the selection of U.S. Army Colonel Jeffrey C. Hagler as the Court’s next administrative director.
Deadline Extended for Ohio Lawyers to Report Pro Bono Hours
The Ohio Supreme Court has extended its deadline for state lawyers to fill out a survey about pro bono work to April 19, 2019. Attorneys who have already filled out the survey don’t need to fill it out again.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct recently filed five disciplinary-case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court. Each report recommended discipline for an attorney charged with professional misconduct.
Court, Volunteers Help Reinstate Licenses for Suspended Drivers
For many Franklin County residents, their road leads to the county court. What drives that kind of traffic is a basic necessity for millions of Ohioans: a driver’s license.
Rural Courts, Sheriffs Convene with Feds to Combat Opioids
The opioid epidemic has created a crime and treatment crisis for all kinds of American communities. But the ones that may be most affected are small and rural jurisdictions.
April Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has set its April hearings schedule.
Public Comment Sought on Proposed Change to Judicial Fundraising
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment on proposed amendments to the Ohio Code of Judicial Conduct to increase the time a judicial candidate’s campaign committee can start soliciting and receiving campaign contributions.
Courts, Child Welfare Partners Coordinate Efforts regarding Foster Care
Every year, thousands of children in Ohio are impacted by the judicial system through no fault of their own. It’s a reality that compels courts and child welfare agencies to coordinate their efforts to ensure the safety and stability of such juveniles who end up in foster care.
Court Urges Ohio Lawyers to Report Pro Bono Hours
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor is urging all state lawyers to fill out a survey about pro bono work for Ohioans who can’t afford legal services. The short survey should be completed by April 5, 2019.
Indian Hill Wins Sixth Title in 11 Years at State Mock Trial Championship
It’s been nearly 30 years since a professional team in Cincinnati has won a championship, but one Cincinnati area high school has created a dynasty over the past decade.
Ohio's Efforts to Form Opioid Pact Repeated in New England
The Ohio Supreme Court initiative that brought eight states together to fight the opioid epidemic is being replicated by the six New England states.
Public Comment Period Opens on Change to Out-of-State Attorney Admission Rule
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until April 10 on a proposed amendment that would allow attorneys who passed another state’s bar exam to practice law in Ohio while their requests to be admitted to the Ohio bar without examination are pending.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded More Than $39,500 from Lawyer’s Fund
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection has awarded $39,580 to 19 victims of attorney theft.
Ohio Supreme Court Promotes Educational Video During National Judicial Outreach Week
The Ohio Supreme Court’s Civic Education Section recently unveiled a video that explains how the state court system operates.
Family Ties: Father, Daughter Make History at Ohio Bar Exam
It’s the most critical week in a prospective attorney’s life. While everyone has a story on how they got to the Ohio bar exam, one Akron duo has a uniquely shared path.
Rules of Practice Amendments Adopted by Supreme Court Take Effect
The Ohio Supreme Court has adopted amendments to its Rules of Practice that define an official record as the electronic version.
Diversity, Youth Spark COSI CEO’s Speech at Black History Month Event
When thinking about famous scientists, there’s a stereotypical appearance. Whether it’s Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, or even Bill Nye “the Science Guy,” the general association is that science is exclusive to older, white men. But there are countless others who’ve created revolutionary inventions.
Board Announces March Disciplinary Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced March disciplinary hearings involving attorneys charged with professional misconduct.
Crew of USS Columbus Sails through Namesake City
The Ohio Supreme Court is filled with images that show how the state was built.
Teachers Experience Ohio Government in Action
Teachers from around the state visited the Supreme Court this week to hear oral arguments, tour the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center, and get an inside assessment of Ohio’s judiciary and the other two branches of government.
Regional Judicial Opioid Initiative Debuts New Website
A new year brings a new website for a first-of-its kind regional judicial effort by states to combat the opioid epidemic.
Love and Marriage: Couples Celebrate Valentine’s Day with Court Weddings
It’s one of the sweetest days of the year – whether it’s due to chocolates, flowers, or sentimental words – but for dozens of couples in Franklin County, they got a lot more this Valentine’s Day.
Two Ohio Courts Face Off in Cereal Challenge
A unique challenge between two Ohio courts is getting competitive, judging from the mounting cereal boxes raised by Barberton and Stow courts this week.
Conduct Board Issues Advisory Opinion on Clients
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued an advisory opinion concerning the representation of current or former clients in unrelated matters when the clients are directly opposed.
Leader in Science and Diversity to Take Stage for Black History Month Event
An internationally known lecturer on education, Dr. Frederic Bertley, will be featured at the Ohio Supreme Court’s annual Black History Month event Monday, Feb. 25 at 1 p.m.
Board of Professional Conduct Files Disciplinary Case Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the filing of seven disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court. Each report recommends discipline for an attorney charged with professional misconduct.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues 2018 Annual Report
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued its 2018 annual report, highlighting the disposition of 83 disciplinary cases, a 30 percent reduction in pending caseload, and continued education and outreach efforts.
Cattlemen See Court’s Deep Connection to Agriculture during Visit with Justice French
Every now and then, a tour group comes to the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center whose work also serves the public. Rarely are such visitors as connected with the building as the most recent herd.
Court Unveils Interactive Tracking Tool to Monitor Caseloads
The Ohio Supreme Court recently unveiled an interactive, real-time data dashboard for use by each trial court in the state.
Catering Company Serves Freedom to Human Trafficking Survivors
Working in a kitchen is all about consistency. For the women learning about cuisine at Freedom a la Cart, it’s about more than what’s on the menu.
Board of Professional Conduct Announces February Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has set its hearing schedule for February. All hearings take place before a three-member panel of the board and are open to the public.
Rules of Practice Amendments Adopted by Supreme Court
The Ohio Supreme Court has adopted amendments to its Rules of Practice that define an official record as the electronic version.
Schools Unveil New App Aimed at Curbing Juvenile Truancy
In an effort to help students learn to address problems that keep them from getting to school, a smartphone application, or app, has been created to incentivize attendance at school.
Human Trafficking Victims Survive Many Demons En Route to Courts, Recovery
There are many paths for those who end up in a human trafficking court. The exploitation of people – be they forced into labor or the commercial sex industry – often stems from the roots of dysfunction in a person’s life.
Department of Justice Awards Ohio with Money for Veteran Treatment Courts
The Bureau of Justice Assistance, a component of the U.S. Department of Justice, recently announced that Ohio has been selected as one of five states to receive veteran treatment court statewide strategic planning assistance.
Task Force to Examine Ohio Bail System
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor is convening a task force to review Ohio’s bail system to see if any changes should be recommended to its current construct.
Ten Years After Inception, Human Trafficking Court Continues to Reform Lives
On a weekly basis, one docket inside Franklin County Municipal Court is in session where the people in attendance aren’t seated for hearings or rulings.
Court Accepting Comments on Procedural Rules, Uniform Traffic Ticket
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until Feb. 13 on amendments to the annual update to the Ohio Rules of Practice and Procedure.
Ohio’s Courts Raise Awareness During Human Trafficking Prevention Month
A number of organizations, including the Department of Defense, have labeled it as the world’s largest growing crime, which finds its way into Ohio’s courts every day. It is human trafficking.
January Disciplinary Hearing Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conducted today announced a January disciplinary hearing involving an attorney charged with professional misconduct.
Conduct Board Certifies 16 New Cases
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has announced the certification of 16 new cases for formal disciplinary proceedings.
Courthouse Employee Spreads Holiday Cheer 7,000 Light Bulbs at a Time
For some, the season’s greetings arrive months before the holiday season. Hardin County Courthouse maintenance supervisor Richard Lawson is one of them. His starts before Halloween.
Board of Professional Conduct Elects Leadership for 2019
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the election of Judge John W. Wise as chairman and attorney Patricia A. Wise as vice-chair.
115 Years after First Flight: How Legal Battles Shaped Wrights’ Legacy
Two brothers from Ohio forever changed the history of humanity’s heights when they were the first to fly an airplane more than a century ago.
Conduct Board Files Disciplinary Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the filing of 16 disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded Money from Lawyers' Fund
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection has awarded $240,000 to 16 victims of attorney theft.
New Legislators Gain Insights on Justices’ Role in Interpreting Laws
Before Ohio’s newest legislators officially begin their terms at the Statehouse next month, they were welcomed to their new roles by a member of Ohio’s top tier in the judiciary: the Supreme Court.
New Series of Courthouse Videos to Premiere
The newest set of mini documentaries about Ohio’s 88 county courthouses begins airing Dec. 3. The series began five years ago to showcase the courthouses across the Buckeye state.
International Lawyers Study at ONU, Learn at Supreme Court to Help Reform Homelands
Even after law school and the bar exam, an attorney never stops learning about the law. Twelve lawyers from Africa, Europe, and South America are taking their education to another level in Ohio.
Mission Accomplished: Six-Year Renovation of County Courthouse Complete
After six years of time and $16 million in renovations, the Logan County Courthouse is back open for business.
Bar Admission Caps Years-Long Journeys for Almost 600 New Attorneys
Nearly 600 attorneys took their oaths and received their certificates to practice law before all seven justices at the Ohio Supreme Court’s annual fall bar admission ceremony at the Palace Theatre in Columbus.
All Corners of U.S. Represented at Domestic Violence Familiarity Training
Representatives from Guam all the way to Puerto Rico traveled to the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center to talk about the numerous elements of domestic violence that surface and how they can enhance the process in their court systems, especially for victims.
New Lawyers Will Be Sworn In on Tuesday
Nearly 600 new lawyers will walk across the stage Nov. 13 to receive their law certificates and be admitted to practice law in Ohio during two special Supreme Court sessions at the Palace Theatre in Columbus.
The repeated return of individuals into the criminal justice system has pressed Ohio courts to learn about trauma and its role in some actions that lead to legal trouble. By grasping how trauma disrupts lives, courts diminish conflicts during proceedings, curtail recidivism, and improve outcomes for the individuals and for the judicial system.
Judges Donnelly, Stewart Win Seats on Ohio Supreme Court
In a high-profile election year for state and federal races, Ohio’s judicial elections stood out for the change created with this week’s results: two newly elected Supreme Court justices, 14 defeated incumbents, and 49 attorneys who won their first judicial seats.
Justice French, Federal Appeals Judge Discuss Value of State Constitutions and Courts
A former state solicitor and current federal appeals judge has made it a career mission to raise awareness about the importance of state entities when handling or ruling on local issues. It’s a position shared by his one-time colleague: Ohio Supreme Court Justice Judith French.
First Female Ohio Supreme Court Justice Featured on Columbus Mural
Positioned on a busy corner in downtown Columbus stands a mural dedicated to historic Ohio leaders who dedicated their lives to advancing social change.
Professional Conduct Board Certifies Nine Cases
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has announced the certification of nine new cases for formal disciplinary proceedings.
Ashtabula County Drug Court Celebrates 10th Anniversary
Graduates who have successfully battled their addiction to drugs recently gathered to celebrate Ashtabula County Drug Court’s 10th anniversary.
Training Materials for Reporting Elder Abuse Available to Attorneys
Ohio attorneys now have access to a resource for understanding, identifying, and reporting elder abuse.
Volunteer Guides Honored for Service at Annual Luncheon
The Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center welcomes more than 12,000 visitors each year. It’s a feat that wouldn’t be possible without 17 people who devote their time and knowledge about the building and the state’s judicial history: volunteer tour guides.
Board of Professional Conduct Announces November Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced November disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Pro Bono Program Gets Drivers Legally Back on Road
More than 200 people lined up inside Franklin County Municipal Court looking for a way to be lawfully behind the wheel after lengthy, sometimes years-long, entanglements.
Ohio Voters to Consider More than 160 Judicial Seats in November Election
November’s general election in Ohio includes 164 judicial seats at the state, appellate, common pleas, and county court levels and nearly 240 candidates vying for those seats. Included are two openings on the Ohio Supreme Court.
Ohio Disciplinary Professionals Discuss #MeToo Movement and Its Impact
As the #MeToo movement maintains its impact across the nation, the legal experts continue to weigh in on its effect on the profession.
Ohio Bar Exam Results Announced
The Ohio Supreme Court released results today from the July 2018 Ohio Bar Examination.
Court Modifies Rule on Attorney Resignation, Retirement
The Ohio Supreme Court adopted one amendment to the Rules for the Government of the Bar involving attorney resignation and permanent retirement.
Ohio Bailiffs Train on How to Handle Drug Overdoses
Here’s a scene that says a lot about Ohio’s opioid crisis: bailiffs being trained to use naloxone.
Court Asks For Public Comment on Rules Videotaping Jurors
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until Nov. 21 on a proposed amendment that would generally prohibit filming and videotaping jurors or prospective jurors.
Justice Fischer Preaches Professionalism, Mentorship at Student to Lawyer Symposium
Supreme Court Justice Patrick Fischer was once just a face in the crowd, listening to what his peers and predecessors had to say. Now, after years of standing out in the private then public sector, others absorbed his words of wisdom at the Ohio Supreme Court’s Student to Lawyer Symposium in Columbus.
Supreme Court Accepting Grant Applications for Tech Initiatives
The Ohio Supreme Court is offering a new round of funding to courts for technology projects designed to remove barriers to the efficient and effective administration of justice.
Human Trafficking Survivor, Treatment Court Graduates Discuss Dark Details of Addiction
People with different backgrounds from different parts of the state who are bound by their criminal struggles with substance addiction came together to share their battles and triumphs during the 14th annual Ohio Supreme Court Specialized Dockets Conference.
Ohio Board of Professional Conduct Issues Advisory on Advertising Law Degrees
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued an advisory opinion concerning the advertisement by lawyers of their juris doctor degrees and other earned academic degrees and professional licenses.
Board of Professional Conduct Files Disciplinary Case Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced it has filed 10 disciplinary case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court.
Drug and Veterans Court Graduates Will Be Featured at Supreme Court Conference
Four specialized court graduates will tell their recovery stories at the Ohio Supreme Court’s Specialized Dockets Conference at Ohio State University on Oct. 11 and 12.
Court Asks for Public Comment on Proposed Amendment to Shorten Extensions of Time
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until Nov. 7, 2018 on a proposed amendment that will shorten the amount of time by which parties may agree to extend the time for filing certain documents.
Probate Court Provides Guardians Support and Resources with “Coffee and Conversation”
When people hear about guardianship, most are only familiar with an adult taking care of a juvenile or, in fewer cases, an adult legally responsible for an elder.
Board of Professional Conduct Announces October Hearings
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has set its hearing schedule for October. All hearings take place before a three-member panel of the board and are open to the public.
Partners in Justice
Magistrates accept pleas, handle hearings, conduct jury trials, and author decisions in courts throughout the state. Working with the judges who assign them to perform these duties, Ohio’s magistrates have become integral to the operation of the state’s justice system.
Chief Justice Praises Peers at Magistrates Conference, Presents Perils of Issue 1
If anyone can appreciate the unique role magistrates play in the Ohio judicial system, it’s former probate court magistrate and current Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice, Maureen O’Connor.
Teens Raising Livestock, Maturing Under Guidance of Juvenile Court
Just like most rural parts of Ohio, Clinton County can offer the comforts and conveniences of home. But sometimes, those comforts are disrupted. For at-risk children and teens, the concern is when one problem multiplies into long-term struggles.
Chief Justice Says Proposed Issue 1 Amendment ‘Disturbing,’ Calls on Judges to ‘Save Lives’ in State of the Judiciary
The Ohio Judicial Conference’s annual meeting is a time when judges can reflect on the state of Ohio’s courts. But before they can look ahead to what needs done, it helps to acknowledge what’s been done and those who’ve done it.
Grants Available for Schools to Visit Supreme Court
The application period has opened for school officials to apply for grants to help defray the transportation costs for student field trips to the Ohio Supreme Court and its Visitor Education Center.
Chief Justice to Receive Award for Judicial Excellence
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor will be honored today as this year’s recipient of the Thomas J. Moyer Award for Judicial Excellence.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded More Than $200,000 from Lawyers' Fund
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection has awarded $208,525 to 14 victims of attorney theft during its board meeting Friday in Columbus.
Cases Certified to Disciplinary Board
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has announced the certification of four new cases for formal disciplinary proceedings.
Specialized Dockets Will Take Center Stage at Supreme Court Conference
Top experts in drug, veteran, and mental health courts will gather at Ohio State University on Oct. 11 and 12 to share ideas on how to improve care for those who get in trouble with the law while facing drug, alcohol, and mental health problems.
Court Seeking Applications for Civil Justice Fund to Help Ohioans in Need
The Ohio Supreme Court is accepting applications for a program aimed at improving access to justice for low-income, underserved, and disadvantaged Ohioans.
Refugees Relish Visit to Supreme Court
People from all walks of life come to enjoy the historic halls of the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center.
Court’s Administrative Director Michael L. Buenger to Become EVP at National Center for State Courts
Michael L. Buenger, the administrative director and top non-elected officer of the Supreme Court of Ohio, is leaving in September to become Executive Vice President of Operations with the National Center for State Courts (NCSC).
Chief Justice O’Connor Cites ‘Catastrophic’ Effects if State Issue 1 Passes This Fall
Too many people in our criminal justice system are there because of substance abuse disorders. This is undeniable. We know that substance abuse disorders are a major driver in criminal justice spending. We also know that through long-term treatment and therapy, those addicted can lead law-abiding, productive lives.
Justices Among Legal Minds Connecting, Learning at Annual OSBA Convention
While Supreme Court justices hear dozens of oral arguments each year, there are numerous events and engagements outside their courtroom where they can be heard.
September Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced September disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Court Seeks Public Comment on Pre-Trial Release in Criminal Cases
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment on amendments for the annual update to the Rules of Practice and Procedure, including those concerning waiver of service and pre-trial release in criminal cases.
Justice Files
The Ohio Supreme Court has resided in several homes since it first met in 1803, including the Ohio Statehouse and its Judiciary Annex, pictured below and completed in 1901. The justices who’ve walked the Court’s halls each helped to mold the institution’s legal legacy.
Supreme Court Hosts National Conference on Criminal Sentencing Reform
Representatives of state sentencing commissions from across the nation gathered for three days in Columbus this week to share ideas and experiences about enhancing justice and ensuring fair sentencing.
Ohio Supreme Court Adopts Uniform Bar Examination
Following the unanimous recommendations of a 16-member task force appointed by Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor to study the Ohio bar exam, the Ohio Supreme Court announced today that it will join with more than 30 states and U.S. territories and begin using the National Conference of Bar Examiner’s Uniform Bar Exam (UBE) beginning in July 2020.
Pakistani Utilities Regulators Take Break from Training to Visit Supreme Court, Statehouse
Members of the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority of Pakistan (OGRA) got to see how Ohio's state government operates as guests of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) and National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners (NARUC).
Court Makes Changes on Designation or Election of Administrative Judges
The Ohio Supreme Court has adopted changes concerning the designation of an administrative judge in a multi-division municipal court.
Ohio Supreme Court Unveils Specialized Docket Interactive Map
Specialized docket courts are growing by leaps and bounds in Ohio, and now there’s a resource at the public’s fingertips to access key information about veteran, drug, and mental health courts.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Advisory Opinions Concerning Magistrate Campaign Activities and Website Names
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today issued two advisory opinions concerning the political and campaign activities of magistrates and the ethical limitations of lawyer and law firm website domain names as a form of advertising.
Some of Music’s Most Famous Lawsuits on Display
With so many songs, musical styles, and influences, it’s inevitable that some things will sound the same. The end result could be lawsuits.
Board of Professional Conduct Files Disciplinary Case Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced it has filed five disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Therapy Dog Provides Comfort to Drug Court Participants
Facing a judge can be intimidating. But in Summit County, there’s a new probation officer who provides some hand holding, at least with his paws.
August Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced August disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Supreme Court Seeks Comments on Rules Updating Domestic Violence and Civil Protection Orders
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comments until Oct. 12 on proposed changes to keep domestic violence, stalking, and juvenile protection orders current and relevant.
Bar Exam Takers Think Hard – and Positively
Ohio’s next potential crop of attorneys traveled to Wilmington for their final feat that, if successful, will allow them to practice law.
Bar None: The Hardest Exam in Any Law Student’s Life
Law school graduates, both recent and in years past, have taken countless tests over the span of two decades during their academic careers.
Courts Tech-ing It to Next Level
As people embrace technology to expand their access to information and streamline many activities, Ohio courts experiment with ways to apply these tools to benefit the public and the justice system.
Donning the Supreme Court Robe for a Day
For all of us, there's no telling where life's road will lead. That's certainly the case for any judge lucky enough to serve on the Ohio Supreme Court, even for just a day.
Court Releases Updated Probate Bench Cards
Ohio probate judges will now have updated bench cards to help them navigate legal issues that come before them.
Court Requests Public Comment to Update Mediator Qualifications
The Ohio Supreme Court asks for public comments on proposed amendments that would broaden the mediator qualifications for courts across the state.
Court Requests Public Comment to Create Alternative Dispute Resolution in Probate Courts
The Ohio Supreme Court asks for public comments on a proposed amendment that would create alternative dispute resolution (ADR) as an option in settling family matters within the state’s probate courts.
Ohio Judges and Lawyers Learn Ideas to Prevent Sexual Harassment
The heightened sense to change workplace culture and eliminate harassment that started with high-profile accusations in entertainment and politics is being addressed from the very top of Ohio’s judicial branch.
Professional Conduct Board Certifies 12 New Cases
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has announced the certification of 12 new cases for formal disciplinary proceedings.
July Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced July disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Court Asks for Public Comment on Reducing CLE Requirement Time
The Ohio Supreme Court will ask for public comment until Aug. 1 on proposed amendments to the continuing legal education rules and regulations, which include reducing Continuing Legal Education (CLE) minimum program time from 60 minutes to 30 minutes.
Practice and Procedure Rule Amendments Take Effect
A series of rule changes regarding practice and procedure in Ohio’s courts took effect July 1.
University of Dayton Statehouse Civic Scholars Perform Internships at High Court
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor recently met with a dozen University of Dayton Scholars who are serving as interns in state government.
Ohio Drug Courts Learn Best Practices
Drug court prosecutor Carrie Charles is in the bull's-eye of the opioid crisis in Ross County.
Ohio Supreme Court Releases New Annual Report
Noteworthy decisions from the bench and civic education accomplishments took center stage last year at the Ohio Supreme Court, according to the Court’s newly released annual report.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded Money from Lawyers' Fund
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection has awarded $141,440 to 22 victims of attorney theft at its most recent meeting.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Advisory Opinions on Out-of-State Lawyers and Civil Settlements
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued two advisory opinions. The first concerns out-of-state lawyers engaging in temporary transactional legal services in Ohio, and another concerns civil settlements.
Nominations Solicited for Statewide Pro Bono Award; Due July 20
The Ohio State Bar Association presents the John and Ginny Pro Elam Bono Award at its annual meeting each year.
Pro Bono Hours Reported Increases in Ohio
The number of pro bono hours provided by attorneys to low-income Ohioans has gone up.
Board of Professional Conduct Files Disciplinary Case Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced that it has filed 12 disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Court Announces Update to Court Technology Rule
The Ohio Supreme Court today announced changes to avoid delays in the implementation of local court technology rules.
Supreme Court Seeks Public Comment on Assignment of Appellate Court Cases
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until July 5 on a proposed rule that would require appellate court cases to be randomly assigned to judges of that court.
Ohio Courts Learn About Civil Justice Initiative
Ohioans deserve a civil legal process that can fairly and promptly resolve disputes, yet with runaway costs and delays, our civil justice system often fails to meet this standard.
June Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced June disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Spring Tour Surge
Spring is here, and the floodgates have opened for student tours at the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center.
President Harding’s Art Donation Finds Its Home
After months of planning, preparation, and design, a piece of treasured art donated by the family of President Warren G. Harding has a home at the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center.
Court Revises CLE Requirements and Orientation for Magistrates
The Ohio Supreme Court announced today that amendments have been adopted requiring new magistrates to complete an orientation program within a 12-month-period and making changes to Continuing Legal Education (CLE) requirements for magistrates.
Public Comment Requested for Government Conflict Resolution Services Guidelines
The Ohio Supreme Court is requesting public comment on a proposal that would outline the duties of the Government Conflict Resolution Services (GCRS) Program.
Common Good: Ohio Courts Address Defendants’ Mental Illness
Dozens of Ohio courts have set up special sessions to assist people suffering from mental illness who end up in the criminal justice system. It’s a collaborative effort in which courts join forces with treatment providers, law enforcement, and others to connect people with much-needed services such as medication, counseling, housing, and transportation.
“Dreamland” Author Visits Columbus
Crime-reporter-turned-author Sam Quinones applauds Ohio for creating drug courts and pushing for judicial reform where parts of jails could be transformed into rehabilitation centers.
New Grand Jury Video Debuts at Ohio Courts
The Ohio Supreme Court is releasing a new grand jury video and pamphlet available to all Ohio judges, courts, and schools as a way to educate potential grand jury members and the public.
Cases Certified to Disciplinary Board
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has announced the certification of 11 new cases for formal disciplinary proceedings.
Chief Justice Awards Court Technology Grants to Four Southeast Counties
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor traveled to Athens, Gallia, Lawrence, and Vinton counties last week to award court technology grants.
Ceremony Completes Transformation from Law Students to Lawyers
Nearly 200 lawyers walked the stage at the historic Ohio Theatre this week to officially start their careers as practicing lawyers.
Springfield High School Wins 2018 Ohio Moot Court Competition
The best-of-the-best competitors faced off at the third annual high school moot court competition on Friday, May 4 at the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center.
New Lawyers Will Be Sworn in on Monday
Nearly 200 new lawyers will walk across the stage May 7 to receive their law certificates and be admitted to practice law in Ohio during a special Supreme Court session at the Ohio Theatre in Columbus.
Driverless Cars in the Fast Lane: The Legal Questions
The big auto companies are speeding up testing to get driverless cars on American roads.
Ohio Board of Professional Conduct Issues Advisory Opinion Concerning Representation of Organizations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today issued an advisory opinion concerning a lawyer’s responsibilities when representing a client-organization.
Renick Appointed Ohio Court of Claims Clerk
Ohio Supreme Court justices have approved the appointment of Anderson M. Renick as the new clerk of the Ohio Court of Claims.
May Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced May disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Ohio Supreme Court Addresses Child Welfare Safety
The Ohio Supreme Court’s Children and Families Section invited judges, prosecutors, child welfare agencies, and experts to a recent forum to try to improve collaboration in child welfare cases.
195 Pass the February Bar Exam
The Ohio Supreme Court today released the results of the February 2018 Ohio Bar Examination, which was administered in Columbus on Feb. 27-March 1.
Ohio Supreme Court’s Judicial & Education Services Division Receives 2018 Jury Award of Excellence
The Ohio Supreme Court’s Judicial & Education Services Division was the recipient of the 2018 Award of Excellence from the Ohio Jury Management Association (OJMA).
Ohio Students Try Murder Case in Annual Mock Trial Showcase
Dressed in period costumes, nearly 450 Ohio middle school students filled the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center for the annual mock trial showcase.
Making Peace Outside the Courtroom
The roots of dispute resolution within the Ohio court system run deep. Its creation has allowed big and small cases to be settled peacefully without stepping foot inside a courtroom.
Board of Professional Conduct Files Disciplinary Case Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced it has filed 10 disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Putnam County Students Watch Justices in Action at Off-Site Court
Hundreds of Putnam County students watched the 75th edition of Ohio Supreme Court oral arguments when the Court’s Off-Site program visited Ottawa.
Ohio Supreme Court Celebrates Library Week
The Ohio Supreme Court joins libraries nationwide in celebrating the many ways libraries lead their communities through programs and expertise.
Ohio Judicial Conference Examines Science & the Law
Vassar College Professor and neuroscientist Abigail Baird told a roomful of Ohio judges how science can explain why teenagers end up in trouble — and in the Ohio court system.
April Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced April disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Public Comment Requested for Proposed Change to Non-Judicial “Candidate” Definition
The Ohio Supreme Court is requesting public comment on a proposal that would create a definition of “candidate” for non-judicial elective office in Ohio. The proposed change seeks to clarify when a judge seeking a non-judicial office must resign from the bench.
Late CLE Compliance Deadline for A-L Attorneys on April 2
Ohio Attorneys who are out of compliance with their continuing legal education (CLE) requirements for the compliance period ending Dec. 31, 2017 must complete their hours by April 2.
Summit Focuses on Protecting Children in Domestic Violence Cases
A consortium of state agencies gathered at a local conference aimed at helping end the cycle of domestic abuse for Ohio children.
Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded Money from Lawyers' Fund
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection has awarded $80,354 to 25 victims of attorney theft.
Ohio Supreme Court Heads to Putnam County for Off-Site Court
The Ohio Supreme Court will travel to Putnam County on April 11 as part of its Off-Site Court Program, where justices hear arguments outside of Columbus to educate Ohio students and the public about the judicial branch of government.
Inaugural Dispute Resolution Conference Debuts in Columbus
Four hundred mediators, lawyers, and judges gathered in Columbus this week to participate in the Ohio Supreme Court’s first-ever statewide Dispute Resolution Conference.
Tucked-Away Treasures
Three Supreme Court books, each more than a century old, were discovered recently at the Ohio Statehouse. Take a look inside these priceless volumes for a glimpse into a bit of Court history.
Ohio’s 2018 Mock Trial Champions
Sylvania Southview High School took home the trophy March 10 at the Ohio High School Mock Trial State Finals.
Court Asks For Public Comment on Attorney Resignation, Retirement Rules
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until April 11 on two proposed amendments to the Rules for the Government of the Bar.
Making the Case for Medication to Fight Opioid Addiction
As the opioid crisis spins out of control in Ohio, local courts and mental health agencies came together at the State Library of Ohio to train criminal justice professionals on how to safely incorporate medication assisted treatment in drug courts.
Juvenile Court Partners Meet to Improve Efficiency
When Christopher Loos was a kid in foster care, he used to rap – or converse – regularly with court and children’s services staff. Now 20 and on his own, he performs rap – the musical variety – and recently showed his talents to the staffers from his youth.
BPC Certifies New Disciplinary Cases
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the certification of 13 new cases for formal disciplinary proceedings.
Franklin County to Legal Community: Use Up-to-Date Forms
Submitting the correct forms to courts is a critical step in the legal process. The Franklin County Clerk of Courts has noticed that some electronic filings made to the county’s courts are on outdated forms. Using the wrong form generates a “not approved” message and requires refiling.
Hundreds Await Results after Taking Ohio Bar Exam This Week
More than 360 aspiring attorneys were in Wilmington this week to take the February 2018 Ohio bar examination, administered by the Ohio Supreme Court. The three-day exam began Feb. 27.
Former OSU Football Star Speaks at Ohio Supreme Court’s Black History Month Event
The theme of redemption was at the heart of a speech delivered by former Ohio State football great Maurice Clarett, the keynote speaker at the Ohio Supreme Court’s Black History Month event.
In Depth: A Life in Law
The paths into the legal profession are many. In honor of Black History Month, several African-American attorneys and judges shared their inspirations and talked about life in the law.
March Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced March disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Supreme Court Releases New Resource for Juvenile Court Clerks
To support Ohio’s 88 juvenile courts, the Ohio Supreme Court today released a new guide for juvenile court clerks.
Ohio Team Addressing Opioid Epidemic Continues Work
The Ohio team within a regional group addressing the opioid crisis met last week to identify state programs that target the crisis and gaps where more help may be needed.
Court Announces Black History Month Speaker
The Ohio Supreme Court will welcome former Ohio State University football star Maurice Clarett as its speaker at the annual Black History Month celebration Feb. 26, 2018.
Chief Justice Welcomes Teachers to Government in Action Forum
Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor welcomed 30 government and history teachers from around the state to the Thomas. J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center.
Deadline Nearing to Register for Dispute Resolution Conference
National and state experts will share new ideas for using dispute resolution in courts at the Ohio Supreme Court’s first statewide dispute resolution conference on March 13. The deadline to register is Feb. 27.
Board of Professional Conduct Files Disciplinary Case Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced it has filed 12 disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Ohio Board of Professional Conduct Releases 2017 Annual Report
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued its 2017 annual report, highlighting the disposition of 75 disciplinary cases, a new Web presence, and the availability of an online docket that includes access to disciplinary case documents.
Court Accepting Comments on Proposed Amendments Involving Administrative Judges
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until March 14 on proposed amendments concerning the designation or election of an administrative judge in a multi-division municipal court.
February Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced February disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
Chief Justice Addresses Opioid Epidemic at Nevada Conference
With an average of 12 Ohioans dying each day of drug overdoses, Ohio Supreme Court Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor addressed the Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ) in Henderson, Nevada, this week to talk about the fight from a legal perspective.
UPL Board Elects Chair and Vice Chair
The Ohio Supreme Court board that investigates the unauthorized practice of law has elected its 2018 leadership.
Bench Card Offers Guidance on Human Trafficking Cases
The Ohio Supreme Court announced today the availability of a bench card to strengthen the response of courts to recognize the intersection between human trafficking, domestic violence, and sexual violence.
Court Accepting Comments on Rules of Practice and Procedure
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until Feb. 14 on amendments to the annual update to the Ohio Rules of Practice and Procedure.
January Disciplinary Hearings Announced
The Ohio Board of Professional Conducted today announced January disciplinary hearings involving attorneys and judges charged with professional misconduct.
BPC Certifies New Disciplinary Cases
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the certification of 16 new cases for formal disciplinary proceedings.
New Magistrate Rules Set To Take Effect January 1
The Ohio Supreme Court adopted two rule changes in 2017 affecting the appointment of magistrates for courts.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Ethics Guides on Law-Practice Transitions
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has issued two new ethics guides to assist the bar and bench with issues commonly faced when changing law firms or leaving the practice of law when becoming a judge.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Advisory Opinion on Judges in Parades
The Board of Professional Conduct issued an advisory opinion concerning the permissibility of judges appearing in community parades.
Attorneys Asked to Document Their Pro Bono Work
Ohio attorneys in active, corporate, or emeritus status will be contacted in early January by the Ohio Supreme Court to voluntarily report their 2017 pro bono activities.
CLE Commission Sanctions 159 Attorneys for Noncompliance
The Ohio Supreme Court Commission on Continuing Legal Education issued sanctions for 159 attorneys who failed to comply with their CLE requirements.
Board of Professional Conduct Re-Elects Leadership for 2018
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct announced the reelection of board Chairman David L. Dingwell and Vice Chairman Sanford E. Watson to serve in their positions again in 2018.
Board of Professional Conduct Recommends Discipline for 12 Attorneys
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct recently filed 14 disciplinary-case reports with the Ohio Supreme Court, including 12 reports recommending discipline for attorneys charged with professional misconduct.
Higher Cred: Ohio's Court Management Program
Courts are mirrors that reflect the pressing issues society is facing – from the struggles of today’s juveniles and families to the escalation in human trafficking and people addicted to opioids. The need for court employees well-versed in efficient, modern court operations, and able to adapt to ever-changing obligations, is critical for a responsive judicial system that can ensure justice.
Former Judge Who Mediated NFL Settlement in Concussion Cases to Keynote Ohio Dispute Resolution Conference
A former district court judge and U.S. attorney made headlines a few years ago when he served as the court-appointed mediator in a settlement between the NFL and 4,500 retired players over alleged concussion-related brain injuries.
31 Victims of Attorney Theft Reimbursed Nearly $200,000
Nearly $200,000 was awarded to 31 victims of attorney theft, following a vote of the Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection on Dec. 1.
New Series of Courthouse Videos Premieres
The newest set of mini documentaries about Ohio’s 88 county courthouses begins airing Dec. 4.
Board of Professional Conduct Schedules Two Disciplinary Hearings for December
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced December disciplinary hearings involving attorneys charged with professional misconduct.
New Court Videos Hope to Help Foster Children Seek Self-Sufficiency
Ohio will soon have a new program to help foster children, who have aged out of the foster care system get the resources they need.
Thirteen Disciplinary Cases Set by BPC
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the certification of 13 new cases for formal disciplinary proceedings.
Ohio Court Professionals Complete Executive Training Program
With 37 more court professionals achieving national certification this week, Ohio now employs nearly 300 Certified Court Managers working in courts statewide.
Chief Justice Issues Statement
Chief Justice Maureen O’Connor of the Supreme Court of Ohio issued this statement today: “I condemn in no uncertain terms Justice O’Neill’s Facebook post. No words can convey my shock.This gross disrespect for women shakes the public’s confidence in the integrity of the judiciary.”
Grants Available for Local Courts to Implement Technology Projects
Ohio courts may now apply for a new round of grants from the Ohio Supreme Court for technology projects designed to remove barriers to the efficient and effective administration of justice.
Bar Admission Ceremonies Feature 600 Participating New Attorneys
Nearly 600 attorneys were admitted to practice law in Ohio during two bar ceremonies at the historic Ohio Theatre.
More than 600 New Attorneys to Join the Practice of Law
The justices of the Ohio Supreme Court will welcome more than 600 new attorneys to the state’s legal profession during two ceremonies in Columbus on Monday, Nov. 13.
Pakistani and Indian Visitors Tour Ohio Supreme Court
Members of the Legislative Fellows Program, sponsored by the U.S. State Department, visited Ohio state government recently as guests of the local International Visitors Council.
Client Protection Fund Releases Figures for Lawyer Theft
The Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection in Ohio awarded $841,226.87 for 158 claims of attorney theft, according to the fund’s annual report for fiscal year 2017 released today.
Ohio Legal Assistance Foundation Celebrates Legal Aid Day
The Ohio Capitol Rotunda was the setting for 60 volunteers and legal aid staffers to pay tribute to Legal Aid Day.
Attorneys’ Ohio Law Licenses Suspended for Failing to Register with Supreme Court
The Ohio Supreme Court on Nov. 1 suspended the Ohio law licenses of 191 attorneys who failed to register with the Office of Attorney Services for the biennium that began Sept 1, 2017 and ends Aug. 31, 2019.
Attorney Services Fund Annual Report Released
Nearly $9 million in fees collected from lawyers, including registration fees, supported attorney services programs in Ohio during the last fiscal year.
Professionals Statewide Discuss Ways to Operate Ohio’s Specialized Dockets
Judges, court staff, probation officers, counselors and other treatment providers gathered at the Ohio State University student union to exchange ideas at the Ohio Specialized Dockets Conference.
Ohio Board of Professional Conduct Releases November Hearing Schedule
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today released its November schedule of cases set for hearings. All hearings take place before a three-member panel of the Board and are open to the public.
664 Pass the July Bar Exam
The Ohio Supreme Court today released the results of the July 2017 Ohio Bar Examination, which was administered in Columbus on July 25-27.
American Bar Association Offers Free CLE Webinars to Attorneys Helping Disaster Victims
Disaster victims ravaged by recent storms are desperate for legal services and the American Bar Association is offering attorneys training to help in the recovery efforts.
Court Accepting Comments on Procedure Rules
The Ohio Supreme Court will accept public comment until Nov. 22 on amendments to the annual update to the Rules of Practice and Procedure, including those concerning grand juries.
Off-Site Court Marks 30th Anniversary in Marietta
It was a special homecoming for the Ohio Supreme Court this week.
Board of Professional Conduct Issues Self-Help Legal Clinic Advisory
The Board of Professional Conduct today issued an advisory opinion concerning court- established, self-help legal clinics.
Robes on the Road
The Ohio Supreme Court didn’t step tentatively into its Off-Site Court Program. At launch, the Court scheduled seven sessions in 18 months outside of its Columbus courtroom. That bold start began in 1987 – 30 years ago this October – and was spearheaded by the late Chief Justice Thomas J. Moyer.
Board of Professional Conduct Files Disciplinary Case Reports and Recommendations
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced it has filed seven disciplinary case reports with the Supreme Court of Ohio.
Judicial Voter Website Offers Profiles of Municipal Judge Candidates
Ohio voters can use Judicial Votes Count, the state’s only nonpartisan, statewide judicial election resource, to learn more about municipal court candidates before casting their ballots in the November general election.
New Civic Ed Resources Debut at the Ohio Supreme Court
Teachers have a new resource for educating students about the judicial branch of government, thanks to new materials from the Ohio Supreme Court.
Eight-State Regional Judicial Opioid Initiative Receives $1 Million Federal Grant
A first-of-its-kind regional judicial effort by states to combat the opioid epidemic is receiving a $1 million federal grant from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance.
October Hearing Schedule Set by Board of Professional Conduct
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct has set its October hearings schedule.
Justices Honor Civic Education Volunteers
Fourteen volunteers were honored at the Thomas J. Moyer Ohio Judicial Center for their service giving tours to hundreds of visitors each year.
Board Announces 2018 Judicial Candidate Seminar Schedule
The Ohio Board of Professional Conduct today announced the 2018 schedule of seminars for judicial candidates. The 2018 schedule includes three live seminars and three video replays.
Board of Tax Appeals Procedure Revised
The procedure for appealing Board of Tax Appeals (BTA) decisions will change due to recently enacted legislation.
Ohio Schools Vie for Transportation Grants
The countdown is on for Ohio Schools to apply for transportation grants to pay for bus tours to and from the Ohio Supreme Court.
29 Victims of Attorney Theft Awarded more than $228,000
The Board of Commissioners of the Lawyers’ Fund for Client Protection awarded $228,100 to 29 victims of attorney theft at its September meeting in Columbus.
Public Records Reboot
Last September, legislation took effect that launched a new way for people who think they’ve been wrongfully denied a public record to challenge their lack of access.
Grants Available for Schools to Visit Supreme Court
The application period is open for teachers or school administrators to apply for grants to help defray the transportation costs for their students to visit the Supreme Court and its Visitor Education Center.
Retired Judge and Dispute Resolution Program Recognized at Judicial Conference
Former Wood County Judge Charles Kurfess received the 2017 Thomas J. Moyer Award for Judicial Excellence last week during the two-day meeting of the Ohio Judicial Conference in Columbus.
New Toolkits Help Juvenile Courts’ Work with Children & Families
Two new resource toolkits intended to help juvenile courts assess current practices were released today by the Ohio Supreme Court’s Children & Families Section.