2024 Juvenile Court Technical Assistance Grant Opportunity
The Supreme Court of Ohio, Office of Children and Families, is awarding up to two grants for technical assistance from the Robert F. Kennedy National Resource Center for Juvenile Justice (RFK). This grant will provide intensive technical assistance and consultation toward the development of a coordinated and integrated child welfare and juvenile justice system that enhances the service provision and outcomes for dual status youth.
The application must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 13, 2024.
All Ohio Juvenile Courts are eligible to apply to be one of the competitively selected project sites to receive this technical assistance.
Request for Applications
Please read the Request for Applications thoroughly as it details the requirements for all applicants and updates to this year’s program.
The application must be submitted via email to CFC@sc.ohio.gov by the deadline. Please include “DUAL STATUS” in the subject line. Late applications will not be accepted.
Sample Grant Agreement
The Court’s sample grant award agreement contains detailed information on the requirements for awardees, who will be asked to agree to its terms.
All payments to RFK National Resource Center will be handled by the Supreme Court of Ohio. These funds are offered through a federal grant from the Department of Health and Human Services under the provisions of the Court Improvement Program (CIP), managed by the Children and Families Section, for the purpose of removing barriers to efficient and effective administration of justice for children and families involved in the child welfare system.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Linda Topping from the Office of Children and Families at the Supreme Court of Ohio at Linda.Topping@sc.ohio.gov.
Contact Information
Supreme Court of Ohio
65 South Front Street
Columbus, Ohio 43215-3731
Grant Administrator:
Mallory Geib